Chapter 11: This fight... it will end...

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"Vvzzoomm, Vvzoomm!" The sound that every time I touch the ground... I can't seem to be kept on the ground. I keep bouncing up. I don't care right now though... I might have the power to defeat this monster... I have to defeat this monster... there is no going back without killing this dragon. I have to kill her. I jumped up and started flying towards the giant dragon... somehow my flight was in bursts... not in a straight flying mode... it was hard to  control the flying mechanism. I again transferred all my gravity weight in my right arm... I have to go faster! Faster! Faster! Even faster than before! I have to be faster! I zoomed through her winds... it didn't even slow me down... I proceeded to keep going... faster.. then I unleashed my punch that was 4 times stronger than before. It hit.... The giant Queen of all Dragons have been punched down on the forest. She roared at me with anger... on the ground with trees on her wings... she gave off a blast of fire. I proceeded to take it head on. It was hot... she kept going. It's good that she is using her fire breath... to hide me. She stopped and there I was with another fatal punch. She took it head on.... She flew about 500 feet from where she was before... destroying trees. She left a path of destruction. She was tired... suddenly there was a strong heat wave flying me away from her. I flew back up... she also flew back up... we met each other's eyes. I knew higher and higher til I was above the dragon... I gathered all the energy and power I have in to my right arm again... it began to grow into size... and it started to emit sparks... my right arm was about a size of a 66 inch T.V. I kept bouncing from the burst of gravity leaving my body....apparently this form sucks in gravity and uses it as a steam engine. The sparks began to start happening frequently.... I then bursted downwards the dragon. I strategically used my power and environment. Being high up... the dragon can't see me attack very much. Because the sun is blocking her sight.... She roared and then flew right at me... she generated a fire blade like scythe in her mouth.... It was oozing out of energy and it was by far the most terrifying move the dragon has done. We went after each other at fast rates... We were at the speed of light.. cause before I knew it We were almost about to hit....crap! I can't avoid it... the flare scythe is too close... I have to think... transfer the power to my left arm and then hit her with it... I twisted my away from the scythe by looking right and twisted my body to the right by a tiny bit. Transferring all my power from my right to my left I clenched my left arm... I get ready to put this flying monarch to the ground... Like Rose'! I made an impact on the hard scale... it was soft this time. It was like I could kill this lizard. I proceeded with the attack... and eventually sent the Queen out of the throne. I own the throne now. Bow to your King!

"Smart... he grows as he fights...he is a formidable opponent. If I was to fight him in my prime... he would obliterate me... instantly." Tzuyu's dad's statement shocked everyone. Gyohwan's Soldier being beaten is unlikely but apparently Lay can do it. Lui or Mr. Choi is by far the most influential player in the worl... he is why every kid wants to be a player... even though he works for the company... he is heroic. A hero in every boy's eyes. That said... the very statement shook the team and everyone else. Grandma walked towards Sana, "Sana... can we evaluate you again? I want to make sure if something." Sana nodded and proceeded to go with Grandma and her parents to the evaluation room. Nahee asked Tzuyu something. "Why is Sana getting evaluated? She already is an S-rank." Tzuyu responded back, "I told grandma that I want to be just like my father and go on adventures and help the company at the same time. So she wants to make sure Sana is strong... apparently on Sana's mom's side... Ms. Reiko a special skill that once you fall in love you rank changes... it happens only through blood relation... so Sana might be stronger than you. And also when this happens... they also have a higher rate of success when it comes to birth... meaning that they are more healthy when they are pregnant... and they reduce the percentage of pain and death during childbirth. So.... Sana from the start had a better start at running the company anyway. She secures the bloodline.... She is smarter than us.... She was just hiding it. She lied to Lay... about you being strong... she just wanted to help you and our family... she was playing us the whole time. She knew she was superior... in every way... she invited Lay... but why? We know that she lied about being the successor... but why invite him?"

My attack worked on her.... It flung her across the valley... crashing into the nearby mountain and making some catastrophic damage to it. I know my form won't I gathered all the energy I have and my form's I grabbed the energy from my body. My body began to be coming back from the more muscular form I acquired. The form was cool... my forearm and knees down were all black and a highlight of red. I don't know how I got it...the form I mean. I do remember using Yoroi on my body invade I get attacked again... but there's also another that happened... there was a voice calling...telling me that I was not what he expected. I can look into it later. I gathered all of my energy both left over and form....I then made an arrow made of the red gravity.... It was out of control... making sparks like in my evaluation. The arrow was big add the whole arm of the Queen of Dragon herself. The arrow was pink... and released it to pierce the heart of the mother of dragons. She saw the arrow and tried to move.... But I curved the arrow so it can hit the dragon for sure. The dragon roared one last time before her last breath... then... the arrow went straight through her.... She didn't even dodge... she admitted defeat. An honorably death....Her body got transferred to my inventory. And I exited out the campaign. I need to find how to get that power back.... The tremendous power that killed the Queen of Dragons... and who was the one who believed in me?

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