Chapter 7: Class of Strippers

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It was early on a monday morning and I had just come back from the communal showers when Troy knocked on my door. I didn't have time to put any clothes on, so I just opened the door in my towel.

Troy: Bro why are you not dressed? We have class in thirty minutes.

Henry: Hi to you too Troy and yes I know we have class in thirty minutes. The building is literally a two minute walk, so come in and have some coffee while I get dressed.

Troy: Fine, but you better not make us late.

Troy pushed past me and knocked me into my table. The shock from the table and my fast movement caused my towel to come loose. Before I knew what happened, my towel fell to the ground and pooled around my ankles. I didn't think much about it since Troy had already seen me naked multiple times, but I was immediately embarrassed because a group of guys passed by my door and started laughing. I slammed the door closed before I suffered any further embarrassment.

Troy: Bro come on! you've been naked all around campus before, why are you so shy now.

Henry: I don't know... maybe because I'm not a huge muscle guy, that's into being a huge exhibitionist.

Troy: Hey that's not fair! It was one time.

Henry: That's not what I heard.

I slipped on a pair of purple briefs, my short shorts and a t-shirt. Once I was dressed I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the dorms with Troy. The walk to class wasn't long, we were inside the dance studio in no time. When we arrived the class was stretching and chatting before the professor arrived. We chose a spot in the back of the class and started our stretches like everyone else. I looked around the room and didn't see many students, maybe ten people including Troy and I. When eleven o'clock hit, in walked our professor. He was very lean looking, but toned. He had bleach blonde hair, beautiful honey brown skin, a dazzling smile and from the looks of his tights, a very large bulge.

Professor Smith: Alright class welcome to stripping 101. I'm professor Smith, but on the stage I go by "THUNDER DOWN UNDER". This will be a fast course, only lasting a week. So you'll need to practice and keep up if you want a good grade in my class. So let's begin!

We all spread out and tried to follow the moves of professor Smith. The way he moved his body was unreal and totally tiring. By the end of the class we all were dripping in sweat and exhausted.

Professor Smith: Alright class that's it for today, but be ready to pick up were we left off tomorrow.


Tuesdays class was no easier than Mondays and he really twisted out bodies that day. During one of his moves, we were supposed to swing around the pole and then drop dramatically onto the floor in a full split. I struggled very hard to pull off a split, but my body just wouldn't let me. When Professor smith saw this, he paused the session and made me come to the front of the class to demonstrate what I was doing wrong. Then he proceeded to force me into a split, but I could only make it half way. That didn't stop Professor Smith, he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down into a full splits.

I felt like the whole lower half of my body was shifted and I felt all of the pain. The class laughed at me as I clutched my balls, but I didn't care. I was too concerned on how to get myself out of the splits. Seeing me struggle and in pain, Professor Smith laughed and then helped me onto my back. Then he surprised me, he took off my pants and slide off my underwear before spreading my legs in the air and exposing not just my junk to the whole class, but my asshole too! I turned four shades of red and clutched my face in embarrassment.

Henry's life at the academy of Domination & SubmissionWhere stories live. Discover now