Chapter 16: GETs/ Girls Evaluation Tests

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What was that... who was that... and why if all time... I was about to enter... ugh! Forget it, I have to crush all these girls. Everyone is watching... and I don't want to look like an idiot. Especially in front of grandma. "Hey Sana, are you okay?" Ember who is Lay's little sister asked. Sana threw up a thumbs up. Sana looked behind and saw Alyssa with her eyes wide open. Sana approached her and said, "You heard it too right... the man. Well, we can talk about it later. Right now... we don't have time." Alyssa nodded at Sana... and they both held hands going on to the stage. They put the voice behind them and put their mission first. They thought they were psycho but this time... they were here to win. Every girl was on the platform. Danica, Lillian, Janelle, Ember who is Lay's sister... And even Alyssa's youngest sister. Nahee and Tzuyu was next to them too. They made a triangle form on the platform... Nahee to the right, Tzuyu to the left and Sana at the front.

[You are about to begin the evaluation... 3.... 2.... 1....
Connected: Match begin in 3.... 2.... 1.... Begin!]
What is this... why are we on a circular rock that is about big as a whole diameter of a windmill? And why is there a water fall in front of us? Why is there a body of water around this giant flat circular rock. It doesn't matter! I have to tell everyone to keep under control. The other teams are already fighting... it's too crazy... Oh crap! There's a chick coming! I'll just punch her then...

{Crushing Endeavor!}
Sana held out a fist and punched the air... her right arm was showing colors of bubbles... but her energy... her soul energy looked different. It's not just one or two color. It's like see through colors... it looks like bubbles... the colors of bubbles... no... imagine if bubbles were split into lines or lighting of energy... yeah... like that. Iridescence.... The energy flowed through her fist and made contact with the brunette girl who was running towards her. She obliterated the girl and made her hit 3 more girls.

"Nahee! Touch the ground and inflict your aura onto it! Tzuyu! Start forming a shield around us! Triangle about 4 more feet in front of us and make it 7 feet high and seal it on top! The rest start releasing all your aura and make it into a shield for your body!" About 2 minutes top... they all did what Sana said... except...

"What! You guys don't know how to aura-form! Hughhhh! Oh well. I'll just carry..." Nahee told Sana that she couldn't hold on anymore... and Tzuyu said that the shield will drop... Sana said to run to the right until you are stopped by the water... "Get behind me after you come contact of the water!" Everyone ran and yelled... suddenly all of the commotion Nahee inflicted towards the ground was gone.... Seconds after Tzuyu's shield field was lost. Suddenly the team was cornered by other teams. They all ran out of fear.

"Folks... I think we have some serious cat fights here... more intense than the very first Evaluation... thanks a lot! Lay Kams! Executing everyone at once was not the move to entertain... but it was phenomenal not taking any damage."

"Oh yeah... well... wait til it's the finals... I'll show you... I've been practicing by my.... Myself... like... like always..." Lay started looking down and his eyes began to go down... his eyes weren't as exciting when he was responding back to the announcer... he began to show sadness when he stated he was practicing... Quinn saw this... and he asked if he was alright... Quinn doesn't want his friends to linger in a problem... Lay like always, just said that he was fine.

"EVERYONE! Do your best. I can't protect you anymore!" Lighthouse team started disbanding and dying one by one. Eventually Sana and Alyssa was just left. Tzuyu took out 15 girls and Nahee the same.... Other than that... none was killed by the other girls... I mean Alyssa killed 2. But that's because she accidentally hit them while she was running and took the kill instead. Sana was bleeding... her top right side of her head wa snore ding and her left shoulder was skinned by the rock when she fell. Currently she killed 30 girls... but she couldn't release her full power... it was too dangerous to her friends.

"Ugghhh!!! No! Alyssa run! Alyssa!!"
Sana was pinned down and couldn't do anything because they pinned her down... about 20 girls and the other 10 pinned and started kicking Alyssa when they took her down."

Lay looked at Quinn who was watching the girls beat his he was watching people apathetically beat up his girl. He was so furious that his aura was splitting even though he wasn't consciously using it. Quinn was groping his biceps and Lay knee he was hurting himself so he wouldn't scream... Lay told Quinn to stop cause people are starting to get cold. Quinn said sorry... he was in no right to say sorry. He was watching his friend get beaten... and Alyssa's parents were mad too. The team down on the railing was mad...Lay looked back at the big screen.

"How dare you betray us Alyssa! You go to school with us! You know what... your done..." A black haired girl spat on her face a ridiculed her... she stomped on her hand...
Alyssa screamed out her pain...
"AGHHHHSASGHHHH!! Please STOP I BEG YOU!" They kept going even though Alyssa was screaming. Sana looked at Alyssa and Alyssa looked at Sana... there eyes met and were both full of sadness and hopelessness. Sana couldn't do anything or.... She didn't want to. Sana wanted to help... but if she helped... Alyssa could've been in more pain. Alyssa was confused of why her teammate wasn't helping her. She was frustrated but she couldn't do anything.

"LET'S give you a makeover shall we? Your carrying such a perfect body of pure beauty and muscle... let's loosen that weight of expectations shall we?" The girl made a weapon made out of stone... that was apparently her powers... stonecraft. She toyed with it a few times before dropping the giant sword... more of a claymore on top of Alyssa's left arm... which immediately went through Alyssa's arm... what I mean to say is that the sadistic girl dropped her stone claymore on purpose on top of Alyssa's arm to cut her arm off... yikes.

Alyssa screamed of pain. The girls laughed... Sana cried... Sana wished she could've done something... but she couldn't even though she can. But when Alyssa died of shock from the pain... Sana finally can. Sana roared something in a different language... which made everyone die... they got flung from such force of the enchantment. Breaking every bone... the...impact... was so strong that it broke their blood cells. Making them not have enough blood to circulate in their body... disintegration


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