.~•Knockout x Human!Reader•~.

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"I couldn't care less, Y/N! I am trying to treat this patient and you're distracting me!"

"I'm sorry I just-."

"Just shut up! I do not care! You are so annoying! I hate you and wish I never took you to the Nemesis in the first place! This is no place for a human, and it never will be. I don't know why or how Megatron even likes you and lets you stay here. I wish you were never created!" Knockout finishes with a huff and turns back to his patient.

Y/N stands shocked on his counter. Tears well up in her eyes, threatening to spill. She wipes them away and opens her datapad before tapping on Breakdown's comm number.

"Breakdown?" She asks.

"Y/N? What the matter? Are you crying?" He replies.

"Um..could you come to get me from the Med-Bay, please? I wanna go home.."

"Yeah. I'm right here." He logs off and opens the doors, eventually spotting Y/N's small form on the counter. He gently lifts her and walks outside.

"Thanks, Breakdown." She choked out.

"What's the matter, Y/N?" He asks softly.

"I-I'll tell you on the ride home." She replies.

Breakdown comms Megatron to ask for permission to bring Y/N home. Once granted, he transforms and speeds off.

"So..?" He pushes.

"Uh..w-we we're having a normal conversation when a fatally injured Vehicon came into the Med-Bay. While Knockout was working, I tried to warn him of something falling, but he didn't hear me and almost fell. He blamed it on me, called me names, told me he hated me..even said he wished I was never created.." Breakdown's engine quiets as he pulls into the driveway. His shifter clicks satisfyingly and parks.

"I'll talk to him, Y/N. I promise. Sleep well." He states. Y/N steps out and closes the door.

"I will." She places a light kiss to his headlight. "Night, Breakdown." She walks inside and hears her friend's engine fade.

Y/N steps into her bedroom and closes the door. She opens her dresser and pulls out a pair of black shorts and a black crop top. She slips her jeans off and sees the tattooed Decepticon emblem on the inside of her thigh. She smiles and puts her shorts and top on.

Y/N hears her phone ring on her bed. She walks over and sees Knockout's name and picture. Frowning, she declines, plugs it in, turns the light off, and gets into bed for a much-needed rest.


Hours later, Y/N hears a familiar engine pull in. She knows it was Knockout, but she stayed in bed. She didn't want to talk to him right now. Sleep was her only priority. While she was falling back asleep, Knockout's engine quieted as he shut it off. He didn't transform, he didn't call her, he didn't comm her. Y/N didn't care. She was happy he didn't do anything to contact her.


Y/N woke up to her 8:00 alarm. She turned over and lightly tapped the screen to turn it off. She pushed the covers off of her and stood, stretching. Her German Shepherd, Max, greeted her by gently nudging her leg with his nose. She smiled tiredly and patted his head, then placed a light kiss to his muzzle.

She walked into the kitchen and took a glass down from the cupboard. She filled it with water and dumped it into Max's bowl. She made herself a small cup of coffee and took the leash down from the wall. Y/N hooked it onto the metal ring on Max's collar and opened the garage door.

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