Chapter 13: It starts

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"I'm going out!" Quinn got out of the room to go to the campaign room. After all, he got an S-rank campaign. He is ready to be an official S-rank. Quinn entered the elevator with excitement as the elevator goes down when he pressed the ground level button. He walked himself to the campaign
room. While he was on the way, he saw one of his bestest friends... Lay. Lay asked where Quinn was going... "I'm going to finish this task I want to do... if anything happens... plea-" Lay cut Quinn's serious and heartfelt favor with..."Marry Alyssa? Take care of Alyssa... have a family with A-". Quinn immediately stopped the weird respond. "No... I... why would you say that! in the lobby for crying out loud. I meant to say please watch for me. If I get in a serious situation where I can't get out alive. Please help me. Jeez way to make me feel great before the gate entrance." Lay laughed... and they continued to the campaign room. Eventually Lay sat on one of the couches next to the gate Quinn was about to enter. Quinn put in his Campaign Key. Which is a public gate. People can go into it if they can go through "submission" but most don't cause submission is the showing of one's greatest fear, fearful/traumatic time and fear of the future coming true.  It gives you nightmares...things that can affect your mental health.

What is this... it looks like a cave... but it's a glossy cave like ice. It was full of icicles but it isn't cold.  It there are some puddles in this so called cave. There was an enormous tree made of icicles... like crystals. It was in the middle of the crystal cave. It had an Erie feeling though... something wasn't right and Quinn immediately knew about it. The tree was magnificent and really refreshing... but on the tree was a weird presence... an S-rank threat or even more. It was is a being that hides... then the creature stooped down onto the crystal floor. It roared at the A-rank challenger. It then showed its colors. It was a chameleon based creature. But it had some crystals on its tail... and some spikes on its back. Like a crystal dragon without wings. His main colors are white and mint. And had a presence of the highest S-rank. At the very least... that's what it was giving off... the lowest Na-rank would be fitting for this monster's presence and power level. If Quinn beats this... he would be qualified and be seen as the highest S-rank.

The elemental Chameleon creature roared at Quinn and threw himself at Quinn. Quinn faced the chameleon with his large sword... a claymore... it was made of jade and the hilt had a leather handle. It was a sword passed down in his family... even though Brayden was supposed to get the sword... he didn't want to use it. Apparently the sword is not a good matchup with his powers. Quinn clashed with the Chameleon. They both flew away from each other... Quinn flipped 3 times and then crashed at the right wall. The Chameleon then roared...again. This time...

[Notification: Charieroz has taken you as an opponent. You are now in a Duel.]. "What the... how does this monster even have this much health.". [Charieroz: 1,000,000 HP]. Quinn's face turned into an apathetic one...he gripped his jade sword... and then...[PB has been activated. Quick Onslaught has been enabled. You now have 15% percent more movement speed. This PB is a passive.] Good thing Quinn has both passive PBs. There are 2 types of PB, that is activation and passive. Quinn lashed out on the Chameleon... and the Chameleon charged at him with full force. Quinn slide under the fully charged Chameleon and stabbed it in the right shoulder. Sadly the jade sword was stuck inside the right shoulder of Charieroz.

[PB, Weighted Crush is active. Passive is on. You now have a 15% additional weight when attacking.] Quinn then slid through Charieroz, and is now looking at Charieroz from the back. Quinn jumped and held his hands together and then added weight onto himself... then crushed Charieroz's right shoulder. Charieroz roared in pin of his crushed right shoulder...then he started slapping the ground with his crystallized tail. Then it grew....snatching Quinn off guard. The crystallized tail started shifting. Then flashed Quinn with the crystals on his tail. Charieroz all flashed Quinn's mind and sucked all of the information and feelings from Quinn. A copy of Quinn's mind.

"Quinn, you okay?" Quinn looked up and saw someone that shouldn't be in the room. "Alyssa... how... wha-"
"Quinn. You're hurt... don't say anything. Please let me heal you...". Quinn was confused of how someone is in the room... only he went in... and Alyssa is an A-rank... only A+-rank and above can enter. "I... Quinn... I'm so sorry for not being here no on time... I'm sorry for not healing you fast enough." Quinn was very glad that his crush was there to support him... but Charieroz was gone and Quinn was very drained. "Crap, I received a debuff of 50% health cut." I just have to wait til that guy comes back... Then... just then... I can body the guy with one single attack.

Hey Quinn! I... I love you! I know I'm not really of a talker about feelings... but I can't hold it in anymore! I love you... I love you so much... I want to marry you!" Quinn was flustered... he wanted to here those 3 words from his beloved. He was relief but he had suspicions. The Alyssa he knew would never say her feelings that passionately. The Alyssa he knew would shove it off and play it off... what is happening... what ever it is.. I like it. I love how Alyssa told me she loves me. I feel like I'm being tricked but... I don't care. I would rather be tricked my Alyssa saying she loved me than being hated by Alyssa...

"Oh, hey Alyssa." Lay exclaimed to Alyssa sitting next to him on the black couch in front of the big screen. "Why am I in the campaign? That's impossible..." Lay gave an answer. "That's because the Charieroz flashed Quinn's mind and entered it. He then copied all of Quinn's mind, idea, feelings and the behaviors of his close ones. He knew that Quinn likes you so he copied you and is now brainwashing the dude." Alyssa was apathetic about the statement. Alyssa watched Quinn feel loved by fake Alyssa.

"Thanks a lot Alyssa... but it's kind of off that you're here. First of all... Your rank won't allow you to even enter the gate. And you told us that you would never try to go inside and occurring gate because you said that it was too scary? Why would you do that? Why would you sacrifice your mental health?" Charieroz responded, "Because I love you." Quinn squinted his eye. With confusion. Quinn reached for his backup weapon... a knife... simple knife. Charieroz raised its hand and then made a fist. Charieroz threw his fist at Quinn who was caught of the action of getting his knife. Quinn was flung 67 feet away and with him the debris  of crystals from the floor. Quinn got up slowly and shoving giant ice blue crystals of his shoulders and back. Quinn used his powers. The power that is quite frightening if he actually is serious. Right now... Quinn is getting the hang of his opponent.

"Ice....AGE!" Quinn stomped his right foot and then 16 seconds later his left. From his feet... mint green ice started sprouting forward. The ice was moving about 13 mph and it was about 25 feet up and was rapidly going after the Fake Alyssa. Fake Alyssa controlled the ice and stopped it. Stopping a 25 feet avalanche of ice was unthinkable. Just a bad matchup for Quinn. Charieroz was apparently the Ice Guardian. Elemental Guardians are beast that are pets of greater beings. Greater beings are elementals or the elements themselves... it's just that they are very secretive and we don't know much about them. Quinn was shocked about the title that popped up after the stopped ice. I mean... I would be scared if I was in a 500feet high 650 meter Crystal room with a Elemental Guardian. And so.... The battle begins. The fake Alyssa smiled and waved at Quinn. Quinn smirked at her and left a small grin. "Ancient Ice Technique: Ice Wraith!"

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