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Enji grunted. "Hisashi," He glared at the man across from him. The Midoriya was writing down on a piece of paper — aggressively. It became so agressive that Enji was becoming a little bit terrified of the man. It had been three days since the whole alleyway incident and everyone was on edge. Katsuki had said that it was Uraraka and Mina, but after questioning the girls – and searching their rooms as well as their phones – the police and heros couldn't find anything that linked them to the attack. It pissed many of them off, but they couldn't help that there was no evidence to use against the girls – not yet anyhow. "it's over. And we should really just ignore it and move on from it, because if not, it's going to —"

"No!" Hisashi yelled, cutting the hero off. Enji gave him a startled look, flinching when his hands hit the counter, making a loud noise that echoed through the kitchen. Enji swallowed thickly. Sighing, the Midoriya sat down. "I'm sorry." He muttered out. Enji's face softened and he walked over to the other, wrapping his arms around him.

"It's okay." He whispered, putting his face in fluffy black hair. The sat quietly for a moment before Hisashi's phone went off. He was quick to grab it, hoping that they finally found out who had planned the ambush. Unfortunately, it was just Katsuki. He groaned and gave the phone to Enji. Looking, the hero made a noise and typed in a quick response before putting it back down. Katsuki, Midoriya and Shouto were doing patrols with Keigo when the bird's cool composure began to falter and he walked away from civilians, his wings pulled close to his body. Apparently they were asking about Enji and asking where Dabi had gone.

Both Touya and Kan were assigned to twenty-four hour patrol and stake outs near the League's new hideout. Tenko was being questioned about his whereabouts during the time and the information that he had on the League. Keigo was taking over Enji's place – of course – so he wasn't home until later into the night. Enji was worrying about everyone and everything, so Hisashi had to stay out and help with him as much as possible – especially with the twins and Puppy being as far from the Flame Hero as they are.

Enji moved back slightly so that he could look down at Hisashi. He pulled the other's chin up to him, smiling softly. "Everything will be fine, I promise." He said, bending down slightly to press a soft kiss to the other man's lips. Hisashi hummed into the kiss.

Everything was fine.

This was good.

They needed this.

But, Enji did not need to be picked up and dragged to their room.

GETFOOD-Lunch Rush
Puppy-Hound Dog
Toshinari-Toshinari Yagi/All Might
Whit3.Ho3-Touya/Blue Flame
Midoriya/The_Top-Midoriya Izuku

SmallBoom: They should be held accountable for what they did! This isn't justice, this is bullshit!

RatlOrD: We have no physical evidence that the two of them were behind this, Bakugou. Hearsay does not give evidential proof.

BirB_-: We'll fucking find the proof!

BirB_-: Enji keeps getting attacked.

BirB_-: He can barely even use his damn quirk!

BirB_-: Who else knew about the twins?! Huh!?

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