Chapter 1: Fate

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"Wake up! We don't have time! They are pushing the line back, and we can't afford to lose you here, even if your about to die, don't use it. Do you hear my Lay, don't use it!"
-What was that? Who was that? I didn't see her in any of the girls that live in this town, and she doesn't go to my school either. Why did I have that dream, and how did I have a dream? We are literally on our way to church! Man, I must have been tired from my 6 hour shift at work yesterday. Forget about how I was able to dream in a car full of 3 noisy toddlers, that chick was HOT... Like she was so fine, (please marry me...please). He he, that was probably the most pretty girl I have ever seen, black hair and her face shape was the ideal type for korean standards, her nose was small, and her eyes were very beautiful, like looking into the moon vibe kind of eyes, her hair was very fair, looked very healthy to me. Her key feature had to be the tiny mole on her chin, not too high and not too low. She looked like a girl from an MMORPG for sure. She was, without a doubt Korean. Just her face makes me feel uneasy, and I don't even know her body proportions, like bust size... and thigh size.... and.... and.. and WHY AM I EVEN THINKING ABOU THIS! I am such a perv, (You kinda are Lay) especially on a Sunday.-

"Take that weird blushed face of yours off ugly! We are almost here", "Ok!" I said back at my annoying stupid sister, she looks annoying and always is an overeacting person. I don't like her and sometimes I can get along with her, like any sibling basically. Doesn't mean I will save her if she is about to die in the Festival. The car I was on was a van, It had my uncle, my aunt, my mom, both my little brother and sister. It also contained the 2 children my aunt birthed, and they were loud, annoying I guess runs in the family. Despite the noise, I was able to dream, and before I knew it, I was about to enter the church. I opened the door after everyone entered, and suddenly my chest began to hurt, I was about to let out a noise, but I am not going to worry my guardians, especially when it's my evaluation day. It began to heat up, the pain I mean, it was like taking a hot shower but all the hot water ever hits is your chest, and it's heat is turned all the way up. I began to crouch down to ease up the pain, but it was constant, and it was the type of hurt that you know won't stop and you just have to endure the pain. I couldn't handle it, and then suddenly, my eyes just.... they just closed.

"I..I..I'm fine, I took all of them out, and sent them to reality, where they need to be. I don't care about anyone's feelings, they think they were all that, and they got destroyed, All of you formed a great alliance, made up of all 5 schools, I was out numbered 2 to 50 million and yet you didn't win? What an bunch of peasants, I am just sick about how they don't have any worries. Disgusting, I don't feel any sympathy for them, I don't care that they screamed out for help, shut up! Your a waste of love and affection, and NO... ONE... SHOULD EVER....WASTE THEIR PRECIOUS TIME ON YOU! YOUR..YOur..your a disgrace, why live when all you do is die, die inside."
-Who is this guy! Why is he rambling, but I can... I can feel his pain and anger, I don't know why but, I just feel connected to him. This man, he's wearing a black hooded cloak, and I can barely see his eyes, but they glow of hate and... and relief? Wierd but his eyes glow of it, the color white, they glow bright, the pure white color waving and dancing in the air, making energy waves out of the his eyes, even with no wind they still dance in the air. Scary... His aura is enough to make me want to just leave, but I can't and his aura is like touching my spine, but from the inside. His attire is all black, cloak and all, although tattered from battle his still standing, and smoke coming out from what I think is his mouth, it's in the area so I assume it is. He looked beat up, and yet he still is righ here standing, if I ever come out of the large holes that the battle made, I might die from just a glare from this person. Although there are manny terrestrial damage in the field, there is no bod- Nuh uh... No way... The person, I only saw him from his head and up, but as I emerged little by little from the hole... I was disgusted by him, this.... this player, no wonder there was no body, he either stacked them all or he killed them and they appearently made a stack. Other than that, the man with white glowing eyes with black cloak was not just took out an army, no he took out 5 and is now sitting on the dead bodies he has slain.- "I know you're their, old me!"

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