6 T e e n

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That night, I laid in bed, thinking about what Camilla had said. She told me that he was flirting with her, which made me a bit mad.

But then again, if a boy looks at Camilla, she automatically thinks he's in love with her.

It was actually really bothering me. I couldn't get to sleep because I kept thinking about it.

So I called him.

I grabbed my phone and pushed the numbers in to dial his number. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Hello?" he asked, tired, as if I woke him up.

Oh well.

"What's your damage?" I harshly said.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. You act like you like me, then you're ignoring me and hitting on my best friend."

"You know what the key word of what you just said is? Act. I was acting okay? I don't actually like you, are you stupid or something?" he laughed.

"So now you've moved on?" I asked.

"I can't move on from something I was never with." he sounded fully awake now.

"So none of it meant anything to you? You played me?" I asked.

"Now you've got it, congratulations." he sarcastically said.

I slammed the phone down, hanging up. I could feel tears, slowly wanting to slip out of my eyes.

I refused to cry, I didn't want to. I didn't want to admit I cared for him, and by crying, that would mean more than those words.

I tried everything to not cry, but they ended up slipping out. I laid down on my bed.

I laid down,

In defeat.

Preacher's Daughter // Corey HaimWhere stories live. Discover now