Chapter 10: he he... bwig dwagon.

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"KRREEEAKREEAH!!" The Queen of dragons  roared with a tone of command. Her henchmen flew with a mission... one at a time they flew at me... I generated a sphere of gravity and threw them at the 6 dragons that flew at me. The sphere sucked 5 of them and crushed them in the air... the sphere that was about the same size as a soccer ball grabbed the winged dragons and crushed them into 1. One dragon was left... I flew away from it for a while until I flew up. The dragon looked at me... but was blinded at the sun. I flew downwards and gave him a gravity punch. I killed the last little dragon. "Time for the big dragon...."

"Using the sun as a vision block to then have an opening to defeat your enemy... his battle IQ is great... he gets better and better." Grandma's statement gave everyone a tiny bit of hope." Sana was watching and focusing all her attention at Lay even though Lighthouse and the Gyohwan family along with 3 nurses and 2 doctors and 4 cops are attentive of what's going on... Lay could still die. Tzuyu looked at Sana... "Sana... he is going to be fine. I know that your the best at analyzing out of the 3 of us... but you can't analyze Lay." Everyone just kept watching the fight and kept worrying. Worst case scenario is that Lay goes to the hospital.

SHHHEEEIIIMMGGGWOOOOOO. My gravity blades don't work on her scales... if my gravity can't work... that means that if I get this dragon's body parts... I can have some top tier items crafted. I can't wait til I kill this dragon. I kept trying to get close to the dragon but the dragon's wings...her wings flap with great force that it defies my powers. I have to be faster and stronger, I gathered up all of my gravity on to my fingers my cells... I have to enforce all my might and gravity into one arm... point all of my power into one point. I proceeded to launch myself at the giant dragon. She roared at me and flapped her wings. My right hand having enough power to make a 25 mile crater on the world I moved my right hand in front to cut the flapping wings attack. I got through with my hand and now... I'm heading to hit her heart so I could kill her in one go. I am close to hit it.. suddenly... she came at me with her claws... it was right there... her right hand was about to slap me. I couldn't get away from her massive claw... I wanted to save my right hand for her chest.... I have to challenge.. I turned my body so I can have the full power to punch her claws. 3... 2... 1. I threw my punch at her... she then went faster at throwing her punch... to throw me off guard. We collided.. we held it together... I am in awe of how her punch can scale this much power. "Your the Queen of Dragon alright." She growled at me in a low to high pitch. I look to the right and saw myself an orange chest... she then opened her mouth to fire. I flew away... I never want that. She then looked at me and fired some fire ball like projectile from her mouth at me. I couldn't dodge it..  {Butterfly...Barrier} I let out my right palm and formed multiple circle gravity shields and at the end of the 5 layered barrier than can cover 3 cars tall if the were all facing up... the last barrier was X shaped and started spinning. Her projectile hit so fast..! She broke 3 of my barriers. Suddenly it stopped. She twisted her body as she flew up. The she roared and the she spread out her wings. She infused her wings with Seishin Yoroi... then flapped her wings. Her gust of wind was 5 times stronger than before. I was then flu fed back by the wave of air. I can't get close to her anymore... I began bleeding... my head must've got hit the cliff when I got flung back to the ground multiple times. I have to think.... What can go through her wings. Like a sudden burst... then the Queen of Dragon was above me.. she then did a front flip and then used her tail to crush me.

"KREREKREEEAAHH". The large dragon was laughing at me...I was entertainment for her... I despise being taunted... especially to an AI. If this is the end then it would have ended. She could ended my whole career in one go. She just used her wings to do all the work... I was just amusement. I give up... I tried and tried to live life. I met new friends and they have lots of potential. I over estimated my self. This was just a story if a young player who was strong and thought  he could have the world. That's it guys... I'm done. I did all of what I can do. I can't do anything anymore more. I... my left leg is broken and my ribs are broken... I'm pretty sure it's true.. I use tiny gravity waves to check all my vitals and my parts inside... like echolocation but it's gravity not sound. I can't fight... I'm unable to. This is my last breath.

"Lay! Get up. You can't just stop... you have to keep going... we need you... your our captain!" Sana yelled out at a screen. "Woah woah woah... he's team captain! Nah.. I say I'm team captain..." Braiden let out. Connor replied, "I mean... he did win us a sponsorship and 3 more girls for in our team." Everyone agreed on Connor's remark. People are worried at what might happen to Lay... he actually might die. The nurses and doctors were calling the Government for help. The player association... a player being stuck in a campaign is serious business for the player association. They called then and now they are on their way to pick up Lay inside. Na-rank and S-rank holds are serious business... everyone basically confirmed that Lay is dead...

"Get up... my will shouldn't be this weak... I chose you because you would never give up, but why now... get up.. here... let me ... give you a boost. He he."
The voice that talked to me... was very manly.. stoic voice. But now I feel like I'm about to explode... explode because of the energy I have in my body.

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