Chapter 11

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"Hi boys!" Y/n said cheerfully as she approached Ron, Harry, Fred, George, and Neville. "Hi y/n!" Neville responded with a nervous voice. "Whatcha doing?" Y/n asked as she walked between the twins and held their hands. "Getting weed from Neville" Fred answered with kissing you on the cheek. "I didn't know you sold that" y/n stated curiously. " yeah sometimes" Neville replied nervously.
"Do you sell vapes?" Y/n asked. " what's a vape?" Neville asked. " nevermind" y/n said disappointed. " just kidding here on the house!" Neville said handing you a small box with the word HYDE. "thanks Nev" you said excitedly. " what's a vape?" Fred asked taking the box. " kinda like an electric cigarette" you responded. " a what?" George asked in concussion. "Nicotene? Tobbaco? No? Gosh you need to go to the muggle world more" y/n said as she pulled the vape out of the box. " here try it" y/n said giving the vape to George. He took a puff and immediately starting coughing which made you laugh. " wanna try Fred?" You asked still laughing a little. "Sure" as expected he also started coughing as he inhaled which made you laugh even harder. " you guys are so cute. Anyways Neville I'll give you 15 galleons for 2 more" you bargained. " you know that's a lot for 2 right?" Neville replied with shock. " then how many will that get me" you asked counting your galleons. "4 for 15 galleons" Neville replied with a smile. "Now Neville that kinda sounds like I'm ripping you off how about 4 for 20 galleons" y/n asked as she grabbed 5 more coins. " okay deal" Neville replied as he took the coins and handed y/n that vapes. " pleasure doing business with you" y/n smiles putting them in her pockets. " pleasure is mine" Neville replied before walking away.

"You know my our dad's going to have a million questions about a vape if he sees you with one" Fred chuckled. " shush your dad is so sweet!" Y/n replied elbowing Fred. "Yeah yeah whatever you say love" George replied.
"How was Snape's class today?" George asked. " boring as always. But he kept glaring at me" y/n said smirking. "He deserved it" Fred said laughing. "Hey y/n! Can I steal you for a minute?" Cho called out trying to catch up with you and the twins. " uhh sure. I'll see you guys later!" Y/n said the them as she walked away with Cho. " what's up Cho?" Y/n asked " I'm sorry" was all Cho said before I felt her push me and felt myself falling then I blacked out.

I woke up in a room. 'That bitch!' You thought. You looked around. The hospital wing great. Just then I felt an awful pain through my body and groaned loudly. "Hey hey it's okay" I heard someone say but I couldn't make it who. My vision was blurry and I was lightheaded. I must have passed out again because I woke up to pitch black... wait what on my face? What the hell! My eyes had bandages on them. "Hello" you said weakly your throat sore and dry. "Hey I'm here don't try to move" I heard someone say... Harry? "Harry is that you?" You asked trying to take of the bandages on your eyes. " shh don't move. Yes it's Harry" he replied as he pulled my arms down. "Why am in the hospital wing?" I asked trying not to cry from the pain I felt everywhere. "You fell out of a window 20 feet off the ground smashing through the greenhouse roof in the process . Your at ST. Mungo's" Harry said as he sniffled. "No your lying. I was just at Hogwarts!" You yelled as you tried to get up but it just made the pain so much worse. " y/n please calm down. You've been in a coma for  5 days." Harry said sobbing as he tried to hold me down with hurting me. "NO STOP LYING HARRY!!" you yelled as you started to cry and get the bandages off your face again. " NURSE I NEED A NURSE!!" Harry yelled as he continued to try to calm me. " what's wron- whoa hey calm down Ms. Potter" the nurse said rushing the help Harry. "No! I need to find Fred and George!" Y/n yelled trying to get them off you put you felt a horrible pain in your stomach as you screamed in pain. "I need help in here" the nurse yelled as you heard several footsteps running towards you. "Your bleeding internally Ms. Potter you need to stop moving" a male voice said trying to calm me. " it hurts!! Harry help it hurts so bad!" Was the last thing you said before you passed out.

"How is she doing" I heard a familiar voice say. Hermione? " not good we might to take her to a muggle hospital to get more care" I heard Harry sobbed. "What's all wrong with her?" I heard Ron asked worried laced his voice. " she has several broken ribs, both legs are broken in 3 different places, broken arm, internal bleeding, a severe concussion, glass cut her eyes, and a couple other things"  I heard Harry sob louder. 'What' I thought. I knew Cho hated me but did she hate me so much to try and kill me! I couldn't believe it. Was I blind? Was it just healing and couldn't heal properly with the light? I guess they heard me crying because I felt someone hand on mine but it made a sharp pain shoot up my arm. I guess that's the broken one I thought into myself. " who's that?" You whispered. "It's Fred princess" I heard Fred whisper. "Fred" You said my voice breaking as I try not to cry. " how bad is it? Please tell me the truth" You said preparing myself. "It's bad princess I'm so sorry. Your going to get transferred to a muggle hospital tomorrow." Fred said heartbroken apparent in his voice. I lost it. I starting sobbing. " am I going to die?" You whispered as I felt my bandages getting wet. " we don't know. You had. A hard fall. I'm so sorry y/n" Fred sobbed. "Where's George?" You asked trying to calm yourself from the news you just heard. " he came the first week but it broken him too much to see you like this so he doesn't come anymore." Fred answered putting his hand on my cheek. It hurt but it was bearable compared to the pain I was feeling everywhere else. "Am I blind" you whisper my voice breaking not wanting to hear the answer. " no but your eyes are severely damaged." Fred responded rubbing my checking. I sighed in relief. At least I'll be able to see again. "Where's Cho?!" You said frantically. "What do you mean?" He asked confused. "She did this she pushed me" You yelled trying to find my wand. " what?!" Fred screamed. You groaned from the pain in my ears. " sorry princess we all thought you tried killing yourself." He whispered handing you your wand. " no she said I'm sorry than pushed me" you cried.

I'm now at a muggle hospital. Im about to get for surgery for my internal bleeding. "Are you ready y/n?" A doctor asked as I felt my bed moving. " yeah" was all I said

What a twist right?!!!! So backstory on you and Cho. Cho has hated you since first year you never knew why but that hate got worse when Cedric asked you to be his girlfriend. She's always liked Cedric but he chose you. Cho swore to you she would get revenge but that was 18 months ago so you thought she got over it since she started being nicer. Boy we're you wrong.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Love you guys!! 💚

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