𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 23

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"Hey guy's, ya'll ready to do the group call?" Janine texted in the group chat between us. Above the text was the time stamp of Thursday, September nineteeth, nine days until the concert. My insides were already starting to feel jittery, the excitement of the event flowing through my blood.

"I'm ready when you guys are," Emily replied, a light green bubble popping up onto the screen as I typed out my response.

"I am too," I sent, the sudden sound of my phone ringing mixed with its vibration taking over the entirety of my screen. Pressing on the bright green button, I picked up the phone, my ears immediately obliterated by Janine's loud yet warm welcoming.

"Kevin!" she exclaimed, nearly popping out of the screen as I waved back to her. My screen was split horizontally down the middle, Janine's camera above Emily's as we spoke. Janine was obviously in her room, her walls a light blue color alongside what seemed to be different posters. Emily's screen was already propped up against something, looking over her desk and sketchbook as she sat there, diligently sketching her next picture. Despite her diligence though, she looked up for a split second, her face brightening upon seeing me enter the call.

"Hey Kevin," she called out, waving her hand towards me while holding onto the bright colored pencil.

"Hi guys," I called out, lifting my body from my bed. Stepping towards my desk, I plopped down on the black chair that stood before it. "How are you today?" I asked into the phone, directing the question to no one in particular.

"I'm good, just trying to braid my hair," I heard Janine's voice call out from her end, placing my phone on a desk lamp to hold it up.

"That's cool, going for a new look?" I asked, pulling the notebook out of my school bag.

"Yeah, I thought it might look good on me," she explained as I placed the notebook on my desk, turning to a blank page.

"What about you Emily?"

"Wha-" she called out her head darting towards the camera in sudden surprise, her glasses nearly falling off her face.

"How are you?" I chuckled, Janine joining me with her chuckles.

"Oh, I'm good. Just working on a new sketch really," she explained, an awkward smile spreading across her face as she turned back towards her sketch book.

"What are you making now?" Janine questioned, her eyes turning towards the camera as she had her hands caught up in her golden hair. Grabbing ahold of my pencil, I listened to Emily explain what it was she was trying to create.

"Well, I got a special request from someone online to make a specific drawing," Emily explained, a slightly excited tone escaping from her lips. "They offered to pay me more if I could draw out a specific part of their book so that they can use it as a reference."

"Oh woah, really!" I called out, my head darting towards the camera to see Emily's excited face.

"Yeah! And the scene seems really cool too!" she replied, looking up from her sketchbook before reaching for her phone. Her camera shutting off, she continued talking into the phone to keep us informed. "I'll show you the notes that he sent me to keep in mind."

"I'm already excited to see what you're going to produce," Janine called out, continuing to twist her hair in its beautiful pattern.

"Are you sending them through the group chat?" I asked, picking up my phone, the camera staring at my forehead as I pressed the exit button. Opening the group chat, the image of Janine's camera morphed to fit within the top right of my screen.

"Yeah, it should be sending right now," Emily explained, Janine removing one hand from her hair to look towards her phone. Suddenly, an image of a list of criteria popped onto my screen, my eyes immediately looking over their words.

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