16. Unwelcome home

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Y/n pov

A horn hooks from the parking lot and i see his car.

"You sure you don't want a ride?" i ask Zoe as i take a hard hold of my suitcase.

"I'm sure, my family is waiting just down the street. But thanks. And thank you for a wonderful vacation Y/n" she answers and gives me a hug which i also give back.

"It has been a good vacation, i'm happy to have gotten to know you." i say as he honks once again. "I guess i might see you around then" i say and starts to head over to the car where my husband is parked. He doesn't get out to help me get my things into the trunk and i can feel the bad energy radiate from the driver's seat out the back.

"Well isn't this gonna be nice" i mumble to myself sarcastically as i close the trunk and walk to the passenger seat. But he doesn't say anything, just starts to drive. I don't know why he would be mad or be anything but happy that i'm home. It's not like he knows what happened over there. If that were the case, he wouldn't have picked me up. So i do what i normally wouldn't and take the word, even though the words come out in a not so nice way as i wanted. "What a nice welcome home Tony, are you mad at me or something?"

"As a matter of fact i am" his answer actually shocks me. We have always been that couple who almost never fights or are mad at each other. Well maybe that's because we don't actually spend that much time together but still, that would be something to fight over but we don't.

"Why? What have i done for you to be mad at me?" i who just really wanted to come home to a nice setting and move on... well not really but try. Cause' maybe it was just a vacation crush even though i can still feel her hands over my body, the warmth her lips left on mine.

"Okay i'm not mad but i'm disappointed in you y/n"

"That's worse Tony, can't you just tell me what i've done"

"You're not yourself, it's like you're a whole different person, like something took over you in Barcelona" i look questiongly at him as i have no bloody clue as to what he's talking about. And even though he's focused on the road ahead of him, he sees it in my face. "Natalie" is the only answer i get and now i get it.

"So because I, one time, didn't do her a favour, you're all of a sudden disappointed in me? How does that make sense?"

"It doesn't, that's the thing. You don't avert from your normal order no matter what. And you promised her you'd help and you didn't, your mother called me because she couldn't get ahold of you for some reason and that made her even madder. What is up with you?"

"I enjoyed a well deserved vacation that everyone, EVERYONE, agreed that i should take and i come home to this? I don't think i deserve that Tony. And if my sister had called earlier or asked me when it actually happened none of this would have happened, i'm not gonna help her get away with everything." i can see it in his face that he didn't expect me to actually speak against it. "I took some time off and when i come home i expected a nice welcome from my own husband who have supported me through everything, instead i get punched at by a man i barely know."

"Can we please take this some other time? Like not in the car and where i can actually look at you?" He tries to avoid it, when he was the one who started it.

"I don't know how my schedule is looking like yet"

"Your not going back to work, not right away"

"Yes i am, i've been gone for a whole week and i have work that needs catching up to do.

"Okay Y/n, i'm sorry. Can we please just start over" he says as i suppress a yawn. As i don't answer it he takes it as a yes. "How was your vacation? Did you have a nice time with the other surgeons and with Mrs Shepherd?" Just the name makes the hair on my arms rise.

"It was wonderful and her name is Addison, she hates being called that." i have to go along with it because i can't do this, i really can't. There is not a cell in my body that has the energy to fight with him, fight with anyone.

"What did you do over there?" i can tell that he doesn't even really want to know, like he doesn't even care.

"Breakfast, beach, lunch, town or beach, dinner, club. Everyday but one where we had a spa day and played truth or dare" i answer with a sign, looking out through the window to see the city of Boston fly past.

"What kind of questions and with whom?" his voice is jealous. It makes me realise even more of what i've done. How wrong it was no matter how right it felt.

"Edmund, Laurent, Irene, Zoe who's the woman i was with at the airport... and Addison" i don't really want to answer the other question but i can't really avoid it when we're in the car. "I don't know, questions to get to know each other more. What's the worst things you've said or done to anyone, insecurities and stuff"

"So no dares"

"A few, but none important"

"What do you mean 'none important'? Did you do anything" i know i have to tell a part of the truth and he's mad at me already so it won't really matter what i do or say at this point.

"It was just a kiss between me and Addison, dared by one of the guys. He's a trauma" even though it was more of a heavy makeout in the pool but he doesn't need to know that. He pulls into our driveway and i see it as my great escape out of this. "I'm really tired so i think i'm gonna go to sleep and leave early in the morning to the hospital" I say as i get out of the car and back to the trunk to get my bag.

"I get that... just call your mother would you? She's pissed"

"Then she'll get to be pissed for a few hours more" i say and he stops me by taking a hold of my arm. "Let me go Tony"

"Y/n, what's up with you?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired" i can't even make myself give him a kiss on the cheek before making my way into the house. What the hell is it that i've actually done? Everything felt so right with her and now that i'm home... i can't shake the feeling that everythings wrong.

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