Chapter 12: Lies

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I left the gate and I was surprised by the many people that was waiting for me at the real world. They were very worried and was asking me questions... but I told them I was fine.... Connor's dad which was our overall team leader told me that I was bleeding. The right shoulder... my right shoulder was bleeding and apparently it was a scratch... I asked Tzuyu a question and ignored my wounds. She hugged me and told me that I scared her. She eventually let go. I asked her where Sana is. Nahee stepped forward at me with a non emotional glare..."Sana is getting evaluated... she is in the Process building."

"Huff.... Huff...." I ran without thinking... why would Sana be in the Process building... people would only be there if there's something wrong with them so the check their vitals and soul energy circulation... I got in the building.... I sensed her energy and it was terrifying... I wonder... Tzuyu didn't have this much power when I first met her... but Sana said she was the strongest.... Why is Sana's mere presence strong enough to make even me dizzy. I asked the front desk about a brown hair girl. Sana is apparently on the 12th floor. I entered the elevator. And was then on the 12 floor. I tracked the massive energy and came into a white double door. I entered.

There was a giant black orb... tall as a full adult man and wide as 3 adult men. There was a clear glass barrier room. A room inside a room... like a lab. There were 4 white coated people looking at the clear glass barrier. They look like scientist. Everyone was there. Grandma... Sana and her parents. Sana was inside the glass lab and grandma and Sana's parents were next to the 4 white scientists. Sana looked at me... I look at her. Grandma looked at me a said, "Oh... you survived... I thought so... why wouldn't you die... by a mere dragon." I stepped forward to grandma and asked a explanation.

"Sana's PB... passive buff, is that Childbirth is easy... 60% percent less painful.... But when she falls into interest with a boy... she awakens another. I am here to see that. She is the 8th Na-rank and the next owner of the company." I looked at Sana with betrayed eyes. She looked at me... she mouthed sorry... I didn't care anyway people make mistakes and I may have been betrayed but... I deserved it.... I lied to them at the first place... I lied to everyone I trusted. Cause I am selfish and fearful of maybes. I don't deserve this much... I forgive everyone cause humanity always make mistakes.

Sana touched the black gigantic orb.... She then let go. The computer screen started acting. Giving out waves... one of the scientist me told grandma a statement that grandma was happy of. "New PV has been found." Grandma asked what the new PV is. One black haired girl scientist told her... she blushed before she said it, "Sana Minatoka has now 3 PV, the ease of Childbirth. The 25 percent buff of all stats while pregnant and now... a buff... of... 35 percent... for... love." Mr. Reiko asked, "What do you mean by love?" The story other girl scientists who was about 4 more healed older than the previous girl explained... "Sana has obtained a 35% buff when it comes to Every time she does it... the feeling of pleasure for both members have been increased by 35%. That's her new buff." Grandma opened her mouth with awe of how stupid her new PV was. Mrs. Reiko stated that the buff is very rare in the family bloodline... meaning that her child will have a buff... a buff that is tremendous when used with multiple players. It only happened once... the pleasure buff guarantees a buff that is kept secret unless the offspring has it... and appears that only females have this buff in the family. Grandma was happy about the guarantee buff. It was all over... or so I thought. Sana ran at me and put her head on my shoulders. She was crying as she ran and cried on my shoulders...

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry for lying.  I should've told you the truth... I was trying to help Tzuyu get a good guy.... I shouldn't have interfere  with someone so innocent as you." I'm not that innocent... that's what I wanted to say.... I just patted her back and told her that it was okay. Grandma asked me... "Do you want to see your PVs?" Sana eventually let go and ran to grandma... she bowed the lowest she could... with her head on the ground and both her hands open with palms down... in front of her already down head. She asked for forgiveness. Grandma was sad that she lied but it was a learning experience... she was glad she asked for forgiveness. She was forgiven. I said yes... to seeing my PV. Grandma smiled. I entered the room and touched the black orb.

[Notification: Your have 3 PV buffs. They are as follows-(???)/can only be shown when awakened. (Full Spirit)/Party members or Summons have a 5x buff to all stats. (Master Chef)/Creating dishes is boosted by 2x and the time of cooking is reduced by 40%. The taste of the cooked dish by the user is enhanced by 2.5%.] I stepped out after receiving my buffs. And I loved my new buffs. But the the second one doesn't really make sense. I mean I usually play solo...but I guess the buff would be good if I had an army and the team can have great benefits from it to. I think this can be very useful as time goes.

I took off after the PB papers and  I ran back to my dorm... despite the rain... I kept running to my room. I was just exhausted with the newsflash about everything. I was just behind. I think I'm going to take a break. This is the end for me... ima chill for a while. Despite the Na-rank boss's body. I got a Na+-Rank campaign. It needs 3 Na-ranks for it to be clearable. It says "Lair of the Lord of the Skies" what does that mean. I think I'm going to take it on when I am ready. I am too weak.

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