3. La Mesa

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Y/n pov

I couldn't stop thinking about her and it didn't help when she entered the same restaurant with the woman from before. Now I know that she's from this trip at least. Maybe I'll get to know her someday. Since there are seating arrangements we're not at the same table for lunch today. Maybe some day, or maybe even dinner. Or else we meet at the Club tonight if I have the energy to even go. Irene is seated at the other table with her, her I still don't know the name of yet.

I'm seated at a table together with five others. We're only twelve from the competition so I guess they've separated us so make a bigger variety of surgeons. I even think that the only thing we all share is the hotel and spas, not anything else. Maybe the golf court I just found out is in the deal. Eighteen holes in the sun and fresh air would be nice. We'd even get to drive one of those small cars. I just have to find people who can and want to play. Irene I know want to and can actually play, but I think we should at least be four or more. It'll be more fun that way.

"How about we go around and table and say our name, position, state and department." One of the men say. He's quite handsome with his dark skin.

"Sure, since we're gonna be stuck together for seven days that's a good idea." Another man says, he's so pale that I wonder if he's ever been in the sun in his life or if he just has a lower pigmentation. I can't tell if he's sarcastic and doesn't really want to. He's probably from plastic or neuro, that's where the real egotistical and rude people are from because they think they're the best. "I'll start then. My name Percy Miller and I'm a neurosurgeon from Illinois. How about you wonderful?" He than asks me with a smirk. Like he wouldn't be my choice even if I wasn't married.

"I'm Y/n Holland-Morgan and I'm an Attending General surgeon from Massachusetts." I answer, ignoring his flirting.

"Any relation to the famous Lawyer Anthony Morgan?" Another one of the women ask, a brunette and it's the one that was sitting with her at the beach.

"A brother in law perhaps?" Percy Miller asks to continue his flirting.

"No but he would be my little sister's brother in-law considering he's my husband." I answer without getting my temper up because he's not worth it.

"Oh she bites." He answers with a laugh and puts his hand on mine on the table. Disgusted I move my hand and look over to the man who had wanted to start this conversation. As they are starting to bring out the food. It's a buffet for the whole table. Giving him a pleading look to continue himself.

"Well my name is Laurent Willow and I'm a trauma surgeon from Baltimore." He continues and it starts going around again.

"Nadja Blake. A plastic surgeon from California." The Indian woman at the table says and we all look at her. We all know the reputation from certain departments. "But don't worry, my ego isn't as big as Dr Brain over there." the last she says in a more hushed tone that not all of us hear it, not Percy but I do. We three who heard her, laugh at the comment.

"Well I'm Jasper Snow, a orthopaedic surgeon from New York."

"Zoe Rogers, paediatric surgeon from Massachusetts." She says and looks at me as she says the state. That's why I recognised her a bit. She was a last year resident for a surgeon who called me in for consultation two years ago. It makes me wonder what she could have said to the other woman about me. And what Irene can say to her about me right now.

After a few minutes we've already switches places, so that the order changes at our table. The round table now hold the order of - Laurent, Nadja, Percy, Jasper, Zoe and lastly me and we're back to the beginning.

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