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|| Tw swearing n tiny bit of blood mentions ||
|| This is also after Steve's n Robin's run in with the russians so Steve is still covered in blood ||

Eddie's POV
I go into the bathroom to clean my face n after notice a red splotch on my mouth quickly notcing its blood. I knew it was from Harrington n I yelled out quickly, "Harrington goddamnit!!". I called Steve, who picked up quickly, "Yes?". I sternly said, "You were coughing up blood n I kissed you, so now there's blood on my mouth, please clean your face before I see you again.". I hung up.

Steve's POV
I got up off my bed after he hung up n went to the bathroom. I cleaned my face but choose to leave my hair a mess. I ended up calling Munson back after a little while. He picked up, "What do you want, Harrington?". I sighed n muttered into the phone, "Can I come back over?". I could hear him rolling his eyes through his voice n replied, "Fine, whatever.".

|| location change ||

Steve's POV
I stood infront of the door n then knocked since unlike Munson I won't just walk into someones home. He yelled from whatever room he was in, "Get the fuck in here Harrington!!". I walked inside very bored n asked, "So what are we gonna do?". Eddie shrugged n we both sat down where we were, me by the door n Eddie by the counter.

|| half an hour later ||

Eddie's POV
I had ended up zoning out for awhile. I soon popped back to real life when I felt something on my lap. I looked forward to see Harrington, "Eddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee?". I noticed where he was sitting but didn't say anything about it yet instead I replied, "What Harrington?". He sighed n replied softly, "One you zoned out for a half an hour, also I asked him you if you wanted to go on a walk?". I really didn't since I liked the trailer, "No I don't want to I want to stay here.". He frowned n I choose to finally say something about where he say sitting, "Steve look where you're sitting.". He looked now noticing n shrugged, "What about it?". I was surprised he didn't have a reaction. Before I knew it he had his head laid on my shoulder n had fallen asleep. So I picked him up n brought him the my room laying him on my bed n laying next to him.

|| words: 416||

𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘺 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 //𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦//Where stories live. Discover now