Chapter 10 🤕

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We pull into the school parking lot and Zane opens the car door for me and grabs my hand and then with his other hand he grabs my other arm "if anyone messes with my tell me straight away. Understand?" He said to me in a serious but caring voice "ok I will" I said "please I'm serious and take care of yourself. I worry about you" zane said to me " I know your serious and I will" I said to him with a smile "ok let's go inside the princess" he said to me the wrong walked into the school. I'm not stay at his place tonight but I don't understand why he's so worry I have tooken care of my self for years before I met him but what ever. After we entered the school building we had to depart from each other so the we didn't talk to much that day causes we where both busy at school

*in 5 period* I had left the class room to go to the libary and restroom. I Exit the restroom to make my way to the library when I sudden yanked into the boys bathroom and the kicked in my stomach making me fall the ground holding my stomach then came another kick to my ribs and then I head "ew what a fat whore you are!" And then I looked up to see Brandon. Then he walked away and just left. Um ok then.  I then quickly gathered my self and got up and got out of there and then went to the library and got my books and my body was acking. It's now the end of the day an I hadn't seen zane anywhere sence 6th period. I gathered my things from my locker and started walking home and my hands where trembling because not of fear but causes of weakness. I haven't eaten in 3 days and my body could feel it but I didn't care. I don't need food. I'm fat and ugly.

*at home*

I had finally got home. I walked in the door and was greeted by Arson and then I walked to my room and put down my things from school and played with arson and the after playing with him for a while I grabbed his dog bowl to give him diner. After I put the dog food in his bowl i was about to sit it down of the floor for him when suddenly I felt really really dizzy. Then suddenly everything turned black and the darkness took over me.

*next morning*

Yesterday Ellis rode with me to school but today she didn't witch she told me she wanted to walk to school today so I respected that but she did tell me she meet me at my locker. I'm at my locker waiting for her. About 10 minutes later I got tired of waiting and went to her locker and still not Ellis. Well that strange. The I said Mai her witch was Ellis friends. "Hey Mia, have you seen Ellis? " I asked her and she said no. Stranger. The the bell rang. Maybe I'll find her in first period because we have that class together. I walk in to first period and still not Ellis. Well maybe she just late. Not everyone had gotten into the classroom yet so I sat down in my  seat the and then the teacher closed the door 10 minutes later and started taking about the assignment we had today. Still not Ellis. What the hell?!? Where is she?!? I then made a lame excuse to leave the classroom and then went to my car and drove to Ellis house. I walked to her door and knocked. No reply. The I hear her dog Aaron bark and then whine. I opened the door which was un locked and when I walked in I saw a sight that made my heart drop to my stomach.


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