𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 11

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 "Hey, I'm on my way," the message stated when I finally had a moment to look at the phone. It had been a couple of moments since the message was sent, but I made sure to apologize for the late response.

"Alright, sorry for the late response," I typed before sending the blue message button, watching the little words say delivered. Pressing the small button on the side of the device, I turned the screen to blackness before placing my phone in my pocket, returning to the front to help the customers that had just walked in. Following the same routine, I went through the same questions like a robot, pressing the small, lit-up squares on the screen. "Awesome, I'll have it right out for you," I explained, placing the medium sized cup on the counter before making my way towards the metal table. Grabbing the cheeseburger, I was approached by one of my employees.

"Hey Kevin, you used to work at that FastPass across the street there, right?" Joe asked, pointing towards the building across the street. Joey was nineteen, with short red hair and freckles all over his face.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I questioned, putting the medium sized fry inside the dirty brown bag, listening to Joey's silly sounding voice. He had an interesting voice, sometimes it would be purposefully changed but other times he would have voice cracks that would come out at the worst opportunities.

"I was curious on how the sandwiches were wrapped because I noticed that when you first started, sometimes you'd wrap the sandwiches weirdly," he explained, having a voice crack midway through the question. I chuckled as the voice crack came and went, handing out the food to the customer.

"The way I wrapped the sandwiches when I first started was the way they were wrapped at FastPass," I explained, walking back towards the empty drive through window. Leaning against it, I took my phone out of my pocket to check it.

"What was it like working there?" Joey questioned, leaning against the metal table we used to bag the food. Glancing up at him, my mind wandered to Abigail and I's shifts.

"They were... fun. Similar to how it is here, but a lot busier," I explained, looking back down at my phone. Quietly scrolling through social media, I heard Joey groan in exhaustion.

"That's crazy, it feels like it's always busy here," Joey stated, looking out at the empty parking lot. I chuckled at his response, thinking about the days with endless cars that wrapped around the building. "Is that why you never seem tired despite the number of hours you work?"

"That probably has something to do with it," I replied, looking up with a slight smirk. "My parents have always been the type to press you to do your best though, like most other parents, so I try to put the most effort I can into what I'm doing."

"That makes sense. I was just trying to get out of my parents' house," he joked, turning towards me with a wide grin. When Joey laughed, something inside just told me to laugh alongside him. The two of us chuckled with each other, filling the room with joyful vibes as we did. I couldn't explain it, this exciting, jovial feeling that swam throughout my body...

* * *

"Wow, was it really that busy there?" Taylor asked, looking up at me as I paused from my story.

"Oh yeah, there were some days when the cars would be wrapped around the building and we'd have customers inside," I explained with a wide grin. "But I enjoyed that because it meant that I would always have something to do."

"That sounds horrible, dad!" Taylor replied, eyes wide with surprise as I smiled with the memories. Working with Angela and Cassey were some of the best days I had while working there, but it was sad that I had to move on from those events.

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