Chapter 17: No Sana No Life

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"What a extremely scary power the girls from Lighthouse pack! They look unstoppable... even though most of them got herded like cattle out there... Sana made it look easy!" The announcer announced the winner of the GET 1st round.
"Sana Minatoka from team Lighthouse won the fist GET! Residing from the great bloodline of the biggest company in the world Gyohwan! They must have trained her to defeat all her opponents!" Sana walked out and went down front the stairs. Her look was concerning. She was scared... and Lay looked at her... then Lay looked at Grandma... he saw Grandma's face.... And it was filled with pride upon seeing her granddaughter's victory.

"Alyssa's left arm is getting bad... we have to take her to the ER. She can't play the rest of the GETs." Alyssa's face was sad... she was also angry... if she could have been stronger... if she was more powerful and if she could have been more alert. Quinn was mad... his friend was hurt and he was looking at the team next to us... North Eastern... they were smiling and talking about how weak Alyssa was. Quinn wasn't going to accept the feedback. Alyssa was taken to the ER and Quinn dropped his ice pack on the floor... Quinn proceeded to go the the booth of North Eastern... at the same time Sana was entering the area where Lighthouse was occupying. Quinn's hands were emitting ice vapor... and Lay knew what he had to do.

"Quinn..." Lay spoke to Quinn with a stern voice... Quinn didn't hear the words of his best friend... or... no... he chose not to hear it. Lay suddenly "teleported" in front of his friend. Tzuyu and Nahee saw this... they knew that Lay was serious... there could be a fight... Lay's movement was not his ordinary movement. When Lay "teleported" he used his gravity powers to immediately step in front of Quinn who was 6 feet away from him. Lay, when he side stepped left a flash of pearlescent. Lay never moves like that when he tries to talk to someone.

"stop... or things will get out of hand."

"why... they talked bad about Alyssa and they make it seem that they won... they hanged up on her...they don't have the right to look down upon us."

"if you touch a single hair on them... I will... me... me personally will send you to the ER with Alyssa and I will also send them to the ER with you."

"DO IT! I dare you..."

"What's going on here gentlemen?"
Connor stopped a horrific event that day... Tzuyu, Nahee and Sana both felt their aura... and everyone else... after all... they sent chills down almost every player and audience's spine.
"Okay everyone... we're going to have a 2 hour break for the BETs to start. Sadly when we scheduled the BETs 5 days ago... she had some re-checking to do... so now we can now start the other 3 rounds of BETs. The 2 hour starts now."

Most of the people on our team went to check on Alyssa. Sana went out and sat in cafe outside the stadium... and Lay followed her to it. Sana saw that Lay was following her. And they decided to go together. They sat down... and Sana started to talk. "Did you se-" Lay raised his hand up on her face...
"Wait... let me order me a milkshake first... he he." Lay ordered to large vanilla milkshake and luckily it was served to him less than a minute." Lay told Sana she can continue. Sana chuckled... "Ok, did you see the cracks of air? It... it was..."
Lay cut her off, "scary?". Sana nodded with agreement in her eyes.
Sana continued... "My mom told me that when that happens... I could destroy or shape the world... I don't want anyone to get hurt. I don't want anyone to be sad." Lay looked at her... he was listening... but he was looking at her lips as she talked. Sana's lips were heart shaped... a little heart... and her lips were perfect in Lay's eyes... they pink... and they... they were mesmerizing. Lay was captivated...

"So? What should I do?" Sana looked at Lay's eyes with serious curiosity. Lay looked side to side 2 times while he was sipping his milkshake... he was flustered... he wasn't listening for the past 2 minutes. "I think that if your scared to hurt people with your power... experiment with it? Can you make it small? Make it be able to affect one object? I honestly think you should train with your mom... that's the best way to reject the main reason your scared of your powers." Sana widened her eyes and put her index finger on her lips and looked at the table... she was thinking. "That's actually a good response... despite you looking at my lips for the whole time... he." Lay blushed and his face started to turn red. He rejected the statement..."How did you kn-...No I didn't! How dare you accuse me of such thing!". Sana laughed and pointed her right index finger at Lay to show that she saw his stutter and saw right through him. Lay laughed also. They were.. safe to say...that they were best friends.

Sana looked at Lay as he was laughing about his act. Sana's eyes were those of someone who was interested to know what the person's thoughts were. She wanted to know what makes him smile and frown. She wants to know every detail of Lay. Lay stopped laughing and immediately looked at Sana looking at him... "what? Something on your mind?" Sana put up her 2 hands and started waving them... showing that it was nothing. "It's nothing...", Sana said. Lay tilted his head to the left... "You sure? I'm here to listen." Sana opened her mouth... trying to say something... she hesitated for 2 seconds. "Do you think we will win the overall BETs and GETs? I mean we won the first rounds." Lay tilted back his head back to its normal state. "Hahaha! So that's why you were flustered looking at me. You were just spacing out! Hahahah. Of course we're going to win." Great job Sana! You avoided the staring at him... you can't like him! He's 15... that's a case! Your 17 and it won't work... he's a little brother... he's a little brother.

"What's your favorite devil fruit Lay?". Lay responded without hesitation. "Op Op no mi... so I can just do whatever I want!" Sana was not shocked of why he would pick the Op Op no mi... it creates a "room" which is basically a spherical space that can expand. In that space... the user can do what ever he wants in that space. He can cut someone's body and make that person not even bleed, he can swap body parts...even defy the main thing that makes us on the ground... the user can defy gravity... and he or she strongly rejects the states of physics and logic. The user can also take someone's heart outside of their body... but that person's heart still beats and the host of the heart still can be alive. Lastly... the user can operate a procedure on someone... and make them have eternal life.

Sana responded with her favorite fruit. "Mine has to be the Doflamingo fruit... I can create a clone me and she can just go to school and do my chores! Wouldn't that be funny... HAHAHahhaha." Lay laughed at her response with genuineness. They both had some fun talking to each other and they felt safe with each other's company. Lay asked Sana something that made Sana think about her future. "Sana, your going to be running the family company right? How do you feel about it?"
Sana looked at Lay's eyes while she was biting her lips to think...then she looked to the side and then up... then back down to Lay to give her answer. "I feel proud to be running such a good company... I just hope that I would have some freedom while I going out places and shopping and stuff. Y'know? It's great that I am but I'm going to have a hard time running it alone." Lay had flustered look, his eyes were looking at Sana questionably. Lay responded to Sana and Sana was very happy and relax to his response. "Who says your going to walk your life and run it alone? That's why it's called a company, cause there are others that accompany you at your job... and freedom? Freedom, just call your secretary to do some schedule changes! Hahahaha, I watched too much K-dramas." Sana let out a very tiny yet genuine smile to Lay. Sana though to herself...
Lay... your one interesting guy.

"Can all the BETs participants come down to the stage! Ladies and Gentlemen... you all can also go to your seats cause we are about to BEGIN!" Lay looked at Sana. "Looks like it's time for me to go... I'll see ya in a bit." Sana nodded. Lay got up and pushed in his seat... he turned his back to Sana and headed to the exit. Sana sat there for about 10 more minutes after Lay took the exit. Lay wasn't even going to play... he won the first BET... so why did he go?

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