Chapter 49 - A Confession

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"Chris, he's a demon. He doesn't have a soul."

"From what little I understand of religion, aren't they basically angels that were cast out of heaven?"

"I think so."

"Then that would mean he has to have a soul."

"But that doesn't mean that he's my twin flame," I point out while also trying to reassure myself. "even the cult's own books talk about it. There was an emphasis on having the body hosting him sacrifice someone they care deeply about. It means that it has to be you because I mean something to you, and then..."

I pause while swallowing sharply as I force myself to grasp the following words that come out of my mouth. "Then, when you have to kill me, it will make it easier for William to have total control over you."

Chris falls silent at that.

I then thought back to the letter I had found at Marie Kelly's grave. Maybe William indeed was a sentimental creature after all. He had written that her purpose for him couldn't be fulfilled because the man who claimed to love her truly didn't.

I mention this to Chris, "That's why it didn't work the first time. The man that killed Marie Kelly didn't actually love her, and the ritual failed."

Chris still doesn't say anything for quite some time, but when he finally does, his voice comes out in a rasp, "So if I'm in love with you, that means it will have to work, right?"

"Chris, please don't put it that way," I plead as I rest my forehead against the stone. "Don't say it like you've done something wrong."

A shrill cry hushes us both, followed by shouts of, "It's nearly time! Make sure someone stays with her, and the second you think that the baby is on the way, notify Roy!"

A baby? Why would Roy care about a child being born at a time like this? And yet again, like everything was falling into place like toppling dominos, I recalled one more detail that had seemed too far-fetched or meaningless at the time. I had met a pregnant woman at one of the cult's meetings, and she had mentioned something about her son playing a critical part in the New World Order. A shiver raced across my skin as my imagination ran wild with what little I knew. Whatever they intended to do with the infant probably wouldn't be any better than what they've done with the rest of their victims.

The wall I was pressed against gave a violent shudder as the door to Chris's cell crashed into it, and Roy ordered, "Restrain him."

I couldn't understand his next words, but I could hear Chris reply, "I don't know."

A third voice spoke up, much louder than Roy, demanding, "How the hell are you suppressing him? What makes you think you have the right?"

"I told you, I don't know," Chris growled, and then his tone gained more defiance as he added, "This is my body, not his."

A sharp smack resounded through the air, and Roy spoke again, "That's enough. You don't want to damage the New Lord's vessel, do you?"

"No, sir, I was only hoping to get some answers about how he's still aware since the baptism is so close to starting."

"Rest assured, this isn't the first time I've seen this occur. It's nothing to be concerned about. Think of it like an animal giving a few more twitches before death. This happens when the host becomes fully aware of the New Lord's presence. They try their best to reject him, even though this should be considered a gift."

"If it's such a gift, why don't you take it?" I demand, unable to listen to his insane speech, trying to glorify being violated in such a way. I didn't care if this would draw him to me. At this point, I knew there was no way to get out of this; he would at least know how one of his countless victims felt.

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