6. Breakfast and Beach

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Y/n pov

I don't know why I stoped outside her door, she might even have already gone downstairs. Breakfast is served at nine and it's already fifteen minutes past. But I can't help myself from knocking on her door and to my surprise, only a few seconds later, she opens her door at the same time as she's buttoning a similar shirt from yesterday.

"Hi." She says and oh my god if I have to pick myself up quickly at how weak her voice makes my knees.

"Hi." I can't get anything else out as I look at her and she looks at me. She leans on the doorframe with a smile and I get back to why I even knocked on her door to begin with. "I wondered if you'd want some company for breakfast? With me that is." I have a cheeky smile that I can't stop.

"I would absolutely love that y/n/n." Her way of saying my name is making blood rush into my cheeks once again. I'm so glad that I burned my face, even though it hurts even after putting some Aloe gel on it. She takes the small bag from her bed before walking out to me in the hallway.

"Sleep good?" I ask as we walk towards the elevator.

"I did, but did you?" She looks at me and must see how tired I am. It's not that I didn't sleep enough or deep enough. It was more that my head was working to hard on a dream... a wonderful dream that I wish where true and that would maybe make me a terrible person.

"I'll be good after a cup of coffee." I answer and we enter the elevator. The whole ride down and to the salon is quiet, buts it's a comfortable silence. Like we're the only two people here and don't have to care about anything.

"Y/n, Addison. Over here." Irene waves us over and I can't help but let out laugh. As we walk closely over to the table, with our hands almost touching as we walk closely, I look at who's sitting at the table. Four people, six if you include us. Irene, Laurent, Edmund and Zoe. Seems like we're fitting in perfect here as Zoe and Edmund seem pretty good friends by now and Irene is flirting with Laurent. Then there is me and Addie, which I don't know what we are if we're even anything at all.

"Good morning." Laurent and Edmund both greet us with smiles.

"Morning." Me and her answer in union and we sit down with smiles on our faces.

"I see you didn't need my help to introduce yourself to her." Irene says, pointing from Addie to me and taking a sip out of a mimosa. Her face goes red as her hair and it's the most adorable thing in the world.

"We're neighbours. And we both happened to be out on our balcony's at the same time." I say to make it look like it wasn't like both of us were apparently trying to get to know each other more. I know this pulling can't be one sided. It's to strong and I swear she flirted back to me last night. Even though I'm pretty sure we both know that it's wrong. But we're on vacation, right? We can just blame that we got caught in the moment of silence and that is was romantic. I know it's not Paris but this place is so beautiful that it can be romantic as well.

"Well we were thinking of heading to the beach after breakfast. You guys in?" Edmund asks and smile. Judging by how closely he and Zoe are sitting, Zoe is having the same thoughts as me. I know she's married as well, but it's still different for her since she has kids. If I had kids of my own I wouldn't even consider being unfaithful towards Tony. Addison looks at me, like she's looking at me for the answer to that question.

"Sounds like a plan." I answer and we all start to eat the food that has been placed on our table of six. Orange juice, coffee, tea, French toasts, yoghurt and flakes, scones and even American pancakes with syrup. This can't really get much better. But somehow it does, by the simple action that her knee touches mine under the table. Either she hasn't noticed it or just doesn't care.

Addison pov

Breakfast was living hell as my knee touched her knee under the table the whole time and I was to scared to move it. That maybe she would think I wouldn't want to touch her if I did or something like that. But I don't want to touch her.... like that? I can't see or think straight with her around me.

"Are you gonna stay in the sun or actually go in the water?" I ask y/n as she sits down in one of the chairs, enjoying the sun.

"I'm good here in the sun. I don't get to go out much in the sun at home so I'm gonna enjoy it as much as I can." She answers with a smile and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I'm not supposed to feel like this. Amelia called it a little crush but I've had little crushes before and it was nothing like this. This is so strong that I could wonder where in life I went wrong to never meet her until now. Like in that dream I had, where we met in Med school instead, before both of us were married. How it skipped time to now and this vacation would be like a second honeymoon. I literally dreamt of her taking the place of my own husband, a woman I just met and feel an extremely strong attraction towards.

"Are you going to go into the water or are you just gonna look at me?" Y/n says, bringing me back to the beach. I hadn't realised I was still standing here even. My eyes go to her chest, not for the reason you might think, but to see that the necklace with her rings are gone. Yesterday she wore it the whole day so it can't just be because of the risk of ugly tan lines.

"How come you don't wear your rings? It can't just be because of tan lines, you have yours in a necklace." I can't stop myself from asking that question of the thoughts I was thinking. I shouldn't have asked that. Maybe the answer is like really deep or maybe it was her husband that was calling last night and interrupted our talk and they had a fight.

"How come YOU don't wear YOUR rings?" She asks back with a laugh and I can't help but laugh with her.

"Touché y/n/n." I say and lean more on my left than my right foot. How can someone be so perfect and just... ugh... it's extremely frustrating.

"Addie." Y/n says and once again brings me back. But her voice, her way of saying my name is just... I think I would die without it. How I've lived without her voice, her small touch, her presence beats me.

"Right, I was going in the water." I say but still I don't move. I can't for some reason. After another minute she gets up and stands in front of me. Her charming gaze meeting mine with a smile from a few centimetres down.

(She is 5' 8 1/2 or 1,74 m, so let's put Y/n's height at just below that with like 4 centimetres / 1,5 inches shorter)

"Last one in the water has to buy the other something from the market tomorrow." Y/n says almost to quickly for me to understand. But when she takes off into the water I get it, and rush after her.

And even though I end up losing, I got to splash water on her when she got up to the surface again. It made her laugh and it warmed my heart. But after that I was in trouble as both her, Irene and Laurent decided to start a war. I wouldn't even say that I got lucky when I got Zoe and Edmund on my team. Two General surgeons and a trauma surgeon against a OB/GYN, a peds surgeon and a cardio surgeon. It's not really a fair fight and we loose.

But everything was worth is as I get to hear her wonderful laugh and thanks to the sun I can blame away my red cheeks when they where pointed out by Edmund later at lunch. And once again, under the table, our legs touch each other. Neither of us do anything about it. We choose to sit in the couch where we sit even closer than necessary but luckily no one points it out. To others it can just look like we're best friends. But something inside me is screaming for her. Screaming for her to touch me in any way possible. In more ways than Derek has ever done, in more ways then I would even be comfortable thinking about.

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