and then there was darkness::3

105 9 1

Sitting on my bed, I hear a honk from outside my window.

I furrow my brows, but they instantly widen as I realise who it'll be.

I hop the short distance from my bed over to my window, boosting it up as I look down at the trio in the black range rover.

I can see two long, tanned, strong arms and hands gripping the wheel casually. I know it'll be Jason driving when Penny pokes her head out of the back window, grinning up at me, "Come on, Lauren!" She calls, "Hurry up!"

A smile falls onto my face as I look up at the sky. It's darkening...

I admit to myself that I'm dying to go and lean back in the window, jamming it closed.

I'd even chosen a nice outfit to wear in high hopes of impressing Jason.

Although when I say high hopes, they're very high...

I'd chosen something casual, noting how casual Penny's outfit had been at breakfast and how it had impressed him. A pair of cut off at the knees jeans with subtle tears in the front, a cream, brown and grey shirt, a grey and white cardigan and a pair of white strappy sandals.

Perfect. I quickly pin back my fringe, the rest of my hair hanging around my shoulders, slightly curled.

I spray myself quickly with a mist of Playboy perfume and hurry down the stairs, stopping to kiss Mom on the cheek as I pass. "Im going out with some friends I met..." I say excitedly.

"Now?" Mom says, making me pause to look at her. I nod as a concerned expression covers her face. "Oh, be careful, Lauren. Night vision is one of the first things to go..."

I shake this from my head. "I've got to go..." I say, hurrying out before she thinks of a million and one reasons for me to stay home.

Out in the drive, I smile at Penny who leans out the back window. "Get in the front, darling." She says, smirking slightly.

I roll my eyes, opening the passenger's door. Jason smiles at me, one of his hands resting on the gear stick while the other holds the steering wheel dominantly.

"Hey..." I say, slipping into the car. "I like your car." I add, glancing at him.

He chuckles, "Thanks..." His sparkling blue eyes turn back to the driveway as he puts it into first. My eyes take in his form, now wearing a pair of deep denim colour jeans and a black long sleeve shirt as he drives.

"So where is this lake, anyway?" I say, glancing back at Penny and Adam who're kissing heatedly in the back seat.

Jason glances back at them in the mirror before his eyes stray to me and then back to the road. "Not far really. It's on the other side of town, passed the mill."

I furrow my brows, "Stupid question... I don't know my way around town anyway, so having directions is pointless." I say with a bit of a laugh.

He chuckles, "Oh well, we go out there a lot, just to chill..." He says, "You can tag along."

I smile, "Thanks?" I say, unsure of whether 'tag along' is a good thing or not.

I'd never had to meet new people before; this is all so weird.

"So do you have a job?" I ask, making small talk.

He shakes his head. "I just quit, actually... My boss was asking me to work hours I couldn't, ducting money from my pays for his personal needs and abusing me when no one else was around, so I quit." He says, glancing at me as he changes his seated position to a more open one.

and then there was darkness.Where stories live. Discover now