𝘓𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘐𝘯

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|| TW swearing, yelling, small amount of blood, straving self, n not drinking enough water ||

Steve's POV
I ran into my room n slamed the door locking it then laid on my bed n cried into my pillow. Eddie knocked on my window, "Stevie.". I looked over at the window n then shoved my face back into my pillow. He opened the window n continued, "Steve- I'm sorry I was being such a dick and I shouldn't have let all of that out on you. I covered my ears but could still hear him, "Steve please-". I looked over at him n uncovered my ears, "What the fuck do you want." n I was basically crying a river by now. He continued, "Steve-" n he walked over trying to wipe my tears but I backed up abit, "Don't fucking touch me.". He kept talking, "Steve I didn't want to hurt you.". I wasn't buying it, "Sure you did.". He seemed to be genuinely sorry, "I should've kept that to myself and it comes out like word vomit when I'm high-.". By now I was buying it but I really didn't wanna seem like it, "What fucking ever n here." I handed him his vest. He seemed really upset now, "Steve no I- I didn't mean any of it-". I started to feel really bad but I couldn't let myself show it, "Sure as hell sounded like you did. Now take your damn vest.". He spoke after a second of silence, "I hope you have a good life Steve. I love you." he took the vest n went out the window. I got up n locked the window n mumbled to myself, "Why do I even try to be happy.?". I grabbed a box out of my closet n opened it then I took the "Eddie My Love - The Chordettes" tape out of my walkman n threw it in the box n it didn't break luckily. I then did something stupid I ripped the earring out of my ear n threw it in the box. I then went around my room n put everything that made me think of Eddie in the box. After I closed the box I put it in ths corner of my closet n laid on my bed n stared up at the ceiling looking like an actual bloody mess.

|| Two weeks later ||

Steve's POV
I had been locked in my room for two weeks without any food n a very small amount of water. I had "Head Over Heels - Tears For Fears" blasting. I heaard banging on my door n yelled out, "WHAT DO YOU WANT.?". It was Eddie of course n he yelled back, "I WANT TO MAKE SURE YOUR OKAY.". According to myself I was fine I didn't know about other people so I yelled, "I'M FINE.". I grunted softly n covered up with my blanket rolling onto my side. Eddie then headbuted the door until a hole formed n then he put his arm through it n unlocked the door. He ran into my room n hugged me, "I thought you died or something.". I looked away from him simply n kind of dryly, "Mhm". He held my face n continued, "I wanted to give you space but I got worried.". I replied the same as last time n avoided eye contact. He could tell something was up n asked, "What's wrong?". I replied with a simple, "Nothing.". He backed off of me not buying it, "Nononono tell me what's wrong.". I replied with the same answer, "Its nothing Eddie.". He slightly pushed it, "Just tell me.". I still didn't tell him n stuck with my answer, "Its nothing.". I knew he knew it was actually something n I knew I most likely wasn't getting out of it but he continued any how, "I know when something is wrong, steve. Tell me.". I wasn't really to happy talking to him mainly because of what had happened not too long ago, "Why do you wanna fucking know so bad. Its not important.". He sighed, "Because I care about you Steve and if something is wrong it's important to me.". I started crying, "You care? Didn't seem like it two weeks ago.". He finally realized what was wrong, "Steve you know I didn't mean any of that- It was all a misunderstanding. None of it was directed at you.". I partly didn't buy it but for the most part I did, "Mhm.". He continued, "God- Steve believe me! I know I'm a bad person, I know that but this one time! Please Steve. I can't loose you.". I sighed I couldn't take it anymore n hugged him laying my head on his shoulder. He hugged back tighter n was shaking. I hid my face in his neck n spoke softly, "I love you..". He replied softly, "I love you too Steve..". I sighed, "I'm sorry..". He answered, "No.. I'm sorry.. You have every right to be angry..". I wasn't angry n I held Eddie's face while giving him a small smile, "Eddie I'm not angry I'm scared because of last time..". He seemed alittle confused, "What do you mean?". I sighed n spoke alittle sternly to try n hide how shaky my voice was getting, "With Nancy the whole thing in the bathroom at the party it was like three years ago.". He apologized, "I'm so sorry." even though it wasn't his fault. I sighed, "Its not your fault so don't be.". He spoke softly, "Steve..?". I looked at him giving my full attention but then Suzie appeared, "WHERE TF IS MY CHAIN.!?". Eddie screamed abit n fell over n I yelled, "GIRL GET THE FUCK OUT.". She yelled back, "NO. I WANT MY CHAIN HAVE YOU SEEN IT.? ANY OF YOU.?". I got up n picked Suzie up. She teleported back in front of Eddie, "WHYD YOU SAY UH? DO YOU HAVE IT.?". He told her where it was, "Kitchen counter-". I wasn't up for listening to someone yell at Eddie, "SUZIE STOP YELLING AT MY DAMN BOYFRIEND.". I rolled my sleeves up, "I'm about to beat this bitch up.". Eddie pointed out something I didn't care about, "She's a child-". Suzie spoke to Eddie, "Touch the chain again I'll touch your guitar.". Eddie then didn't care for what he said before, "I take it back.". I then got a text from Wayne saying, "what do you do when your crush gets asked out by your bestfriends brother.". I replied, "Bitch what.-?". He answered, "Scarlett got asked to prom by Houston and she said yes and idk wtf to do.". I then spoke aloud almost forgetting Eddie was in the room, "Omg this dumbass." n I was laughing at the text softly. Then I heard Eddie which reminded me he was there, "Hmm?". I looked over, "Nothing-". He didn't ask again n changed the topic, "Oh also.. uh, pack up your shit.".

