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Jisung POV

I hopped in my car and drove right to the boardwalk to meet Lee Know. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I couldn't react to it. It deserved a reaction. What he did was wrong and I want him to understand that. He has become everything to me in a short amount of time and I can't see a future without him.

Some may think I'm pathetic but I feel that I have a valid reason for my choices. I held onto the steering wheel with anticipation. I didn't know what I wanted to say to him nor what was going to happen after him. When I made it to the boardwalk I sat there for a moment. My mind was empty and the lump in my throat nearly suffocated me.

"Hold yourself together Jisung. This was going to happen at some point." I reassured myself.

The hesitation that was holding me hostage inside the car was almost strangling me. My hand was on the door handle for a while before actually pulling on it. I stepped out, landing on the pavement that felt soft. I wanted all of this to be a crazy dream that I would soon wake up from. Sadly it wasn't. I was living in this hell for real and there is no getting out of it.

I walked along the nearly empty wood covering the sea I felt like falling into. My hands were in my pockets hoping not to Lee Know. Judging by the way he was texting me, I knew he would be here no matter what. I'm hoping for the worst, that seems better than the best.

My eyes were glued to the ground until I heard my name being called. I lifted my head and was met with his. He gave me a warm smile that I couldn't reciprocate.

For some reason, it felt like the first time we met. I couldn't take my eyes off his because they were so welcoming. It reminded me of all the times we had together that allowed me to be safe. I fell for those eyes all over again.

"I guess I'll start." He said knocking me out of a daze, "I'm so sorry for what I did. It was selfish of me to take something from you or anyone."

"I covered for you."

"I know an-"

"I got the police off your ass so you could turn around and smack me in the face for my kindness." I said as tears started filling my eyes, "How could you even think to do something like this?"

"I and my mom needed the money and It just seemed easy." He said while putting his head down. I felt bad for him. I understand that his family isn't on the same level as mine, but that doesn't give him the right to take from someone who showed him the love I did.

"Was it all fake then?" I asked, "Were you just using me all this time?"

"No! Not at all." He said while grabbing my face, "I do love you with all my heart. I've never felt this way about anyone in my life."

My lip quivered and tears threatened to stain my cheeks. I leaned in and kissed him softly. A feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. The warmth and eagerness were unmatched by anything else. Tears slowly fell from my eyes as our lips danced together. I felt like I was floating but that moment of bliss faded once I recognized who this person is. I removed my lips and stared at his lips. As much as I wanted to kiss him more I had to remember why I was there.

"I hate that I love you so much." I said with tears falling from my eyes, "Why did you have to do this to me."

"I'm so sorry Ji. If I could take back I would, every second." He said hugging me.

I couldn't get myself to hug him back, but I knew it was going to be something Ill never do again. I wrapped my arms around his muscular body and held him tightly. I love him and for some reason, I always will.

"I'm sorry," I said letting go of him slowly.

Lee Know POV

Sitting on my bed, full of regret. I can't seem to do anything right in my life. I held my head in my hands as I thought about, everything. What I said to my mom and what I did to Jisung. As the clock neared 8, I got myself together for my statement.

I know there's not much to explain but I was hoping he would hear me out and possibly forgive me. The guilt was eating me alive and Jisung not wanting to speak to me was even worse. The only person in the world that made me want to get up in the morning. But I doubt that he sees me like that anymore.

Hyunjins pissed off at me, rightfully so, but I'll deal with that later. Jisung was my priority. I walked out my front door, not even bothering to see that the car wasn't outside. I left the house early because I was on foot and it would take me ages to get there. I didn't want to keep Jisung waiting too long.

At a certain point during the walk, I started running. The thought of seeing Jisung made my adrenaline skyrocket. When I finally stepped foot on the wood, I stopped for a second to catch my breath. I took the moment to think of what to say besides how sorry I was. I could think of anything.

The only thing that was on my mind was Jisung.

I walked down the long boardwalk until I saw him. He was still really far away but seeing how his hands were shoved in his pockets and his face was to the ground, I knew it was him. He took each step slowly like he wanted to delay our meeting. I started walking slowly as well, but that soon turned into a speed walk.

When finally got into earshot I spoke, "Jisung."

He lifted his head and met my eyes. I blinked multiple times and watched the sparkles in his eyes shine and slowly fade away and shine again.

"I guess I'll start." I spoke again, "I'm so sorry for what I did. It was selfish of me to take something from you or anyone."

"I covered for you." He said holding eye contact.

"I know an-"

"I got the police off your ass so you could turn around and smack me in the face for my kindness." I could tell the tears were about to reveal themselves, "How could you even think to do something like this?"

"I and my mom needed the money and It just seemed easy." Putting my head down in disappointment. That's no excuse for my behavior but that was the only thing that seemed valid. He was the only person that showed me the love that I believed I deserved.

"Was it all fake then?" He asked as I brought my head back to meet his eyes, "Were you just using me all this time?"

"No! Not at all." I answered while grabbing his face, "I do love you with all my heart. I've never felt this way about anyone in my life."

His tear was more noticeable than his face is where I wanted it. His lips quivered and the tears hung in the corners of his beautiful eyes. One moment our faces were apart, and the next our lips were connected. The warmth that filled my body was unexplainable. My eyes fluttered shut causing me to deepen the kiss. I felt a small tear touch my hand as I held onto his face firmly. The sensation ended when he removed his lips from mine and stared at them.

"I hate that I love you so much," he said with more tears falling from his eyes. Why did I do this to him? No answer, "Why did you have to do this to me."

"I'm so sorry Ji. If I could take back I would, every second." I pulled him into an embrace hoping it would stop his tears from falling. Someone with a heart like his didn't deserve this treatment.

He didn't hug me back for a while until he did. I felt his body slowly relax into me and the sniffles coming from his nose. I tightened my grip around his tiny frame as regret fell into me even more.

"I'm sorry." He said letting me go.

What was he sorry for? It's not his fault that I made this dumb decision to take from someone like him. But as he lifted his head and met my eyes again, I noticed that his eyes led behind me. I turned around and realized why he was sorry.

"Lee Minho your under arrest for theft." One officer said while grabbing my arm.

My breath caught in my throat as he slowly pulled. Everything moved in slow motion as we walked away. Jisung couldn't look me in the eyes and let his head hang low.

I didn't see this coming.

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