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( TW swearing n blood )
Steve's POV
I startes to feel dizzy n Eddie put his hand behind me. I stuttered out softly, "S..sorry I ummm.." n I leaned on him. He replied, "Hey hey its fine-." he walked over to the woods quickly basically carrying me. He set me by a tree n I leaned on it n he was basically sitting on my lap. I leaned my head back on the tree n looked up trying to focus on something as my vision became blurry. I could hear Eddie, "Steve? Steve can you hear me?? Look at me Steve come onn!". I tried to look at him as my hearing ability started slowly decrease n he put his hands on my cheeks, "Steve??Harrington!!??". I tried to focus on him n I couldn't. I couldn't hear what he was saying either n I started to breath heavier as he hugged me which made my head end up on his shoulder. My breathing picked up even more as I started clinging n nuzzled my face into his neck. I ended up passing out.

Eddie's POV
"Steve? Steve!!??" I yelled as I started to shake him. I heard his breathing n picked him up carrying him back to his house. I put Steve on the couch n called Robin, "Pick up pick up pick up Buckley!!". I slammed the phone back in place n put the bags by Steve. I got up once I heard the phone ringing n ran to it n picked up. I heard Robin on the other line, "Eddie? Good your ok. Last time I saw you you were kinda- you know- ha- what did you need?". I spoke quickly, "Its fine its fine I don't care uhm- Its Steve he's uhm- He had a nosebleed earlier, like out of nowhere and passed out in the woods I had to carry him to his house- I don't know what to do.". Robin sounded confused, "A nosebleed?? I'm on my way- I'll stop be Joyce's shop and get some of those mini medicine kits. The ones with the bandages.". I sighed softly, "Okay, I think he's waking up so I'll see you soon, bye.". I turned to Steve n walked over after hanging up. He asked stuttering abit, "W..who were you on a c..call with..?". I replied, "Robin. She's getting some medical shit and then coming over.". About ten minutes had gone by when Robin came barging through the door, "I'm here, sorry it took me so lomg.". I ran to the door anyways after the first knock, "Its fine, he's on the couch.". She looked over, "I'm not a medical expert- you know. We should check his head- and maybe his eyes?". I sighed, "Well yeah but your smarter than me.". I closed the door behind Robin n walked over to Steve, "How you doing?". He nodded as a responce. I continued, "Anything hurting you?". He shook his head as I sat next to him n made sure there was nothing wrong with his head n I spoke while doing so, "He doesn't have anything on his head- Steve can you look at me?". He looked over at me then I put a hand on his cheek n looked at his eyes, "They look alittle red.. I don't know, you get a nosebleed out of nowhere n you pass out n then-.. Steve did you have any dreams?". He nodded n I muttered, "Oh shit.." then spoke at a normal volume, "What were they?".

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𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘺 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 //𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦//Where stories live. Discover now