.~•Bumblebee and Knockout x Human!Reader•~. (Slight Lemon, Fluff)

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Alex wraps his arms around your waist. Hes your boyfriend, but you've been wanting to break things off.

"I'm gonna go see who's over there. Wanna come, Baby?" You hide your disgust, smelling the beer drip from his breath, and nod.

He takes your hand and walk away from the group. Two boys looking to be about sixteen or seventeen stand alone, talking. "Hey. What you guys doin' here?" Alex asks with as much athuority as possible.

"We're just talkin'. That's all." Alex scoffs, pulling you close. You make it clear you don't want to be touched, but he continues anyway.

"Well, you can't be here if you don't have a car." By now, you've had enough. You push him away with enough force to make him stumble against the car behind him, which was only a few feet away. "What the hell, Babe?!"

"Don't call me that, Alex. We're done. Don't talk to me again." He turns and walks away, drunk and angry. You turn to the two boys. "I'm really sorry about him. I'm Y/N." You say, holding out your hand.

"I'm Kai. This is Blaze." You shake both of their hands. Blaze smiles.

"Can he talk?" Kai shakes his head.

"No, hes mute." You widen your eyes.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Blaze." He smiles and nods. "So, uh..what were you guys talking about?" You ask awkwardly.

"We were talking about the war. With the Autobots and Decepticons." You smile.

"I am really glad the Autobots won."

"You're on team Autobot?"

"Hell yeah. They are the bomb, and I would do anything to meet them."

"Who's your favorite?"

"Bumblebee is my first favorite, Knockout is my second favorite." Kai and Blaze have huge smiles on their faces.

"What you do if you met them?" You blush slightly and cover your face with your jacket sleeve.

"If I met Knockout, I would give him my number so he can call me if he needs help buffing. If I met Bee, I'd see if I can understand him, and if not I'll try my best to learn how to." Both boys look at each other and nod.

"Well, Blaze and I were wondering if you wanted to see our cars." You smile really big.

"Yes please." Kai and Blaze walk on either sides of you.

On the far side of the lot, two cars sit. You barely notice they look so fimiliar. One is red with an amazing buff, while the other is yellow with black stripes.

"Do you like them?"

"I love them.." You start to realize who they look like.

"Something wrong, Y/N?" Kai says with a smile.

"You're the Autobots!" You say. Kai and Blaze nod. "Oh my god. Oh my god." Kai hugs you and you squeeze him with all your might.

"You have a really strong grip." You hug Blaze and he spins you around, placing a hand on your lower back and leaning forwards. Kai leans against his Alter. "So, Y/N. About that number." He says with a smirk that makes you blush.

"Here." You give him your number and lean against his Alter with him. He moves in front of you, picking your face up and looking deep into your eyes. Blush fills your face.

"You blush easily, princess." You bury you face in his chest, wrapping your arm around his waist.

"Its your fault." He laughs, pulling your face up again.

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