11. Spa and relaxing

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A/n time to continue. It's been long... not that long but longer than I usually take between chapters no matter what. Enjoy

Addison pov

I've never felt as relaxed as i have been today, it's like taking a break in life to just be. And the view i have over at y/n is absolutely something special. How the colour of her bikini matches her eyes, how it fits her perfectly and how her hand is holding gently in a champagne glass.

"How about a little game of truth or dare?" Irene asks and brings me back into the hot tub that the six... all six of us, are sitting. Y/n takes a sip of her drink and i watch as her lips touch the glass. She caughts my eye but i don't avert from it just yet.

"Isn't that a game you play in high school?" y/n asks with a laugh.

"So? Who cares, we're on vacation and we're here to make friends. What better way to do that than to play a little honourable truth or dare?"

"I'm pretty sure that's not how it was when i played." y/n says with a smile. "And i'm pretty sure we did truth or drink, because i can't remember shit of what happened those days we played." and that makes all of us let out a laugh.

"Why not play? Are you scared?" Zoe ships in and it's like they're ganging up against her precisely, like it's her they want to get to know more. Like the way i have... but probably with less touch and exchange of... nope not right now.

"I'm not scared of a few honest questions." she has a smirk on her face while Irene has a grin.

"Then you won't mind starting?" Zoe asks and y/n just shrugs her shoulders in a 'sure'. "Y/n, truth or dare?"


"What's the worst thing you've ever said to anyone?" Irene is the one to ask and i can see in her eyes that she can see a scene in her head before she's about to answer.

"It was to my high school best friend, her boyfriend cheated on her. I said 'no wonder he cheated on you' without a second thought." and the others are quiet. But she was also her school's Regina George. And there are worse things one can say but it was still harsh. "It's been a long time since then but i don't regret it because she was a really awful person." Y/n add the last with a laugh. "Now it's my turn. Irene, truth or dare?"

"Truth" Irene answers with not as much confidence as before but still much. Like she hadn't expected Y/n to play for real.

"What's the worst thing you've done to anyone?"

"The worst thing i did was fill my ex-boyfriend's car with pink glitter when i found out he cheated on me" Irene answers truthfully and without regret. "Truth or dare, Edmund?"

"Truth" he answers.

"What's a secret you've never told anyone?"

"I cheated on my wife our first year of marriage" he answers truthfully with a glace towards Zoe. "Truth or dare Laurent?"

"I'll take truth" he answers.

"What's your biggest insecurity?"

"I would say my physical body" Laurent answers and at the same time i get it and don't get it. We all can see his ripped body in the water, his broad shoulders with muscles. Edmund looks sort of small next to him even though he also got some muscles built even though it's not a six-pack like Laurent. "Truth or dare y/n?"

"I'll take truth again then" she answers and i continue to watch her. She glances my way a few times before going back to look at Laurent who's asking her a question.

"What's the biggest misconception about you?"

"That i get away with everyone because of my husband" our eyes meet as she say the word 'husband' and for a slight part of a second we catch onto reality, but i doesn't last long as her eyes land on my lips in the next second. Bringing a smile onto my face and a blush to my cheeks. "Truth or dare Irene?"

"Truth" she answer.

"What's something you're glad your mum doesn't know about you?" Y/n asks with a smirk upon her face.

"At sixteen... after my parents got divorced, i had sex in her bed because i was mad at her for ruining their marriage" she answers proudly.

"Come one, that's not even bad" i say with a laugh and Y/n looks at me.

"She never specified, she just said something i'm glad my mother doesn't know. I did a lot of things as a teen" Irene answers with a smirk of her own. "Truth of dare Laurent"

"Truth" he answers and i don't even care that i'm not asked, i just keep glancing over towards Y/n.

"Where's the weidest place you've had sex?"

"I would say on-call room but since we all work in a hospital" he says with a small smile and a little laugh. "So i'll say the dean's office at my collage"

"With a classmate?" i ask and a smirk grows on his lips.

"My professor" he answers and now looks at me. "Truth or dare, Addison"

"Since everyone is choosing truth i'll be brave and choose... dare"

"Kiss Y/n" Laurent says and all of them look between us. "And not some Romeo and Juliett kiss, a real makeout"

"That's so typical of boys... especially a trauma guy" Y/n sighs with a laugh.

"Coward" Zoe says and now both me and Y/n let out a small laugh. She takes a look at me before shooting a charming smile at me. Her smile is a quiet invitation that mirrors the same smile she had this morning.

"Fine" i sigh even though i haven't really wanted to do anything else since... well ever since this morning. I only got a small taste of her in the changing room shower when we got in. I get up and walk the little step between us, sitting down to straddle her before meeting her gaze. It's hungry and i can see it, she also knows it. I press my lips against her to really get this over with so that we can get out of here. Her lips are soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I can feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath my nose, finger carding through her hair as we breathe each other in. But even though her hands are holding me still on her hip i have to let go, or else this would go too far in front of them. They make a few sounds behind me and she smiles at me, it's the most precious smile i've ever seen in my entire life. And with Laurents encouraging sounds behind me i let out a laugh and lay my head on her shoulder. My forehead resting on her shoulder as i let out another laugh.

Y/n pov

"That was testing fate you know" i say in a whisper as i come up behind her in her showerstall.

"I couldn't be a coward, now could i?" she answers, trying not to turn towards me as she washes her long amber hair. My hands trail around her stomach as i put my head in the crock of her neck.

"How would you feel about testing fate again?" i ask with a smile and she lets out a small laugh. Her answer isn't in words but in actions. Turning around so that our bodies are pressed together against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips reconnect. Her lips are warm and soft. They part slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside.

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