Chapter 10: Lock the Cock

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It was finally Friday and I was almost finished with all of my classes. Luckily my last class was always fun because I had it with Troy. It also helped that our professor was the coolest and youngest guy at the academy. At 28 years old, Professor Thorn taught Submission 205. The class was all about different techniques to cause someone to submit to their dom. Throughout the week we learned about chastity devices and how to use them. Still new to the kink world, I was pumped to actually see a cock cage in real life. When I arrived at class, Troy wasn't anywhere to be found and class was about to begin.

Professor Thorn: Hello class, hope you've all had a great week. Anyone have plans this weekend?

Freddy: I sure do, I'm going to a festival with my friends.

David: I'm going to the movies to see the new Christmas film.

Professor Thorn: Those sound like fun, you guys make sure to be safe out there. So today's lesson will involve partners. Group up and then we can begin.

I watched as everyone quickly teamed up and before I knew it. I was the only one without a partner. Just as I was going to speak up about it, Troy came bursting through the classroom door. He was sweaty and out of breath, almost as if he had just finished running a marathon.

Professor Thorn: How nice for you to join us Troy. You can partner with Henry and you'll be today's test dummy.

Troy: But Professor...

Professor Thorn: No buts or I'll have yours sitting on that chair completely exposed. You got it?

Troy: Yes professor Thorn.

The class giggled as Troy made his walk to our table. Professor Thorn continued his lecture and announced that we would be testing our hands, well our cocks at chastity. He came around and placed a tape measurer on each table and instructed us to measure our junk soft and hard. When we were done, we were to write it down and hand it in. We got down to business and everyone unzipped or pulled down their pants to reveal their members. It didn't take us long to get hard and soon the class was filled with 16 hard cocks.

Professor Thorn: Oh by the way class, a little twist to today's assignment. Your partner has to measure your cock, you don't get to measure your own. Have fun.

The class was filled with a mixture of shock and excitement. I turned to Troy, who didn't have a worry on his face and before I could say anything he grabbed my cock. I felt a strong pulse of horny energy radiate through me and travel back into my cock. I immediately started to leak pre cum all over his hands and the floor. He looked at me and laughed as he continued pawing at my cock. The tape measure felt cold against the heat of my throbbing cock. Troy took his time playing with my member and milking the pre cum out of me.

I was on the edge for 10 minutes before he finally let my cock go. He wrote down my measurements as 3.5 soft and 6.5 hard. While he wrote, I noticed that he gave out a small chuckle, but I didn't say anything. Next it was his turn and I grabbed his cock with full force and pulled him closer. Before I grabbed the measuring tape I took my time pawing at his huge cock.Before long he had a steady stream of pre cum. The stream reached the floor, but never disconnected from his cock. I took my time recording his measurements, making sure to give him slow strokes to keep him on the edge of a very embarrassing public orgasm. By the time I finished collecting data Troy was shaking from the edging torture.

Once I let his cock go, it bounced back and hit him on his lower abdomen. Without warning Troy let out a low and long moan as he shot his load all over the floor in front of everyone. The class laughed and applauded for the performance. There were shouts of "ENCORE, ENCORE, ENCORE". Troy was extremely embarrassed and tried to pull his shorts back up, but Professor Throne stopped him and added to his embarrassment.

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