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|| TW Swearing ||

Steve's POV
Me n Eddie were randomly in the car when Eddie told me the other day he heard a noise in the wood so we choose to go check it out. So I drove us to woods n parked on the side of the road. We both got out n I grabbed my bat from the back. I asked which way we needed to go n he pointed out bats are blind since I found out he was a bat n that he heard the noise when he went all batshit crazy or whatever. But he started heading left n I followed. We had been walking for maybe an hour n I was just tapping the bat on things when Eddie pointed out footprints whih we followed. After abit longer we just started yelling for Robin since we assumed it was her that made the noise. After a couple trys we heard a voice yell back, "Steve!? Eddie!!". It was Robin's so we continued yelling out her name. After a couple seconds she came running out the bushes. We agreed that we found each other n Eddie tossed her a granola bar. I looked over at him, "Eddie why do you-.". He cut me off, "Don't ask questions Harrington.". Before we knew it Robin had already finished the granola bar n Eddie tossed her 17 more. I yelled at him, "Eddie wtf!-". She ate almost all of them even though she hated granola bars. We agreed to get her an actual meal. We were walking for abit when I looked over at Eddie asking, "Wait are we gonna tell her about you know?". He asked back, "Which thing?". I replied, "Us n Henderson.". He nodded n then Robin spoke up, "What's wrong with Henderson?". I looked down, "He um.. He's no longer with us.. Vecna got him...". We explained everything to her n then she looked up at us n asked, "Wait are you two gonna be ok? I know you guys were close.". Eddie replied to her, "I'm handling it ok but I don't know about Steve..". I spoke up, "I'll be honest I'm not handling it well at all..". They stayed quiet n I started speaking, "I'm gonna go to the car.. So you guys can just talk about whatever..". I ran off to the car.

Eddie'a POV
I looked over at Robin, "He's been pretending to be ok.. I pretend not to notice but its killing him...". She replied, "I hate there's not much we can do, especially with all the damage we dealt to Vecna already.. We can't just let me him go out to fight Vecna on his own- That's sounds like something that he would do. Its really not worth it.". I started speaking right after, "Robin, I went to fight him. When I found out. Robin, Vecna wasn't there. He was nowhere. Not in the upside down of the house. Nowhere.". Robin started freaking out, "What do you mean- he can't just be gone! I- If he took Henderson he must have moved. Somewhere we couldn't find him this time maybe? That makes no sense why would he just disappear!". I replied to her trying not to freak out as well, "I'm scared someone may be possessed again. But it doesn't make sense how it would happen, because wouldn't he need the word viney things?? But that's the only thing that makes sense".

||Words: 573||

𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘺 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 //𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦//Where stories live. Discover now