Life at Sea

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I awoke to a glimmer of light and warmth on my face. I opened my eyes slowly to look outside the window, seeing sunlight dance on top of flowing waves. Feeling stiff, I stretched my legs a little, realizing I had woken up in the same position I had fallen asleep in. My legs were tangled with Sam's, my body still comfortably resting against his. I lifted my hand from his chest and wrapped it around his torso, trying to hold on even closer. His body was so warm and tranquillizing. His breathing was deep and hypnotizing. I slowly looked up at him, only to see him already staring back at me with tired eyes, a small smile across his lips.

"Good morning," he said to me, his voice raspy and low. Morning voice.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked, apologetic for sleeping on top of him. No doubt he was as stiff as I was.

"I don't know, but it's okay. I take a while to fully wake up anyway." He smiled down at me and brushed my hair from my face with his fingertips. My heart ached at his gentleness.
"Did you sleep okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Thank you," I answered, holding him close. His hand rubbed up and down my shoulder in response. The hammock swayed with the movement of the ship and Sam let out a large yawn. I slowly, reluctantly let him go, untangling my legs from his and swinging them out of the hammock, sitting up. He lightly held onto my forearm as I grabbed onto the edge of the hammock and lifted myself out. His grip became slightly firmer as I tried to walk to the table and wash up. I looked back at him as he let my arm glide through his hand so my hand was in his. His eyes were glazed over as he looked up at me.
"They'll wonder where we are," I said, referring to our hosts above deck. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed the top of it softly, sending chills through my body. He held his gaze on me as he let go, then got up from the hammock and gathered his blankets from the floor.

"Best to not keep them waiting," he said with a smile. He slowly walked to the doorway and opened the door, looked back at me with a soft expression, then left the room and closed the door behind him.

I pulled my hair back from my face again and rested my hands on the back of my neck, letting out a sigh. I just broke all social rules and standards. If anyone found out that I had slept with a man in the same bed, let alone the same room, my reputation would be done for. My father's reputation would be ruined. I tried to shake the thought as I washed my face and braided my hair, my stomach suddenly feeling empty and grumbling.

Sam was so gentile and kind to me. He knew the risks, yet comforted me all the same. My thoughts ran back to the tender moments we shared in the hammock; how he held me so close and so respectfully, how his sleepy voice rumbled in his chest. The thought of his kisses on my forehead and on my hand sent chills through me once again. Warmth filled my chest. How could I be feeling this way? This was Sam I was thinking about. Sam.


A small knock rapped on the door.

"Come in," I said as I finished the end of my braid. A man with dark hair and bushy eyebrows opened the door holding a silver tray in his hands. The smell of roasted meat wafted through the room. My stomach growled.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle," he spoke in French, "Breakfast is served." His accent lingered as he spoke in English and he set the tray at my table. A perfect arrangement of beans, sausage, eggs, tomato, mushrooms and toast laid before my eyes, as well as a piping hot cup of tea. A perfect English breakfast.

"Oh thank you," I said as I stared at the food hungrily. "And you are?" I asked.

"Henri, mademoiselle," he bowed, "but everyone here calls me Six," he said as he lifted his right hand, revealing six fingers. "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I will be serving all of your dishes this fine journey. If you want anything, ask, and you will receive!" His cheerfulness was uplifting.

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