𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 24

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"Now, in 1863, during the height of the civil war," my teacher, Mrs. Jolene, said in her high-pitched tone, annoying everyone in the classroom. She was rather young, with long, light brown hair that seemed perfectly straightened. Going through her power point about the civil war, I felt the sudden vibration of my phone sitting against my lap, my eyes going wide as I swiftly grabbed at it. Looking down, I saw the name, Janine, at the top of the screen with the bright green and red buttons at the bottom. Why did she have to do this now?

Quickly shooting my hand up, Mrs. Jolenes blue eyes turned in my direction, her voice calling out my name.

"Can I run to the bathroom, it's an emergency," I exclaimed, swiftly standing up as I placed my phone in my jacket pocket.

"Oh, uh, yeah sure," she replied, watching me speed out of the classroom and into the desolate hallway. Quickly swiping the bright green button, I raised the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Guess what?" her high-pitched voice asked on the other end of the call, an excited tone sitting behind the words.

"What happened?" I questioned, leaning my body against the dark blue lockers that sat on both sides of the hallway. Suddenly, my phone vibrated against my ear, a jovial chuckle coming from the phone as I moved the screen to where I could see it. Opening Janine and I's direct message chat, there was a picture of her holding a small, rectangular object. Her picture was printed around the top of the rectangle, with different information about her going down the list.

"I got my license!" she exclaimed loudly into the phone, my smile growing wide as I lifted the phone to my ear.

"That's amazing! So, you can take us to the concert next Saturday?" I questioned, her howls of excitement still going strong as we spoke to each other on the phone.

"Yeah! I'm so excited, you don't understand," she exclaimed into the phone, my smile going wide as she continued her cheers.

"Are you coming back to the school or are you staying home for the rest of the day?" I asked, Janine's excited tone turning to a loud sigh in a fraction of a second.

"Yeah, sadly," she stated, her joy disappearing like sand in the wind.

"Aw, at least we'll have lunch together," I explained, her joy coming back to her as I spoke.

"Yeah, you're right! See you then!" she called out, hanging up the phone without me getting a chance to say goodbye. Pulling the phone from my ear, I quietly looked at the phone, staring at the reflection of myself through the blackness of the screen. Through the reflection though, the only thing I could see was a wide grin.

* * *

"How's the drawing going?" I asked Emily, looking past Janine to see her sketching across the notebook paper.

"It's going really well, want to see my progress so far?" she questioned, her glasses maintaining their focus on the white piece of sketchbook paper.

"Yeah of course!" I called out, her hands stopping their motion to show us the drawing. Janine sat there quietly, looking towards Emily as she lifted the sketchbook up to show everyone her accomplishment. In the center of the page was a black figure, up righting themselves after being knocked down. From the light sketch work, it seemed as though the character was wearing leather armor and a long black cloak that flowed down his back. The most notable part of the character was the bird mask, it's long beak stretching out forward with its large, blackened eyes.

"Woah, that's really ominous looking," I explained, Janine studying the picture carefully as Emily smiled towards us.

"I like it," Janine finally replied before turning away from the picture.

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