Chapter 36: Fight for my friends..!

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Lucy POV

'Give me your powers.'

It kept repeating in my head, over and over...

If I give her my powers, I'll die but My friends will live..

And if I don't they'll.. Die...

If I fight, I might have a chance of winning and losing... If I don't, I'll die..

I turn to take a glance at Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy...

"I.. I'll... I'll give-"

"No! Lucy, don't!" I heard Natsu say. "B-but-"

"There is also a chance she won't give up our friends!" Natsu argued..

Of course..!

"Tch. Don't listen to him, Lucy. Why would I turn down a deal?" Zein said..

"No! I'll fight for my friends!" I said and charged.

"Tsk. A hindrance." She said and blocked my attack. I gritted my teeth. I attacked again, this time, she dodged.

I reequipped into my Fire Princess armor and swung my sword. Fire was created as I swung it. Zein dodged the fire again.

"My turn. Dark Claw!" She said as a dark claw scratched me. "Ah!" I groaned. I healed it fast and charged at her. But she blocked it agin with her hands. I floated backwards as she attacked. "Dark chain." She said. I dodged it but, ir followed me. I blocked it again with my sword. I summoned starfury and attacked her. She wasn't paying any attention so she got a bruise. "Hn." She said. I attacked again but she dodged.


After blocking it with her hands, she will dodge 2 times, and then block with hands again. That's it! It tajes time for her to block it with her hands. So this time, she'll block it with her hands. I smirked. I attacked with a weak attack. "Hn. A weak attack? That's all you have got?" She said as she blocked it with her hands. Thought so. I smirked again.

"Light circle!" I chanted as light surrounded her and purified her. "Aaahh!!!!" She sreamed. "Dark explosion!" I said. This time, she dodged. Then, I attacked with my Star fury as she blocked it. "Roar of the Queen dragon!" I said as golden dragon shot through my mouth and attacked her.

"Tsk. So, you figured it out. I thought I could play with you a little more. But since you've figured it out, I've got to do this." She flew up and spread her arms wide. Dark light appeared on her back, producing growing wings. Black wings. She opened both her eyes. The left one was red. Bloody red...

Her skin grew more pale. Paler than her normal ones. Her hair grew longer. Her clothes change. It was still the same design but different color. It was now red with black flames covering at the bottom.

The dark light created some form. A devil..

She dropped right after gently...

"Well, let me get ready too!!" I flew up and spread my while I chanted a spell. 

Give me the strength

To defeat thy attacker

For thou is an evil spirit

That should not be alive

Give me the most powerful transformation!

My hair grew longer up to my knee. (It was up to her waist remember?)My dress changed. I was now wearing a blue dress upto my knees. There was now red and blue highlights on my hair. A tattoo appeared on my arms and surrounded it. It was gold. Then I summoned Starfury. It was now bigger and stronger.

"Open! Gate of Thunder! Zeus!!" I shouted. "Gate of hell!! Satan!!!!"

"Gate of Heaven!!! Angel Gabriel!!"

Zeus was wearing a blue outfit and has thunder strikes as a design. He wwas waring golden hand cuffs.

Satan's skin was red. He wore a black dress. He had a sword and a bow.

Angel Gabriel was waring a white dress and wings.

I got ready.

"Get ready, Zein.. This isn't the end of my powers!!"

Starting all over again (Sequel to Fairytail [Nalu fan fic])Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant