Chapter 9: Naked & Trapped

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It was a stormy Friday morning on campus when I woke up to the sound of my phone getting a message. I sat up in Henry's bed completely naked and surprisingly alone. When I went to bed the night before I slept next to Henry. I called out for him, but there was no response. I threw back the covers and jumped out of bed to check my phone. The message I received was from Henry.

" Hey dork! I had to go to an art conference with my professor and a couple students. I'll be back in a couple days. Have fun while I'm gone, but you better be ready for me to use that ass when I'm back."

Reading his message caused me to blush. I couldn't help, but picture Henry coming back and totally dominating me. I've become used to being his subby boy toy. Just the thought of his handsome face caused my small cock to point straight out. My hand had a mind of its own as I gave my cock a couple strokes. Just those couple strokes caused me to have an embarrassing orgasm, cumming all over my living room floor. The sensation and the embarrassment that only I knew was more than enough to get me hard again. I moved back to Henry's bedroom and pulled out the box of toys we got from our sex and fun class. The toy that caught my attention the most was dildo Henry used on me the night before. I quickly took out the lube and laid back on the bed with my legs in the air. Just as I finished lubbing up and placed the head of the dildo to my tender tight hole, Troy walked in.

Troy: Umm did I interrupt something?

Ryan: TROY! Why... how... did you... ugh get out!

Troy: No can do, it's raining outside and I'm bored.

Ryan: Why don't you go hang out with your football friends?

Troy: Because they're out of town being dicks probably.

Ryan: Ugh... fine we can hang out, just let me get dressed.

I unfortunately put my toys away and got up off the bed. As I moved around the room I could feel Troy's eyes follow my naked body. I threw on a pair of basketball shorts and an oversized hoodie. Finally dressed, Troy and I made our way across the campus to the campus frat party. When we arrived the party was in full swing with everyone either drunk or high off of sugar and caffeine. It didn't take us long to blend into the party and have a good time, that is until the frat presidents Sam and Doug started arguing by the fire pit.

Sam: You guys have nothing on us. We are the best frat on campus and you know it.

Doug: All you guys are good for is getting drunk and fucking.... Of course not in that order, but you know what I mean.

Sam: All I hear is blah blah blah. Maybe if you guys fucked something more than your hands or pillows you'd know what it really means to be frat men.

Doug: I think you mean frat boys.



The crowd split in two as everyone chose a side.Troy and I were the last two to pick a side. I thought we were going to just leave, but Troy stood up and joined the Alphas side. He put his hand out for me to join him, but I didn't move.

Troy: Come on bro, you belong over here.

Ryan: Ummm sorry Troy, but I vibe more with the sigmas.

As I crossed the invisible line, I watched Troy's face drop with confusion. The lines had been drawn and we went our separate ways to the frat houses. We were celebrated for picking their side, but the festivities quickly quieted down. The Sigma president Doug gave us a speech and a task. To prove to the Alphas we were not spineless nerds, we had to sneak into the football coach's on campus house. Once inside we were to sneak out a pair of his underwear and successfully make it back to the frat house. If we could pull this off successfully, we would be inducted into the frat without any further embarrassing tasks. I wasn't sure I wanted to be a part of the frat, but everyone seemed down to give it a try, so I agreed.

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