𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 13

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The blaring sound of my alarm clock ordered me to smite it with all the strength I could possibly muster through the actions of my tired body. Slamming my palm against the long rectangular button, I silenced the annoying noise. The scenery of my room was fuzzy, only being able to comprehend the outlines of certain objects such as my wooden dresser across the room alongside the shelf beside it. Raising my body up, I allowed my eyes to adjust to the light blue tint emitting through the blinds of my window. My mind wandered to the night before, trying to figure out how I got into my bed in the first place.

All I could remember was my shift yesterday and then sitting in my bed, scrolling through social media aimlessly, but now here I was, trying to walk towards my dresser. Moving too fast, I stumbled over, catching myself just before slamming my face into the soft carpet. My body was stiff as I stood on the light tan carpet, allowing myself to wake up. With a deep sigh, I sat down on my bed before unlocking my phone screen, scrolling through social media as the minutes ticked by. Suddenly, my phone was greeted with a vibration, my eyes darting towards the top of the screen to notice a text from Janine.

"Good morning!" it stated, forcing me to tap on the small bubble that led me to the text messages.

"Hey, whats up?" I responded, waiting a moment for her reply.

"Nothin much really, you doing ok?" she questioned as I typed out my response.

"Yeah, I'm doing good, what about you?" Placing my phone down, I started getting ready for the day. Grabbing a pair of jeans, I complimented the black color with a blank, light grey t-shirt. Hearing the vibration of my phone against the mattress, I quietly walked towards it before picking it up, opening the messages.

"I'm good, got any plans today?" she asked, my fingers tapping the small letter bubbles as I typed out my reply.

"I'm just going to work after school, what are you doing?" I asked, continuing to get ready for the day. Grabbing a pair of socks, I silently wrapped my pale feet within its soft wool. Grabbing my phone, I opened it to my music app before playing a song, listening to the soft melody of the guitar. Alongside the soft melody, the singers voice flowed like water within my mind, allowing each verse to resonate with me. In a way, music seemed to make things better for me.

Thousands of people had said this before on social media or in articles, but it was so strange how the words within the song could explain your situation better than you could.

"It's in the late evenings, when the world is sleeping, that I miss you, wondering if you do," the artist, Blue Voice, sang quietly. I listened to the lyrics as I made my way to the bus stop, sitting on the curb silently as I waited for the yellow box. Checking my phone, I noticed Janine hadn't responded to my text, silently returning the screen to its state of blackness. The calm wind grazed against my body, swaying the still green trees slightly as I sat on the hard curb, looking out over the bitter gravel road. The different colored houses sat their quietly, devoid of any life within their walls.

"Whenever I see smoke, I think back to the girl I know, who's eyes were as blue as the sky, and who's hair could wipe away despair," Blue Voice sang, my mind absent of thoughts as I waited. Suddenly, the bright yellow of the bus cut through the darker atmosphere I was in, telling me to stand up with it's hissing and rumbling. My feet tapped against the hard granite, crossing the broken and distorted road so that I could be on the side facing the door. With another loud hiss, the bus came to a stop, opening its doors to welcome me within its dark interior. Walking onto the bus, I made my way towards an empty seat within the back, lowering my bag into the seat before plopping down on the dark blue leather.

Looking out the window, the sudden vibration caused me to have my phone in my hand and opened within a fraction of a second.

"Same, I might come by to pick up food though," Janine explained, the creases of my mouth growing to form a smile. Typing at the keyboard, I wrote out my response to try and forward the conversation.

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