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Animo shifted the briefcase awkwardly from one hand to another, eyeing the stone gargoyle with hesitance. Her forehead itched terribly from the woolen hat that was pulled over her ears, but it was a necessary piece to complete the last of her traveler's outfit.

"Hmm," she cleared her throat, taking a step towards the mighty griffin.

"Do hurry up, will you?" the bird dipped its beak in irritation and Animo flinched, her gaze widening. The guardian had rarely spoken during her times at Hogwarts. "I am enjoying my last day of peace, you know."

Animo's cheeks flushed. "Right. Sorry." She ducked her head, remembering her role as a somber refugee. "I would like to speak to your headmaster, please."

The griffin arched a brow. That is, if the engraved feathers could be considered one. "And how did you enter the castle in the first place?"

"Professor Dumm..Dumble let me in?" Animo posed her response as a question. As stubborn as Albus could be, she knew he would not give away her position.

Letting out a long groan, the gargoyle dipped his head and instantly the floor began to rise, revealing a set of stairs that spiraled upwards with a creak. A rush of nostalgia rushed over her shoulders as Animo thought of the countless times she had climbed these steps.

"Thank you."

The gargoyle gave no response and Animo took that as a cue to continue forward, lugging her briefcase behind her. She had piled several textbooks inside to make the weight seem more realistic but was now regretting that decision. Her arms quivered with the effort as she stopped at the top of the incline, raising a hand to rap on the wood uncertainly.


The tone was a familiar neutral and Animo held back a smile when she pushed open the door, recognizing the short statured man from the numerous times he had attempted to advise Albus via portrait. Unsurprisingly, her friend had taken few of his predecessor's words to heart.

"Oh, hello!" Headmaster Dippet gave her a sort of bewildered smile, his smooth hair pressed in white waves down to his shoulders. His dark eyes were dull, but not unkind. "What can I do for you, my dear?"

Animo shifted the briefcase in her hands, pushing her shoulders inward. "I've come from Eastern Europe." She bit her lip, hoping some sort of moisture would spring to her eyes. Fake tears were never her area of strength. "My parents were working to repair the damages from Grindelwald's raids, you see, but we got separated a few weeks back. I arrived in London and I remember them telling me of Hogwarts and that I would be safe within the school's walls." She gazed at Dippet imploringly, whose posture had softened with her tale. "Would I be able to attend here? I was homeschooled previously, but I learn fast and—"

Dippet cut off her spout of words with a wave of his hand and a faint flash of irritation. Animo bit back a smile. She had had enough discussions with the portrait version of Dippet to know that the headmaster greatly valued silence. "Never to worry, Hogwarts is open to all. In fact, our start of term feast begins tomorrow night, so you arrived at a most opportune time." The man grimaced. "I apologize if that sounded insensitive."

"No! I understand perfectly, sir!" Animo sniffed slightly, trying to hide the triumph flowing through her bones. She hated lying, but Albus had taught her how to perform a decent enough show.

Dippet gave a quick nod and a ragged hat floated down from the top shelf of the bookcase behind him. The torn fabric emitted a sour order. "Normally our Sorting is held before the feast, but I will save you the discomfort of being mingled with the first years." His mustache twitched. "They are a rather tiresome bunch."

Barely hearing his words, Animo stared at the Sorting Hat, a flood of amazement washing over her shoulders. She had hounded the dratted object for years as a child, hoping it would at least determine her house, even if Animo wasn't able to attend Hogwarts. Yet, the hat had refused, citing that "it had already wasted enough of its talents on snot-dribbling twats."

"You can sit here," Dippet tapped his foot and a stool zoomed from within a rather large wardrobe, seeming eager to be of service.

Animo slowly moved forward, fearing that if she sat too quickly, the illusion would break. As the hat settled onto her head, she shut her eyes and suddenly wished she could also hold her nose. The mottled fabric reeked.

"Now that's not very nice," the hat grumbled irritably.

Sorry! Animo thought with a bite of her lip. She hoped she hadn't ruined her chances.

"It would take a lot more than that, girl," the hat muttered, although it jerked her neck in a rather painful manner. "Besides, you present a rather interesting dilemma."

Animo frowned.

The hat twitched and Animo began to wonder whether the motion was an angry sort of tick. "Oh, I know exactly where to put you. No matter there." It seemed amused at her growing impatience. "But I pride myself on being a rather excellent lie detector and you are not who you seem, Miss?"

"Annie. Annie Wallis." Animo decided quickly, knotting her fingers together. She only hoped her Occlumency shields would hold. Albus had never taught her how to protect herself from a hat.

Her head vibrated with the Sorting Hat's dry chuckle. "What a boring name. Surely you could have come up with something a bit more creative?" Sensing the girl's unease, the hat softened ever so slightly. "I do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, Ani. Or perhaps only the great ones."

So, then I have nothing to worry about?

At this, she felt the hat expand to a wide laugh. "Ah, but you struggle with pride. It is one of the reasons why I know your house will fit you perfectly." Its tone sobered as the fold of the fabric sank into a heavy weight on Animo's head. "A word of advice: the boy I sorted six years ago has become even more twisted. Tread carefully."

Animo's heart rate quickened. Can he be saved?

The bark of laughter from the Sorting Hat's brim was perhaps more jarring than the first. "Do I look like a crystal ball, girl? SLYTHERIN!"

A rush of elation soared through Animo's chest, followed by a brief stab of guilt. Albus would have been a bit disappointed, however often he spoke of house equality. Animo had watched him award Gryffindor House points on the most absurd of occasions.

With that, the darkness was lifted and Animo blinked to see Professor Dippet observing her with curiosity, although she could detect a flicker of regret in his brown gaze. "You are the first hat stall we've had in years! I must ask," he leaned forward, smelling sharply of peppermint toads. Animo wondered if every headmaster had a signature candy. "Between which two was the hat debating?"

Animo hesitated, uncertain of how to respond. She decided for the words that were closest to the truth. "I'm not certain. It wanted a chat, I suppose?"

Dippet's brow furrowed, but he said no more as he waved Animo to her feet and she was thankful that he seemed much less nosy than Albus. "Well, Miss Wallis, I will have one of the house elves escort you to your dormitory. For your comfort, you will be placed in a private room." He shook his head. "If I have learned anything in my years as headmaster, it is to be wary of packs of the female specimen. They are not friendly to new prey."

Frowning, Animo began to wonder just how bad Slytherin House was in this time. Surely it couldn't be worse than the one she had left?

Of Monsters and Men- Tom Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now