Chapter 2: This Rating

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My manager was shocked by the remark I gave to her. "You can't possibly beat a whole school by yourself! That is suicide and you will make yourself look like a fool and I can't handle the paperwork." I looked at her, she was attractive, (Wow- Anime voice) she was very well built.... Lay, this is a church. I told her this, " I will, and thats that. (Humph)" She argued back, "Which school are you even picking a fight with? 25 schools are going to this state Festival in Austrailia, so which one?" I said Northeastern, Dennis, National Trails, Seton, and Centerville. "So, schools that are in your area?". Yes, I replied back to my manager with a stoic voice, even though it was a not so stoic sound. I told her it's because my friends goes to those schools and I want to beat their pride and friends. I was kind of selfish but I have been wantingt have a war for quite some time. She acknowledged me and we both agreed on my evaluation terms.

I walked to Connor and asked him what's going to on. He told me that the evaluation shocked some people so they are sending the bus kids home. Bus kids are kids who use the church buses to go to church. "I see, so it's just us, and well, sorry about that". Connor said to me, with a ery exciting voice, "Why would you be sorry? Your the one who will be number one in the Festival, our S-rank. he he" I laughed with him. Eventually he called everyone who was going to the festival to stay in the room while we talk outside. Everyone was sitting on the stair like chairs. Alyssa, Janele, Danica, Ember and Lillian was there Sitting at the very bottom row with Connor's wife. Evan, Quinn, and Peyton were sitting to the right of Alyssa. Hunter, Taylor and husband was sitting to the right of evan. I was next to Connor. We then went out the room

"How do I put this, Lay is, as you can see from his evaluation, he is higher than an A-rank. I automatically called headquarters and told me that he is an S-rank with no objections. His soul waves were out of reach for their measurements, and it drained their battery. They think that him being S-rank was too low for his actual rank, this is the first time that an Na-rank was made through no training, just talent, so keep this a secret okay, that's what Lay wants, only you, the pastors, your dad, Festival head, and the government can only know, so not even his family can hear this, just say he is an S-rank." Connor nodded with acknowledgement, he then looked at me, his eyes were, well he was fully aware of the situation."You ready to destroy competition?" He asked me the question with confidence, and I responded with confidence also. "Of course, no one can beat us, I will make us number 1, even if I have to do it alone."

Connor told his authorities and no one else. Even though Quinn, Peyton and everyone else was curious of my rank, Connor was not there to explain and so was my manager. My manager's name was Laura. She was cool.... I went inside the room. I told everyone that Connor was telling Mr. Tim which is his dad and pastor Dillion and Josh about my rank. Quinn asked me what was my rank and if I know.

Of course I have to tell them, not my actual rank though he he. Peyton added, "Yeah what is your rank, you made Alyssa tremble and us into edge, and that guy's aura was intense and scary. I would never want to fight him. You even had a conversation with no trembling, you are crazy!" Alyssa spoke after, "I wanted to get out of there, but I could'nt, I had a feeling, like if I made one more twitch, that he would have killed me." Every staff and player agreed to what she said. Danica yelled out, "I bet your just a lousy B-rank Lay." Taylor told Danica to stop and immediately backed me up with her statement. "Danny, an evaluation that transports you to different dimension itself is an S-rank achievement but having such a figure inside the dimension enough for that feeling, that's way beyond an S-rank"

"My rank, is S-rank." Quinn and Peyton and the other players were speechless. They were not even top 25 in the past few years of the Festivals. Suddenly everyone was cheering, even though Peyton and Quinn was a high A-rank, the rest of them are B-ranks. We are pretty great, it's just that they weren't really smart enough to execute amazing plans. They are great, teamwork, ideas, plans and they immediately know how events work. Meaning every Festival, events vary and they are very good at reading the "world". It's just that they can't overpower the other teams cause they had more girls and handicap of course. Not saying girls are weak, it's just other girls from other teams are better.

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