Chapter 9: Last Chapter was crazy! Maybe this one too?

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[Log out? Yes or No?: Yes... You have logged out.] I walked out of the large hexagon platform where 101 boys used to be on. I stepped out of the stage and went down the stairs about 2 feet high... I went out the closed gate where I was escorted by the security guards. I went to my team... all looking at me. I signed out of the stadium for now. The crowd was in awe of how gruesome the first evaluation was. But the highlight was I went out of the stadium and went to the nearby restaurant inside the gigantic building. I sat down next to a window where the stadium entrance where. I ordered a milkshake. I felt sad... why would I do such thing in-front of people. They didn't deserve it... I am ashamed... but for some reason... the crowd loved it... I hate that I did that move. I hear the cheers by the announcer and the crowd as I slurped my milkshake I bought. Then I was visited by a girl. The black hated girl sat down in front of me.

"That was unexpected... didn't know you were that kind of person." I remember such calm voice... soft and stern... clear. I looked in front of me and there she was... Tzuyu. She looked at me normally, not curious, not sad, not happy, just emotionless. Her doe eyes were just looking at me. I tried looking at her eye to eye, but she was just too pretty and I am too shameful to look. "I'm not that kind of person... I regret doing what I just have done..." Tzuyu's eyes began to look more understanding and curious. Like she wants to learn more. "I... I wished I won more fairly... I wi-" she cut me off. "It was a competition... it was bound to get dirty. I don't look at you any differently. My grandma looked at you... and she smiled... grandma always was more of a mission comes first kind of person... your just a normal human being and we can't change what's in the past." She tapped my right hand because I was looking down. "Hey... listen to me. I may have been harsh at you at first because you were new to me...but it looks like your very kind" I looked at her. She had a tiny smile... the type of smile to warm someone up... "Sorry... for being such a downer... It's just... I remembered someone who I lost...and you remind me of who the person was..." she told me that life always brings you memories... maybe that specific memory was their to remind you of something not to do again.

"Grandma! Can we go now!" Nahee exclaimed, "Not now... are you seeing what I am seeing.." Nahee squinted her eyes. Nahee gasped.... They both saw Tzuyu touching Lay's hand as they talked... the drama rises... and love is in the air!!! Magee and Grandma looked at each other and smiled... They didn't know Tzuyu was talking to Lay... Tzuyu came down here on her own accord.

"Why did you even come down here and check on me anyway?" I asked Tzuyu the question. "You looked sad when you came out of the stage and I wanted to check on you... I may be the successor of the company but I'm not that cold hearted. ha ha." I replied back with a joke. "Really? I mean... you were all.... But grandma...when we first met... HAHa ha h...a." Tzuyu's face looked mad... I knew she was joking though... it was a pout face... She laughed... her face brightened up. Her laugh was very... pretty. I don't know how to explain it... her laugh... just made me feel good and nice... her laugh made me have a euphoric feeling. Her laugh... made me smile. We both had a great conversation and I got to understand her more.

"Nahee....I haven't seen Tzuyu laugh like that in a long time... Lay... you have opened a close heart..." Nahee responded to Grandma.. "Yeah, not even us can make her laugh like that. She is herself right at this moment... the type of Tzuyu we haven't seen til she was about 4 years old... I hope she stays like that.." Grandma smiled and looked at Nahee. "Oh... but you might... Lay and I had a deal that if he took no damage during his evaluation and win at the same time... you 3 would be in his team.. spy on them for me... he he."

I woke up and did my exercise for the day... and took a shower. I walked out and saw Connor. Connor was awake and had a backpack. "Connor! Can I speak to you? I have some news." Connor walked to me and I walked towards him. "What is it bro." I told him about my encounter and my deals... and how I just added 3 strong girls to our team.. and that those girls were the granddaughters of the owner of Gyohwan. Connor lost it... he grasped the whole change though... we both did the paperwork... he also saw Grandma. We went back to the rooms... then I asked him something.. "Connor, do you think I can launch a S-rank Campaign really quick before we start the day? I need a weapon sooo...". Connor was like... "Bruh... oh well... since you introduced me to the owner of  Gyohwan... I guess. As we were about to walk.. the door behind us opened... there Tzuyu yawned... she was wearing volleyball shorts... with white outlines and a oversized T-shirt that's black. She waved at me... I waved back also... surprisingly... the world began to be brighter.... I don't know how but I feel light every time I see her... I don't know whats going on and I don't know how to explain it. She asked if she can go with us and I asked Connor. Connor agreed. We went to the Campaign area... There... there was a device where you could see campaigns on a tablet... once you pick you go in a room just like the hexagon stage floor... but it was smaller. I chose one that was apparently had 0 clears... there Tzuyu and Connor watched me do the campaign. I entered the room.

"Do you know about awakenings? Mr. Connor. They say that a player will unlock all of his/her's power... they say that when a player is born... only a part of its power is passed down.. and the rest is up to the player. To go beyond... surpass the players limits. Throughout the players life. Most of the population don't actually awakened but it's said that Na-ranks are bound to be awakened. Awakenings are the full powers someone was born with. It's crazy... but it's real. About 3 Na-ranks are awakened." Connor and Tzuyu had conversations... then they realized that it took too long for Lay to get back. They walked up to the screen that shows the campaigns. They both looked at each other. They called the ambulance immediately.... 30 minutes later....everyone was there. Grandma and the lighthouse including Sana and Nahee. They all were worried about Lay. They were all mad and concerned about Lay and they were all just annoyed of why Lay chose an uncleared campaign.... Which is impossible in the first place.... What makes it so spine tingling is that it's an Na-rank campaign. They waited for about 10 more minutes. Sana stated out her mind, "I know that he's great... but giving us this much worry is too much....I'm glad I am not his wife.. it's scary....but I know he can clear it." Suddenly the gigantic screen appeared. There it showed the ambitious player. Lay. Everyone watched. They see and hear everything. They're watching.

"Phew... the monsters before the boss were very troubling... I honestly am just tired. I have to kill this Boss... so I can have a weapon.... Maybe I can ask Sana to go with me and get a milkshake he he." I walked towards the opened door and I entered a new world... the sky was so open so free... I walked more on the rocky grass landscape... I then sensed a terrible power.... The same feeling as when I had my evaluation. I kept walking and then noticed that I was on a cliff and forest was below me. Suddenly I heard a roar.... It wasn't from any animal I hear in the real world. Then I heard boss music... I was annoyed... I didn't even get ready. [Grelania, Queen of Dragons] her health was over the top. About  1,000,000 health. Not band... but it is a frightening number. She was flapping her wings... her gigantic wings that shake the air. Her head had a halo like horn. Her presence lives up to her title. Airshaker. She had red scales with black scales here and there. Her claws were about big as a car... like a Nissan. Her wings were about 2 windmill fans put together. Her belly was dare beige, her eyes were blue and she had a glare that shows that she is a ruler. Her tail was long. About 2 1/2 of a semi truck. She was without a doubt a queen. She roared at me.... Her roar was strong enough to blow me away. Her roar at was strong and fast.. good thing I caught my self in the air with my gravity. She let out another roar... this one was more melodic... a call. Suddenly dragons flew up  below the cliff and started flying around their powerful Queen. She roared and then the dragons came at me. I grinned... "Let's see what you guys got."

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