Chapter 8: You Promised

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"Sorry ma'am... but I want to see you put Sana's coat you promised on her. I kept my end of the should you."
Grandma was impressed of my response and asked for someone to get it. Grandma put it on Sana and she was dazzled by her new brown coat. Time for me to go I said to everyone. It was nice meeting you all... I walked with my black attire and it was silent...Tzuyu's aura... it was light... but the experience was being brought many times to my body.. it may be light but it's never ending. "Wait! Can you attend my sweet granddaughter Tzuyu to the Festival? Specifically her hotel room? I want you to walk her out." Tzuyu yelled out, "What! You picked him! Out of all the guys... he didn't even talk to me! He doesn't care about this whole arrangement." Grandma didn't care and looked at Tzuyu... she was about to get a lecture.

"I do care about you... you seem pretty nice... if people get to know the real you. Those guys may be trying to attract you. But they are only doing that for money...humans don't care about love... they only care for money... it buys everything. I am participating seriously now... I saw the eyes of those guys... lust runs through their veins. I will be winning this tournament... and once I win. You can freely choose you husband." I walked towards the door. Grandma grinned and everyone in the family were shocked... their eyes were wow and Sana and Nahee both were smiling at me. "Boy...I love your enthusiasm... you have exceeded my expectations... you... you have the manners of a businessman. Ha ha." Grandma spoke those words to me. Tzuyu walked to me and said, "Let's go... to my room." The plane ride was kind of awkward. But it was fun.

"Lay, where were you? Yesterday we wanted to play a campaign with you." I said sorry to my teammates. My friends. Apparently Tzuyu, and Sana both sleep in Nahee's room. That means they can hear us... lol. I walked out during breakfast... I skipped. I asked Nahee to make an appointment with me and her Grandma. I walked into Grandma's office. I asked her a question that will decide our team's fate.

"Grandma, can I ask you a favor. Can all 3 of your granddaughters join my team?" Grandma looked at me. She then appointed a deal... "If you win the evaluation for the boys, with no damage. You can have them... can you do it? This close to impossible task?" I looked at her, "Sure... I can do that." I shook her hand and left. As I walked out the door... grandma let out a sentence... "I'm rooting for you. 7th Na-rank..." I looked at her with wide eyes. How... how did she know. "I am the worlds largest business in the world... do you think I wouldn't be one of the 9 Festival Seats?" I looked at her... and I left after that.

"Tzuyu! How was the reunion....haah? Has any cute boys attract you?" Tzuyu looked annoyed... "Sana... there wasn't really a boy I am fond with... that Lay guy... he was scary though. Despite his energetic appearance... he was oozing out insane amount of energy. I would like to fight him." Nahee joined the conversation. "He likes anime and k-pop. He speaks a tiny bit of Korean because of K-pop and watching J-dramas. You and him would be a really good duo not going to lie." Sana nodded. "Plus I saw him fight an S-rank Campaign by himself and win. He also can speak tiny Japanese cause he watches anime." Tzuyu had a face of disgust... "so what... he watches and listens to the same thing I do." Dana and Nahee both looked at each other and then at Tzuyu. Both Sana and Nahee let out a statement, "He reads ONE PIECE Tzuyu!" Tzuyu's eyes widened... "He.. he reads ONE PIECE... cool... i mean.. that's okay. Seems like we can be friends." Sana and Nahee looked at each other.. and then at Tzuyu. All 3 laughed.

-3 days later-

"Okay folks... gather round.. it's time for The BOYS EVALUATION TESTS, or the BETs." Announcing such loud things when I was getting ready to stand on my spawner... the 100 boys at the reunion was all around me on their hexagon spawners. There will be a 6 second timer. 3 for entering the world and 3 for starting. The announcer yells again. "There will be 4 BETs today and 1 tomorrow. The championships are all of the strongest boys in this Festival." Each BET will have its 25 winner... and then those 25 the other 3 25 winners of the other BETs. In the championship containing 100 of the winners.... All in their full spirit linking module or FSLMs. Meaning that if the injury is strong enough.. it will appear in you real body and it will need medical attention. That's why theirs nurses. But I saw the family. Everyone's family. Tzuyu and everyone else. Mine and my friend's. They were all looking at me. Then the announcer announced... "Let the Evaluation begin!"
[You are about to begin the evaluation... 3.... 2.... 1....
Connected: Match begin in 3.... 2.... 1.... Beg- I smiled and launched a full scale AoE gravity blanket on all the players... I was ready. Then I was there. I'm the world of game. Everyone was lying down on the ground with pressure. The area was dirt.... And there was trees all around us. We were inside a forest... an opening in the forest. Dirt covered this opening and the Sun shined on us... the dirt only reached where the sun reached and other than that, it was all grass. I crouched down and crossed all my fingers except my index. I let my index touched each other and both pointed up. Then I let go and and touched the ground with both my hands wide. I transferred my gravity powers on the ground and made countless of gravity made blades on the ground underneath all the kneeling players. Hands on their back and head out where the blades were underneath. Some were crying and some were cursing me. I can see my powers. My gravity... they were clear... with a hint of pearlescent...

"How.. how did he do that... Sana and Nahee. Don't you guys know what his powers are?" Sana and Nahee both responded. "We don't know Tzuyu."
Quinn asked Peyton.. "Peyton... what's he going to do?" Peyton shook his head... signing that he doesn't know either. "Ladies and Gentlemen.. What is this player going to do.?" All the crowd was asking the same 2 questions... what is this boy going to do and how is he doing this.. "Josh... what's he doing?" Lay's uncle Jon asked.. Josh shook his head also. The crowd went silent as the boy let out his breath of words.

The gravity blades went up and slit through all the players heads at once.... Then the heads if 100 heads fell... dropping and making sounds of think... then a blood of rain fell on the ground... my black clothe were covered in blood. Then a notification popped up...

"What... just happened." All the crowd gasped of the situation... most girls covering their mouths in awe... guys opening their mouth with wide eyes... Grandma let out a tiny grin. Sana and Nahee glaring the screen. Tzuyu was breathless... her eyes were wide.

[Notification: Winner.
Damage taken: 0
Damage done: 10,000
Congratulations. You will move on...]

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