Eddie's POV
I watched Steve put his phone down n lay back down on his bed, "Why.?". I sighed, "Your moving into my trailer.-". He then spoke, "I like my room though. I wanna stay here on my comfy bed.". I looked at him, "Is my bed not comfy?". He answered quickly, "I never said that.- It is.-". I sighed, "Oh ok" n he gave me an actual reason, "I just don't wanna get up.". I offered, "I can pack for you-". He smiled slightly, "Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee". I agreed n started packing his stuff n then I found a baby photo, "BABY STEVE??? THIS IS ADORABLE I'm keeping this.". He paniced, "NonononononoNO.". I put it in my back pocket n Steve got up grabbing a box from the corner of his closet n sat back down on his bed. I looked over at him, "What's that?". He quickly responded, "Nothing.". I was confused, "Okay? Put it in the bag" I tossed him a bag n he kicked it away, "No. The box of shame shall not come with. Only the items inside.". I was so damn confused, "Whatever I'll get your hairproducts". I walked into the bathroom n grabbed all of Steve's hairproducts. I heard Steve open the box, "Mmmmm shame.". I walked back in, "Is that everything?". He took a bloody earring out, "EW I FORGOT THIS WAS IN HERE EWEWEW". I looked at Steve, "Gimme.". He hissed at me, "NO.". Suzie appeared, "I uh just came to say I'm moving out of Eddie's house and back into mine..". I sighed, "yeAh that's fine.". She continued, "And uh I refrained from touching your guitar even tho I really wanted to anywayssss". I dropped the bags n ran to my trailer checking for fingerprints with a flashlight.

Steve's POV
Suzie asked, "Is he ok-?". I sighed, "Ofc he's going to go check for fingerprints-". I got up n walked out of the room with the earring n a sewing needle. I sat on the counter in the bathroom n mumbled to myself, "Time to do this again-". Eddie walked passed partly, "Tf you doing-". I looked over with a sewing needle partly through my ear, "Nothing.-". He sighed, "That's not sanitary-". I replied, "Idc". He continued, "Like at all-". I sighed, "I do not care.". He tried to stop me, "I can do it for you". I wasn't changing my mind, "No. I did it once I can do it again.". I pushed the needle through the rest of the way n put in the earring, "Seeeee". He sighed, "I guess I'll clean it later. Ready to go?". I went to reply but instead fell backwards n laid on the ground in defeat n mutter, "Yes.". He grabbed the bags n I made little noises of pain n frustration n he asked, "You okay-?". I had a small squeaky voice crack, "yeAh.". He looked down at me, "That's adorable anyways come on". I had another, "shUt up" as he held his hand out, "Come on." I ignored his hand, "I nEed the bOx of shAme.-" n got up. He sighed, "Then get it lets go.". I walked into my room n grabbed the box of shame then went to walk out but instead tripped over my untied shoe lace. I laid there in defeat screaming without opening my mouth. Eddie asked, "You okay-?". It was obvious I wasn't so I just said, "nO". He held his hand out, "Come on.". I decided to just give up, "I'm jUst gonna stAy here.". Eddie literally picked me up n walked out. Once we got to the front door Eddie told me, "Say bye Steve.". I held onto the door frame, "NO.". He didn't say anything n I continued, "YOU CAN'T MAKE ME LEAVE. I'M NEVER LETTING GO." I was also clinging to the door frame. Eddie tried to get me to go, "SteeeEEEEveee". I wasn't changing my mind, "nO.". He then made an offer, "I'll give you a stick n poke when we get backkk". I changed my mind, "Fine." n I let go.".

|| Location change ||

Steve's POV
We walked into Eddie's trailer to see Suzie smacking Ozzy into the wall. Eddie yelled, "HEY HEY HEY DONT TOUCH HIM". Suzie yelled back, "CRUSTY ASS BAT. HE FUCKING BIT ME. I GIVE HIM CHEETO PUFFS.". I laughed softly, "yOu dEservEd It.". Ozzy flew into Eddie's hair n Suzie kept yelling, "I MAKE HIM TALK." n Eddie cut her off, "You made him talk?-". Suzie just kept bitching, "HE INSULTS ME WHEN HE WAS ABLE TO SPEAK. AND THEN HE BITES ME.". I didn't blame him, "I don't blAme hIm" n I laughed softly again. Suzie then yelled at me, "SHUT UP STEVE NOBODY ASKED YOU.". I was about to beat this bitch up, "Eddie put me down.". He brough me into his room n put me on the bed next to my stuff n closed the door behind himself.

|| words: 1982 ||

𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘺 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 //𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦//Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя