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Lee Know POV

The next day I woke up in someone's bed. I thought it was Jisungs, but the walls looked different and the bed wasn't as soft as I remembered. I lifted myself but quickly fell back because of the splitting headache. I really must have drunk a whole bottle of alcohol last night. Before I could get my thoughts together, someone knocked on the door.

"You're up!" Hyunjin yelled causing me to cover my ears, "I thought you were dead."

"Alive and well I guess."

He walked in and sat a tray on the bed next to me. It had a plate of food on it along with Advil and water.

"Take the Advil first and then eat." He said handing me the pill.

I just stared at him for a second before popping the pill into my mouth and drinking the water. Hyunjin just sat there staring at me as I swallowed the pill.

"What?" I said picking up the food.

"So, how good was it?" He asked laying down on the bed and swinging his legs back and forth.

"Um, it tasted like a regular Advil."

"Not the Advil dumbass," He said twisting to the side, "Jisung."

What the hell was he talking about. How good was Jisung? How good was he? What did he even mean by that?

"I'm not following your question."

"Yesterday, you and Jisung ha-" Hyunjin started but was interrupted by Changbin walking into the room.

"Hyunjin can I have some of that Ad-" He said before throwing up on the floor.

I looked at Changbin disgusted with him. I covered my ears to not hear the overnight alcohol fall to the floor forcefully.

"You middle-class piece of shit!" Hyunjin screamed while grabbing a towel, "Do you have any idea how much this cost you bastard?! Go to the fucking bathroom!"

I watched as Changbin scurried to the bathroom and Hyunjin followed behind him. I got off the bed and maneuvered my way around the vomit and went out of the room. I was walking down the hall, feeling the Advil kick in faintly. I then found myself inside a room that looked like a study.

I couldn't imagine having this many books surrounding me, I would go insane. I sat down at the desk and pretended to be someone powerful. I took the pen and started pointing at different spots in the room acting like a boss. I checked in one of the drawers and saw a shiny watch.

I put it on my wrist and flashed it around. So this is what it feels like to be rich. I felt all the power coming from my wrist. I wasn't the kind of person to look at a clock to tell the time, but I would buy this to feel special.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hyunjin said with a trash bag in his hands.

I jumped up from the chair and stared at him.

"Don't just look at me. Take the damn watch off, and get your broke ass out of my dad's study."

Is this the impatient side of Hyunjin or does he just not like the morning shine. I followed him out of the room and down the steps. I could still hear Changbin in the bathroom on my way down.

"Everyone get your lazy asses out of my living room and go the fuck home!" Hyunjin screamed over the railing to the people sleeping on the floors and couches, "And Lee Know I better not see your dumbass walk out that door until this place is clean."

I stopped in my tracks and held the door open for everyone else. Once everyone was out, I turned and saw Jisung with a bowl of cereal. He stuffed his mouth with many spoonfuls of it. When he looked up, we made eye contact. Jisung patted the seat next to him, wanting me to sit next to him.

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