5. Balcony neighbours

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Phone call included in cursive

Addison pov

"A few of us were thinking about going out to La Llave for some drinks, it's only two blocks from the hotel if you wanna come." Laurent invites y/n as she has sat down at table once again. I know it'll sound creepy but I was watching her, watching how she leaned on the railing. Like she was testing fate over the cliffs edge. How the wind was playing with her hair and how it carried her laugh through the air and back to the table, event though I think I was the only one to hear it.

"I would love to but I think I'm still a little jet-lagged, so I should head back. But whoever is going I say have fun and I'll join you'll tomorrow." Y/n answers and still have a smile on her lips but they tell me something else, with the fact that her eyes are flickering between people until they stay on me once again, she has social anxiety. The most common think with surgeons actually, it's so common that I actually don't know many who actually likes to be in bigger groups. If it isn't for a medical procedure that is, because then the surgeon is to focused on saving someone else to focus on their own anxiety.

"Okay, we'll see everyone tomorrow then." Laurent continues and seven out of twelve get up and follow him back to the bus. The four of us that are left also follows behind them. Originally I plan to sit next to her but Edmund gets there first so I sit down in an empty seat, thinking I'll sit alone. But I was wrong because Irene sits down on the seat next to mine.

"Sure you don't want me to introduce you to her? You can't seem to keep your eyes off her." She says in a more hushed voice even though the people who are going to the club are begin so loud no one would hear us anyways. But we're three seats behind her on the other side of the aisle.

"No that's okay Irene, but thanks. And I wasn't looking at her specifically, I was just looking at the other side of the table." I try to explain but I don't think anyone will buy that lie.

"If you say so, but I do think you two could be great friends."

"We do share a common friend, sort of."

"Who? Because I don't think it's me or Zoe in this case."

"My husbands best friend is a close friend of y/ns husband." It hurts somewhere as I mention both our husbands.

"Right, then this friendship could continue after this vacation. I'll introduce the two of you at breakfast."

"Irene..." I start but she's already left my side to go join the party in the back. Usually i don't like being by myself but right now I don't really mind. I've got the thoughts in my head to keep me company for the entire way back, might even fall asleep.

When we get back to the hotel I'm the last to exit the bus as I really had fallen asleep. Guess I can also easily be socially drained. So I just say goodbye and wish them a good time before heading into one of the elevators and ride up to my floor, walking into my room.

Y/n pov

I sign as I lay down on my bed. It's so draining to be with people. Now before I forget I write down on a notepad next to the bed 'call Natalie's teacher and explain the test and absence at two pm, it's 7 am for them' in case I do forget. I put my phone on but leave it on the bed before I go out onto the balcony.

"Seems like we're neighbours." A woman's voice says from the balcony on my right. I turn to look at her... her. The red hair is impossible not to recognise. She even shots her lovely and melting smile towards me.

"Seems like we are." I say with a similar smile to hers. "Marks words do not give you justice." Am I really trying to flirt? With her?

"How come?" She asks and the sunset gives her skin the perfect colour, even her eyes... those wonderful eyes.

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