Chapter 6: A Family Member?!

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"May I ask for your name?" The brown haired girl asked. "My name name is Lay... Lay Kams." The girl chuckled and asked if I was the high S-rank everybody talks about. I told her that I don't really pay attention to what people say. Nahee stopped me and said that I was. The girls smile was really pretty and her voice was, my own ideal type. A feminine voice, high but not too high. Like a anime character kind of voice. It was also seductive... I know this woman knows how it works... she knows a way to men. Like she was brown with such skill. She's dangerous... she would be awesome to have in our team.

"Ma'am, would you like to join our team? We are team Lighthouse... we are  solid team and our teamwork is actually good and we would like you to joi-" The woman placed her right index finger on my lips. And then she responded while she slowly removed her finger from my lips. "Yes... I'll join. I needed a team anyway. I can sponsor our team also... but for me to join will need a price." "Wha.... first of all, that was kind of... your finger... it was kind of.." the girl added words to my sentence'" Kinky? he he." I responded back quickly. "No..oo. But what is this price that I have to pay. Once we win I can pay it... for sure. I can get the money you want... you just have to wai-" the girl spoke out the price.

"The price for me to join is.. to be my guest to the family reunion."
Nahee's face dropped. She let out a surprising sentence that may or may not decide my fate. "Sana! Brining him as your partner is unfair... I wanted to ask him! I need a partner for the reunion! Whyyyy. Fine.. you win I guess." The girl that Nahee called Sana began to chuckle and laugh. I asked Nahee a question, "What, who is she? What is this... she is going to win?? What's happening? I am so lost." Nahee explained everything, from the background and up. She knows a lot about this knew girl... they might be best friends

"This is Sana, my cousin." Sana waved at me. I waved back at her. Nahee continued, "Our family is not complicated, Sana and her family are full Japanese and they live in Korea. My grandpa remarried with Sana's dad's mom. Who is Japanese and had a dream to open a market for players.  We are a family and we all love K-pop and Anime. Sans here is a bigger fan of One piece than me... she reads a chapter about 3 more times to get the story, even though she is a hot chick, she is a wren in the inside. My side of the family loves grandma and we help her with her life while Sana's side helps grandma by business." I nodded, with acknowledgment. Nahee kept going, "Grandma said that the next owner of the company will be chosen by the one who brings "partner" to the next family reunion. Not meaning boyfriend but Grandma wants us to have a secure relationship with the opposite gender. Kind of having us the potential to talk to boys and not being inside binge watching anime you know. Sana's father is the owner currently but she is more of a I don't touch grass I read it kind of gal." I recited everything from beginning to end to Nahee to confirm that I got the idea. I then proceeded to ask them what company do they own cause it must be serious. Sana told me and I was scared from then on. The confidence she said it with for sure... without a doubt... she wasn't lying to me. No normal minded person would say that company name like she owns it. I believe she is telling the truth.

"The company that we run is called Gyohwan!"
I....I..I am speechless... I just made a deal with a business woman who is born from a business family. Does that mean I can be a business person? Nah. But I am excited to attend this family reunion for sure! "So... your telling me that you guys are both the granddaughters of the biggest trading/market company for players! Basically the richest business in the world?!" Sana laughed, her laugh was very cute... she responded back. "Yeah! Why, you scared to go?" I told her no. I must recruit her. Nahee was just their laughing as I was shocked about the whole situation.

"You like him don't you?? I saw your eyes... the eyes that always glows when you have interest. When you watched him during his fight and his adventure to the boss room. Your eyes glowed so bright... and you blushed so much. What happened to the Perfect Child? He he."
"Stop it Nahee. I was not... the family needs me... I need to be the exact person they want." Nahee laughed at Sana knowing well that Lay likes freedom. "Sana, when you and Lay become a thing... Lay will want you to chose either your perfect history, or you... your freedom of yourself." Sana was flustered but she was kind of scared of the remark. Sana's first crush and her first rebellious fight between her and her family.

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