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|| Tw: Swearing ||

Steve's POV
I bring my knees up to my chest mumbling, "No shit..". Eddie laughed n said, "I find it funny how one minute you're drooling over an girl in Hawkins, and next your flirting with me.". I laid my head on my knees n says, "There has only been one girl I've actually had feeling for.". He looked over n asked, "Nancy Wheeler, right?". I replied, "Yeah, but to her it was apparently all bullshit, so I guess it didn't really matter.". He sighed n replied, "It wasn't bullshit, Nancy is just.. She's not.. Ugh. She is very.. Difficult, I guess?". I roll my eyes, "Yeah..". He tried his best to comfort me I guess by saying, "She probably just got tired of having a constant relationship, some girls are like that." he sat next while talking. I replied sarcastically, "Yeah "probably"..". Small tears began to run down my face. He noticed n gave me a side hug. I shoved my face into arms trying to hide the tears. He continued talking, "Listen, I've never really been in a relationship that lasted as long as yous did n.. I guess it just wasn't meant to be..". I nodded slightly as he pulled my arms down from my face.

Eddie's POV
As I pulled his arms away from his face I spoke softly, "Its okay to ok, I won't judge you.. Let it all out..". He got up instead n made a excuse so he wouldn't have to be seen crying as he walked out I watched him thinking of what to do. After a few minutes went passed I got n ran out after him. I caught up to him after a couple seconds. I stopped in front of him n started talking, "Steve, Okay I'm sorry if what I said about Nancy and shit hurt you but listen man, you gotta let go of the past.". He tried to force a smile as he said, "I have..". I held one of his hands in mine as I continued, "No, Steve you haven't, and its killing you. Its obvious to everyone.". He stayed quiet so I continued, "No one wants to see you like that Harrington, Nancy is a bitch ok? What she said n did, it is unforgivable, and she has moved on already. You can't hang onto something that isn't there Harrington.". He nodded n stated, "I know..". I sighed letting go of his hand n started walking away when he started to continue. "You know even though you think I haven't moved on.. I have its just hard to show it when you know no one will be ok with it.. N that the person you fell for probably doesn't like you in the slightest..". I stopped in shock but proceed to replie, "If the people don't like who you are that you are closest to Harrington, then they aren't the right people.". He went quiet for a second then continued, "I don't mean my friends I mean everyone who knows me as "King Steve the person everyone wants to be"..". I sighed n turned to face him, "Steve honestly, people are going to want to be you no matter what, I mean who wouldn't with that hair?". He started to mumble now, "Not if they knew "King Steve Harrington" was into guys.. Cause then they wouldn't care about the hair or anything..". I was shocked but just said, "Well that's new.". He chuckled softly n continued mumbling, "Yeah Robin manged to not tell anyone luckily..". I replied simply, "Listen if someone doesn't like you because of your preference, then they can fuck themselves because your still an amazing person.". He started to look down as he began mumbling once more, "Yeah but there's one other small thing that they would hate about me if they found out..". I was curious, "Well it doesn't matter okay? Reputation is a stupid thing that people get to hide their insecurities and will change at any moment.".

Steve's POV
I started to not mumble so quietly as I said said this next, "Eddie its not really the reputation I care about.. Its more of what would happen to the person I fell for.. Cause most people already hate him for being "the freak" but they would hate him even more if they found out Steve Harrington likes him.. They would most likely start picking on him more, blaming him for more stuff he didn't do..". Eddie replied with, "Harrington. I'm sure he'll be fine". I sighed n started fidgetting with my hands as I spoke no longer mumbling, "Eddie.. I'm talking about you..". He quickly said, "Yeah, I know that Harrington..". I stayed quiet as he walked back towards me, "I don't care about what people think. You know that, ans its obvious.". He was right I knew this but it was more that I cared what people thinked n I had started talking with out realizing it, "I know you don't care but I care what people think ok.. Its probably just me being concered for no reason again so its just stupid..". All I heard was him, "Mmmmm yeah kinda.". I looked up n smiled slightly, "Wow thanks alot..". He shrugged, "What can I say, Harrington?". I rolled my eyes sarcastically still keeping a small smile on my face.

||words: 894 ||

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