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|| TW swearing n abit of yelling ||

Steve's POV
Eddie laughed n burried his face in my neck. The next thing I knew was I could feel his teeth in my neck. It took me by surprised n I yelled, "OW EDDIE WTF.". He was latched on n I had to push him off so I did, "EDDIE STOP.". He hissed n ran back into the trailer. I yelled out in pain while putting my hand over the bite, "GODDAMN.". Then I heard a fimilar voice, "I just came to say hi to Steve but I don't even wanna know what just happened.". I turned around to see Suzie n just spoke with a shocked tone of voice, "Neither do I. But sadly I do.". She was obviously a little scared about what just happened, "I'm too scared to ask-". I didn't blame her honestly, "Don't.". She spoke softly, "I'm not going to...". I nodded n she asked, "What the hell happened to him?". I looked back the trailer n then at her, "Long story.- But um I'm gonna go find where he just went in the trailer so.- I would go home if I was you.-". We both just heard Eddie randomly aggressively screeching. I stayed silent but Suzie was confused, "What the-". I was just trying to get her to go home by now, "Just go home Suzie-". But she wasn't budging, "I'm too invested now.". I spoke sternly to her hoping that would work, "Suzie go home. I don't wanna lose a kid today.". She pulled a journal n pen out of literal thin air. I was so damn confused n asked, "Where tf-?". She just looked up, "Its better not to ask-". I wasn't gonna push anything anymore even though I still wanted her to go home, "Ok.- Just stay here ok.-" I then walked into the trailer. I walked into Eddies room to hear him hissing from under the bed, "Your acting like a cat.- wtf.-". He grabbed my ankle n all I said was, "Bitch.". I then saw Suzie out the window writing in the journal n just said,"Suzie are you fucking joking.". I sighed, "Ok Eds come on out from under the bed.". I heard Suzie yell from outside, "I GOT IT!!". I then felt Eddie pull on my ankle, "AYE-". He then aggressively climbed out from under the bed. He then quickly calmed down n rolled back under the bed. I literally stood there with a 'really' face n spoke sternly, "I thought you were a fucking bat. But no your a goddamn black cat.". I heard him yell, "STEVE YOU DIPSHIT.". The stern tone had basically overpowered my normal tone, "THEN GET OUT FROM UNDER THE BED.". He talked back, "Make me.". I yelled, "I WILL DRAG YOUR ASS OUT FROM UNDER THAT DAMN BED.". He rolled back out n flipped me off. I didn't care n I pulled him up off the floor n pushed him onto the bed, "Flip me off all you want.". I was kind of pissed cause the bite hurt like hell, "Now why TF did you bite me.". He looked at me, "Would you rather be dead?". From the corner of my eye I could still see Suzie writing but I didn't pay too much attention to it n started to speak again, "You do realize I'm only pissed because it hurt worse than having a wine bottle smashed against my skull. Because you have sharp ass teeth.". He responded sarcastically, "Well nooooo shit.". I pushed him abit n sat down next to him laying my head on his shoulder, "Fuck you both.". He responded to me laying my head on his shoulder, "Get your bloody ass off my shoulder.". I spoke sternly obviously annoyed, "Shut up.". I heard Suzie from outside asked, "Can I come in now..?" n while she was talking I heard Eddie also say, "I will bite you again.". I answered the kid first, "Yes Suzie." n then spoke to Eddie, "N Eddie you bite me again n I'm hitting you in the head with my bat.". Suzie ran inside n Eddie was talking, "I will bite your head so hard-". I didn't care anymore n just replied, "I don't care.". I picked my head up n moved to be sitting sideways on the bed so I was facing Eddie n then I laid my head back on Eddie's Shoulder. He moved his head going to bite me n I didn't even try to stop him cause of not caring. He shrugged n bit me in the same spot as the first time n I had no reaction this time I just started to cling to him. He was literally just drinking my blood n I didn't care too much but I did ask, "Eds can you stop please?". He let go after another second, "Sorry-". I sighed, "Its fine." n he then asked, "Whats wrong-?" in a confused tone. I responded tiredly, "Nothing just tired." n he asked, "Did I take too much-?" in a conerned tone. I didn't have enough energy to lie to him so I just told the truth, "No I haven't slept since the first time he tried to kill me because I don't wanna deal with nightmares n because I'm just kind scared.". Eddie didn't say anything but I heard Suzie ask, "Uh- who tried to kill you..?". I looked over at her n started talking, "Oh right I don't think anyone told you-". Eddie spoke, "I don't think anyone except me n Robin know.". I didn't answer him right away because I was explaining to the kid, "Ummm there's like the weird guy called Vecna n he basically just kills people for fun or something I don't know how to explain it- also I know that Eddie but no one told her anything about what's going on-". He just said, "Ohhhh.". I just said, "Yeah- But Suzie if you want someone to explain it better than call Robin-" n I gave her a small piece of paper with Robin's number n moved behind Eddie shoving my face into his shoulder. He pushed me off complaining n I just moved back to where I was only saying two words. I then heard Suzie say, "I miss my Dusty-bun.". I felt Eddie start like petting my hair as I started to cry. He reassured me, "Its ok Steve..". I hide my face in his neck n he mumbled, "You know I'm ticklish right there bitch-". I heard Suzie, "Awww" n I heard Eddie, "Child, I will beat your ass.". I muttered, "Hurt her n I'll bite through your collar bone Munson.". I looked over to her, "Suzie how long are you gonna stay here..?". I heard Eddie being abit offended, "Damnnn.". I just sighed, "Also Eddie you know how protective I am of the kids so get over it..". She crossed her arms, "How ever long I want..".

|| words: 1163 ||

|| Suzie's Notes ||
hissing and ankle grabbing

appearing to be very aggressive most of the time

severe mood swings.

mood swings may come from very aggressive boyfriend

boyfriend seems to be more aggressive than the actual vampire

boyfriend appears to be a bit....dumb.

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