Chapter 7: Reunion Day...

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It was reunion day... yes.. it's been 3 days since I talked to the granddaughters of the largest company in the world. Despite the looks I got for 3 days I handled it nicely. I had breakfast and now practice started. I had my practice already... and I am set. My journey to find Sana is a go.... It's just that the beach and the festival buildings are all in the Sunshine Coast are. I walked and ran for about 2 hours until I found her under a tree sitting on a bench. I waved and sat next to her

"Don't do anything that's stupid or anything that can attract attention. I know that I am going to lose... lose to her. I am not going to run my family's business. I don't want to anyway." I asked Sana who she was talking about.
"I may be the perfect child, but there is one more granddaughter in our family. She's from my grandma's step sister's side. Sadly her grandma died and my grandma took her dad in as her own. Her dad is the one who controls the influence of the company and makes sure that we have profit and our items are top notch. He back in the day was the one who fought and got items to sell and trade. Without her dad, we would be nothing. She is the future of all of us... the ultimate child.. she already got a title when she was 11. Me and Nahee are considered ants compared to her beauty, her presence and her power. She is going to the festival right after the reunion... and if you attract Grandma's attention and maybe and the 1% of possibility of her approval. She will make you be the escort for my cousin." Sana was serious and I know by looking at her eyes... they show stern gaze as she told me about the mysterious girl.

"Lay... she is known... but to scale this much seriousness... I have to tell you this... her real rank is National... her going to the festival is to be published as the 7th Na-rank. "7th Na-rank... hmm" I look flustered, that's because I am the 7th Na-rank... lol. I look at Sana, I then asked her a question. "Why do you and Nahee have to bring boys to the reunion?" Sana answered back. "Grandma already invited 100 boys and you being the 101st of them. Nahee doesn't give a crap about them... she likes to watch... but I saw you fight. My whole family will be putting those 100 boys in their own team, and they will be participating in the boys evaluation test. They are also going to be in the reunion tonight. I only brought you here so I can get a cool coat... he he." I was kind of excited and curious why they would be bringing 101 boys to a reunion... to a family reunion. "Sana, why would they bring 100 boys to the reunion... especially a family one!". Sana laughed cause it was funny to be asking such a question. "Cause Tzuyu is set to be the next heir to the company, it's already been established... grandma wants her to secure a husband before she dies... Tzuyu isn't a boys kind of girl... she likes sharpening her skills and her knowledge, she used to talk about having a boyfriend when we were really little... but now.. now she doesn't care about them at all. She told grandma that she only likes strong men... hence the evaluation will be the key to finding her husband." I feel extremely excited...I don't know why... but it's fun to have this competition for a girl. "Sana, do you think I can win?" Sans gave a response, " I don't know man? There's 25 S-ranks and their all mid tier S-ranks.. the rest are As." I was was so excited... I haven't tested my new moves yet. Sana and I walked back to the hotel. I dressed up in all black attire, like a business man... I got a black tie also, and a black coat. It was cold she said... the place we were going in. I got on the private jet with Sana and Nahee... apparently we were late...

"Hurry all the boys and Grandma are waiting! I told Grandma to wait for the 101st boy so she can look at you Lay!" Nahee reported as we went up the steps to the front door. There was a black door ahead and we were standing right next to it. I felt the aura the boys were giving out. I was ready.... To release a tiny bit of what I was practicing... this bit will make he A-rank notice me and the S-rank feel me. Of course a tiny bit of Kunshu won't hurt. "Hey, is it okay if I enter and release Kunshu? Will gran gran faint?" They looked at me with their eyes widened, and Sana was kind of surprised. "Of course not. Grandma taught Tzuyu Kunshu and when Tzuyu released it which by the way the most powerful we ever felt... grandma was laughing." Nahee answered me. Sana on the other hand.."What! You... you can do Kunshu!" I opened the door... and I saw Grandma... next to her... was a girl.. black straight hair... perfect and beautiful face, her eyes were big but not too big.. her lips were small, her nose was perfect and her jawline was.... God took time in her basically. I released my Kunshu.... And everybody looked at me... and Tzuyu stood up. Everybody was flustered and instantly was glaring at me. Grandma widened her eyes. Nahee next to me and Sana to the right of me.. all the boys stopped talking and the family members looked at me. Sana yelled, "Grandma! This is the 101st bo-" suddenly an elegant soft voice yelled out. "Sana, get away!" Tzuyu's voice was very calming and soft... her voice was like a mom voice talking to her children. She was concerned about her sister. She then let out her Kunshu... I was  surprised by the strength of her spirit. I used mine also... it was about 2 minutes of us glaring into each other's eyes.... She must've felt the tiny drop of presence I let out. Insane..Grandma on the other hand was analyzing and smiling at me. I was testing Tzuyu and no joke... she is a Na-rank... but I am stronger.. I ended it... I stopped and yelled out, "I quit! Your extremely strong! I will stop. I am deeply sorry for worrying everyone and causing such commotion." Tzuyu stopped at looked at grandma. Tzuyu argued at Grandma but grandma raised her hand and then dropped it with a fist. Tautly sat down immediately and looked at me not with disgust but with curiosity. I looked down. Suddenly I was asked a question. "What is your name honey?" It was a old voice... it was grandma.

"My name is Lay Kams ma'am! I am invited by Sana Minatoka! She would like a coat!" Grandma laughed. She told me to come close. I walked through the glaring boys... the competition is fierce, but not fierce enough to stop me. Tzuyu looked at me with her very cute eyes... her eyes widened as I walked in towards grandma. Grandma released her aura suddenly... good thing I always have my gravity barrier... which stops all objects from touching me. I raised my wrist and stopped the air with gravity. Looks like gran gran's power is wind. Grandma had a curious face... her eyes was on the studying phase. She grinned and said, "Your good to go sweetie..." she was welcoming and she had a welcome feeling to her. I like grandma a lot! Tzuyu crossed her arms and looked at me... as I walked back she still looked at me. The reunion still went on after some minutes and it was fun for me. Most of the boys hoarded Tzuyu, both her space and time. She looked flustered and unable to speak.... She doesn't care about the boys who are interested and she showed it. Meanwhile I just ate the food! Which was the best part.

"That was some show you put out there sugar pie... he he... I haven't seen any person stand up to Tzuyu's tremendous Kunshu." I looked back and saw a slightly tall woman. She had black hair... pretty face and her proportions were on point. "Aunie! This is Lay... he's from team Lighthouse! Lay... this is  Tzuyu's mom... just call her Mrs. Choi." Mrs.Choi responded, "Oh stop it.. to a formidable can call me Minji."
I nodded. Suddenly a nice calm voice called out Mrs.Minji. "Minj Minj.... Is that the man who clashed with out sweetheart? He's cool."
Suddenly Mrs.Minji's voice went loud and attentive, "Oy! He isn't a man! HE'S a BOY... GET IT RIGHT!!" Mrs.Minji controls the relationship for sure. The posturing of Father and Mother had been switched ha HA. I met the family members of Sana and Nahee and all of them are pretty nice and they know what they are doing. Then the party was over. Grandma told me to go.... but I refuse.

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