(06)Eddie We Can't..(06)

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I looked at Eddie, confused. "Yes Eddie.." He brought me back onto the bed making me gasp a little. "Eddie what are you doing.." Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. "Y/n..I uh..would you like to sleep here..I-I can sleep on the floor of course..I just uh want you to be comfortable." My smile grew a little, I rolled my eyes. "Yes I'll stay here.." Eddie went to go put his guitar back, he stood in front of me and kneeled at my height. "Y/n.." Eddie said, I practically couldn't hear him. "Yeah.." My eyes dragged down to his lips and right back to make eyecontact with him. I felt my nerves grow, was I about to kiss Eddie Munson.

"E-Eddie..we can't you..you..no" Eddie looked dissapointed but it seemed he understood and just sat back down beside me. "I-I'm sorry it's just I know you still like Chrissy..even if..she's..gone..I-I can't.." Eddie groaned. "Goddammit Y/n..It's always been you! Don't you see the reason I fucking hated you is because I could never have you! I always teased you just to try and get your attention..and and..." I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's not fair Eddie! You were so mean to me..how is it possible..you literally always complained to me to Mike..and you always insulted me. I mean we hated eachother. I mean that day at Hellfire!" I didn't know how to feel.

"Why did you lie about liking Chrissy then plus she had a boyfriend how come you didn't hate her huh!" I got up. "W-Why did I have to hear all that shit you said about me. I know I insulted you too but why did I have to come home to Mike telling me what his fucking friend said about me!" Eddie was speechless and I kept rambling on. "You pranked me..constantly, let's not forget how you humiliated me when I went to go try and talk to you because hey I thought I'd fit in with the other metal heads! You just laughed in my face and then..I finally got accepted in senior year by those assholes who didn't give a shit about me. Chrissy was the only one who cared for me, so where were you if you liked me so much. Why did you always thing I was a bimbo huh!? I was stuck being Patrick's perfect little girlfriend and you always said to Mike how perfect and how MUCH of a bimbo I was..how the fuck..can you call me that when you have been held back TWO years Eddie...two! So screw you screw you!"

My tears were falling below me, I looked down my fists clenching as I felt my breathing getting heavier and heavier. "Y/n..I-.." Eddie tried to speak, he really did but I wouldn't let him. "God..the problem is Eddie..is that whole time I was stuck with you..I kept thinking to myself how shit of a person I was to you..h-how I was so wro-" I was cut off, Eddie lightly pushed me against the wall. "I'm sorry Y/n okay! I am so sorry for being such an asshole and a freak to you! I should've treat you better..but all I can do is change my actions from now on..okay..so please..please just understand I was stupid. Wheeler I think you are the most beautiful, smartest and most heavy metal girl ever..okay?" Eddie gave me a kiss on the lips.

And I kissed back, closing my eyes as I tried to push him away but really I didn't want to..I would pay to stay like this forever with him. It was passionate, nothing like the kisses Patrick would give me. It was real. I pulled away, Eddie was staring at me dumbfounded as his cheeks turned red. "O-Oh my god..Y/n you said no b-before.." The poor boy was nervous, his hands were shaking even. "N-No it's okay..i-it's okay..I loved it.." I wiped my tears and sighed. "Just..just..maybe take me out on a date first..after this whole fighting Vecna thing is done." Eddie put his forehead against mine. "Me, Eddie The Banished take the most beautiful princess of the land..on a date..Why of course..your majesty!" He bowed making me laugh a little. "Nerd." I said. "Dork" He replied with.

"Listen Y/n, I'm sorry genuinely, I should've concidered you more. I made you feel so bad..I like you a lot Y/n Wheeler, hell I think you are one of the most beautiful girls out there. That day at Hellfire had me going crazy, I was on edge the whole time after I insulted you. I can't believe I said and did so many bad things. I thought they were harmless but I guess they weren't. I promise..I'll protect you, Vecna will never get you..there shall be no more running from Eddie The Banished. When were out of this shit, I'll take you on dates hell I'll even help you learn guitar. Teach you dnd well and I don't know..but I promise I'll make everything up to you sweetheart." I was shocked, no one had ever said so many kind words to me. I blinked a few times. "Okay..yeah..I think I might even just accept" I smiled as Eddie gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Eddie went through his closet, handing me a random plain black t-shirt of his. "Here..so you can get out of the cheer uniform, you'll be fine wearing the skirt to bed right?" I nodded and smiled, motioning for him to get out while I change, the moment he stepped out I could hear him and Dustin freaking out. "I kissed her I kissed her!" I could practically picture everyones faces then and there. I rolled my eyes as I took the top part of my uniform, slipping the black t-shirt over my body. I then opened the door to see everyone immediately stare at me. "Y/n here have this." Nancy handed me a walkman, I looked into the tape player to see the tape to Whom The Bell Tolls. "Okay..so Vecna isn't done..?" Nancy shook her head, I practically felt my heart drop. "You'll know why tomorrow." I nodded as Eddie came back into the room, he was doing something random that I was too distracted to pay attention to. "Goodnight Nancy" Nancy gave me a kiss on the forehead and hugged me before I entered Eddie's room again.

I took the sheet off the blanket and layed down on the bed pulling the sheet back over me. I threw the spare pillow at Eddie and sighed. "Sleep tight weirdo" I said, turning the lamp off. "Yeah yeah whatever..dork" I smiled and curled up into a ball. My mind was filled with Eddie, I couldn't stop replaying that stupid kiss in my mind. God why did I let him, I didn't regret it but I still felt bad. I forgive him, for everything of course. I just really hoped that he meant everything, I really did.

Don't Say That Wheeler! / Eddie Munson X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now