8. Market place

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Y/n pov

I can't take my eyes of her. Of the lips I kissed, letting my gaze fall down to her collarbone where makeup is hiding the hickeys. She knows exactly what I'm looking through and gives me a look that says 'eyes up here'. But no one even noticed. Irene is to busy flirting with Laurent while Zoe is just having a normal conversation with Edmund. It's still the six of us as we're eating breakfast at El puerto. It's this little nice breakfast place out on the pier, really relaxing but the smell of salt doesn't take away the smell of her. We couldn't even be in the same cab on the way here as we can't keep our hands to ourself. Maybe it would have just been better if we road together while the others took another cab.

"Aren't you liking your food?" Edmund asks, like he's observant of the secret glances and touches between me and Addison for the last thirty minutes. I mean, my foot is literally up on her chair in between her legs on the other side of the table. I couldn't bare to sit next to her without touching her.

"I'm just not that hungry." I answer plainly and it almost physically hurt to look at him when I answer instead of her.

"Eat or you won't have the energy to walk the market with me." Addison says and oh my sweet lord, her voice. I've heard it so much but now that I hear it, only her moans echoes in my head. "I owe you something, remember. You bet me in getting into the water." She adds.

"I had totally forgotten that, I do wander what I'll get." I say and it's the truth. I didn't remember even making that bet, only a weak memory of it being the first time I ever stood so close to her. Plus we weren't exactly wearing clothing, just our swimwear.

"Aren't you coming with us to the garden?" Zoe asks and I didn't even know they had made plans.

"We'll meet you for lunch at Sabores Ancianos." Just the way she pronounces the name of the restaurant makes me lose my mind. How am I supposed to do this without getting to touch her properly? But she meets my gaze that tells me 'don't worry. When they're not with, we can be however we want' and it's the most wonderful thought of the day.

"Sounds great. We'll meet there around noon and then we can go watch a movie or something before dinner." Irene says with her usual smile and put another glass to her lips.

"How about you just text me when you get there and we'll come. The market is only a few minutes walk away from the restaurant." I say as I take my foot back down to put in my shoe again. I see how her tense body relaxes and I can't help but smile. It's not until now that she's more relaxed that I see how much she was trying not to show what my touch was doing to her. It's like we're in a honeymoon phase in a relationship. I guess that's kind of what we are.

"Sounds good." Irene answers and I want to leave now, Addie can see that.

"How about we go now and we'll just see you then, we'll want to see as much as we can. It's said that this is the biggest street market in all of south Europe." Addie says as a response to that because I know she also wants to leave. And we leave before they even get the chance to respond, neither of us really ate either.

As we come onto the crowded streets I don't stop myself from taking her hand, for more than one reason and I can see in her that she knows all of them. 1) to just touch her and let her touch me. 2) because of my social anxiety, I really do hate crowds if they're not in an OR. And 3) so that we don't lose each other in the crowd. Even though she's wearing heels and already is pretty tall I would see her but I'm not gonna test that theory.

We go from booth to booth and look at what they're selling. It's everything from furniture to food to clothes to jewellery. It's almost like walking into an Target, only that's it's prettier and nicer. The warm sun makes us both buy a pair of sun feathers. And as the bet said, she owed me something from the market. In reality I was kidding with her having to do that and I actually told her that. But she just shot back with a 'a bet is a bet' and bought me a necklace. It's this blue little rock with carvings. The man in the booth said it meant 'live, love, laugh' in English, but it was written in Spanish. I loved it and couldn't stop fidgeting with it.

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