10. Interruped

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I got shity reception right now so I don't know how the updates will go but we'll see

Y/n pov

The sun shines into the room... that's not my room. Even though I would assume that the hotel rooms are the same. It's all her things that are unpacked in bags and some things on the floor. Wait... one of those dresses are mine. That's when I feel a weight upon my chest, feeling that red hair tickle my nose. I look down to see her sleeping peacefully on top of me and under the covers. I can't help but admire her for another ten minutes until she starts to awaken.

"Good morning." I say in a horse voice. God, I hope the walls are soundproof of some sort because we both were pretty vocal last night. But instead of answering me, she hum's a answer into the soft skin of my collarbone. Pressing a moan through my lips. I bring her up to have her face above mine, her whole warm body brought above me. Her lips mere inches away from mine. My eyes flicking up and down between them and her eyes.

"Good morning y/n/n." She says in a equally horse voice but her morning voice grows through wonderfully. She goes and closes the last inches and presses her wonderfully soft lips upon my own. She immediately goes to straddle me and the covers falls down as we sit up. Her hands holding my neck and hair tightly. My own hands gripping hard on her back.

A knock on the door makes us both stiff and look at it.

"Addison? Your gonna miss breakfast if your still sleeping." Zoe's voices comes in through the door. I can't maintain a serious expression as I let out a laugh, she looks at me serious for a second before laughing with me. But she puts a hand over my mouth to muffle my laughs. "Are you alone?"

"I'll be there in a few seconds." She says before getting up to put on the tv and quickly walk around to pick up my dress and throw it at me. I watch her as she does just that. I slip my dress back on. Just then I realise I have no idea of how to slip out without getting seen.

"Irene is waking Y/n, so your not the only one to oversleep." Zoe says again through the door and shit. I'm not even in my room. But I remember that the balconies are very close, I could just climb over. I'll just have to hope I'm not afraid of hights. As Addison makes her way to the door I make my way out to the balcony. Holy shit it's high. But I manage not to think about it as I move a chair and jump over to my own balcony. I land hard on my foot and a pain streaks through my leg for a moment before I hear the knocking on my own door.

"Godmorning Zoe." I head her say from her own room as I close my balcony door behind me. I lift the covers of my bed to make it look like I've slepped in it before I walk over to the door.

"Morning Irene." I say as I meet her face, her gaze that instantly goes to my dress.

"Morning y/n, seems like you've had a good night." She gestures to my dress with a smirk and I can feel Addisons and Zoe's eyes on me from her door beside mine.

"Oh... I'm, I must have been really tired last night so I forgot to change." I lie straight up to her face. I've never liked sneaking around and lying but this is exhilarating.

"Well breakfast ends in thirty and I wouldn't suggest being late to the Spa or they might not let you in." Zoe says to the both of us.

"Yea let me just change." I say and close the door again. Addie had somehow managed to put on a pair of clothes while I was stuck in my dress.

Addison pov

I stand outside her door when she opens it. Zoe and Irene had already left to go get their things for the spa. I had already packed a small bag to take with me and it turns out that y/n had too.

"Well that was new." I say with a laugh and get a laugh out of her as we begin to walk towards the elevator. "How did you get into your room? Is there a secret connection through our wardrobes?"

"I didn't even think to check that, maybe I should have." She answer but sort of avoiding my question. But as we start to go down she looks at me and answer. "I took the balconies."

"You jumped between balconies?" I ask to clarify as I'm both impressed and hella scared. "You know your not some superhero who can fly or shot spiderwebs if something goes wrong."

"It's only two feet apart, it was fine. I just hurt my ankle a bit that's all."

"That's all y/n? It's about 60 feet down to the hard ground."

"Well it was quite exhilarating if I say so myself."

"Your not really a rule breaker are you?" She meets my gaze again and it confirms my question.

"I may have been my high schools Regina George but i, Y/n Morgan, has never broken a rule in my life. And I don't count breaking curfew or those things now." She says and we have gotten down to the bottom floor where breakfast is served. And we make it just in time for the last wave of food. "I'm not a fan of hiding or lying either." And those words make me stiffen for a few seconds before she finishes. "But I must say that it's quite exhilarating to do it."

"You had me scared for a second there." First her look on me is a question before she gets what she said.

"Oh I didn't mean it like that. I've just never lied, maybe once or twice as a teenager but not as a grownup. I've also never sneaked around with someone so I'm getting a adrenaline kick out of this." And I can see that as she's got extra energy. It's like her whole body is more relaxed, her head even. But that is what a vacation is supposed to do.

"Maybe you just need an outlet for that energy." I don't even think about the possibilities as to what I've said as we sit down with a plate of food of our own.

"Oh are you volunteering?" The darkening in her eyes tells me exactly what they outlet activity would be.

"We have a spa day today." I say even though I would nothing rather that to spend the morning in bed with her. She even puts on a fake pout and I laugh.

"But that's not all day now is it?" She says with a seductive smile.

"No, it definitely isn't." I answer with a reflection of her smile of my own. We're at the spa the whole day technically. They'll order in lunch from El Pescador and later there is dinner at El Pirate Boat in the dock. After that there is a two hours opening where we have nothing planned before people are going to La Trinidad bar. Oh what a good time one can have in two hours, maybe not the perfect but certainly good. Especially with her...

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