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"You're gonna be okay promise me Eddie I can't lose you yet" I was in the upside down, holding Eddie in my arms. "Eddie!" I yelled as I sat up from the deep sleep to see him standing right in front of the bed. "Hey you had a nightmare babe" He said as he sat on the bed bringing me into a hug. "You were dead in the upside down..I can't get the nightmares to stop" Eddie frowned as he reassured me everything would be alright. He helped me up and smiled down at me. "Look I'm right here okay? I'm never gonna leave you, ever."

He's lying. Is what the devil on my shoulder said, the angel being muffled out. "I'll be here always" Liar. I had been overthinking a lot lately, Eddie had been pulling away lately and befriended the new girl at school. Frenchy. She was lovable, a metal head not to mention her skills at DnD. I couldn't help but feel jealous about the girl and it just felt that Eddie had been more distant. "Hey Wheeler love, you spaced out." He hadn't talked to me all of yesterday. I looked at him. Frenchy was flirting with Eddie in more ways then one, playing with his hair, touching his shoulder and the worst crime of all, he had her red scrunchie around his wrist. "Do you like Frenchy?" My voice couldn't sound any more hurt, Eddie looked guilty or at least that's what my mind told me. "What? No?" Eddie sounded genuine, I pointed to the scrunchie. "Babe what are you pointing at?" I blinked and saw his bare wrist, nothing on it.

I sat up and realised that was soon a nightmare. I mean Frenchy was real and Eddie was distant but he had never worn anything of hers. I got up and started getting ready for school, I slipped into some jeans and a baggy tee. I didn't bother putting any makeup on, I had no one to impress, and well Eddie did not care if I did or not. I was gorgeous both ways, his words.

At school I made it my mission to catch Eddie before class. I spotted him talking to Frenchy by her locker, he looked happy. I frowned at the sight of them and stomped my way to them, I grabbed onto his wrist, he looked down at me and immediately grinned. My cheeks were a light shade of dark pink, my foot stomping on the ground ever so slightly. "If you'll excuse me Frenchy I gotta talk to this one over here." She nodded and smiled. Eddie dragged me to the old empty chemistry class. "I know that look of yours what's bothering you" He said lifting me onto the big desk in front of the blackboard. "Frenchy" I mumbled and Eddie sighed smiling. "Yeah, Frenchy? The one I've had to remind you of that I don't like, huh?" I nodded and suddenly the floor became way more interesting to look at. "I love you, Wheeler, I mean no one can ever beat you, look at you for Christ sake." I rest my head on his chest. "She's so much more cooler and prettier." Eddie lovingly rubbed circles on my back. "No, wrong, I will stop talking to her if it bothers you so much, I don't want you feeling this way when you don't deserve to feel this way. Just give me a lil' nod and I will stop talking to her." I nodded. "She touches your shoulder and p-plays with your hair and I hate it!"

"Oh Wheeler, I'm sorry" He said cupping my face as he wiped the tears running down my face. "I never noticed it to be honest, not to mention half my conversations I have with her are about you, She's too dumb to get the hint I think" I giggled and kissed his cheek. "I love you forever, Rats are my favourite animal." I punched his shoulder and laughed. "Shut up Eddie!" "I'm so in love with you" Eddie said as he got closer to my face, heat rising up to my cheeks as I stared at him. "I am too" The words rolled off my tongue, I scanned every feature he had to offer on his face. To each freckle. "Do you wanna move in?" Eddie said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Been waiting for you to ask that, yeah definitely, I'll convince my mom, I mean I'm nine-teen." Eddie nodded as he brought me into a kiss, slow and gentle.

He then carefully pulled away and smiled. "And that's why my darling love France or Frenchy could never compare to you. I mean she doesn't bring me a single flower every time I see her. I will stop talking to her, I promise. Wayne will be delighted to have you move in, plus most of the time we'll have the trailer to ourselves. So that means a whole lot of binge watching movies you want" His eyes lit up as he rambled about every single thing we could do. "Make sure to bring Bilbo The Cactus with you" The cactus named after Bilbo Baggins, ah yes. "Yeah, the ones who's spines got caught in your hand, won't forget about him for sure" I placed a soft kiss on his lips and giggled at the goofy smile plastered on his face.

"I don't know if my mom is actually gonna say yes though, I mean Jonathan and Nancy already moved in together but I don't know. She takes me less seriously." Eddie sighed as he brought me into a hug. "She loves you, so maybe she won't mind" We stayed like this for awhile, just holding each-other, in pure silence. I looked up at him, he was already looking at me. "I love you" I said as I smiled. "And I love you."
A week later

"I still can't believe she actually let me move in Eds" I said as I set down the final box of stuff. "You sure have a lot of clothes, yet I always see you wearing the same five outfits." I glared at him. "You better shut up before I shove a pair of shorts down your throat." Eddie chuckled and tackled me on the bed, bringing me into a huge bear hug. Eddie smiled and started kissing all over my face, making me giggle. "Hey! Enough enough! Your breath stinks!" Eddie then opened his mouth and breathed out making me gag. "Gosh no really!" I said smiling, Eddie then gently placed his forehead against mine. "I love you so much." Eddie said, his pupils were wide, he had a slight smile plastered on his face. "I love you so much." I emphasize the you, as Eddie brought me closer positioning on his lap. Eddie kissed my forehead. "You're my everything Wheeler, the most special thing I have." Eddie was tracing slow circles on my back. "And yes before you ask, you're better then my guitar."

Don't Say That Wheeler! / Eddie Munson X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now