Under the Witness of Stars

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Jake's POV:

I awoke in the dark and still night, the waters gently rocking the ship as she glided through the water. It was on nights like these that I did the most thinking. Somehow, I knew in my bones that tonight would be our last night at sea. I longed to be above deck and listen to the sounds of the darkness. Asleep, Elenor lay next to me, facing the wall. Her skin glowed in the dimly moonlit room, hypnotizing me. I shuffled closer to her and gently brushed my fingertips over the warm skin of her shoulder. She stirred slightly and I drew back my hand, careful not to wake her. She turned toward me, and I watched as she reached her hand out, searching for my warmth. I took her into my arms, resting my chin on the top of her head as she snuggled in.

"What are you doing up?" She whispered sleepily, muffled against my chest.

"I did not mean to wake you," I apologetically confessed. She hummed as I tried to soothe her back to sleep. My thoughts felt empty yet clouded all at once. Needing to clear my head, I gently pulled back. "I must go for a walk," I said as I searched for her eyes in the dark.

"In the middle of the night?" she asked, her voice weary.

"I'll be back soon," I said as I sat up. She gripped my forearm firmly, keeping me in place.

"Let me come with you," she pleaded, to which I responded with agreement. She clothed, then wrapped the linen sheet over her shoulders to remain warm. Quietly opening the door of the room, we walked along the creaking floorboards in the hallway. We stumbled up each step to the main deck and were immediately graced by the clearness of the night sky. Each constellation was twinkling bright, guiding true. I heard Elenor gasp as she grasped my arm and marveled at the stars. All was quiet except for the gentle tossing of waves and a few men working through the night, keeping the ship steady. I led Elenor to the broadside of the ship, and we looked out at the sea reflecting the guiding lights. It felt mystical as if we were floating through the heavens itself. This was why I loved the sea. I gazed at my old friends lighting the way and confidently calculated our position. We were a mere morning away from our final destination, confirming my initial inclination. I glanced at Elenor next to me, staring into the dark waves that sparkled in the star shine. Her hair blew through the gentle breeze, framing the features on her face. Her eyes were full of wonder, I couldn't help but gaze at her and smile. The thought of her safely returning was all wanted. The benefit of her return would be great, but the cost of her return would be greater.

A sudden sickness settled in my stomach, forcing me to look out into the ocean. Thoughts of our journey coming to a close and being ripped away from each other filled my mind. I tried to prepare myself for different outcomes and choke down the worst-case scenario. My stomach flipped and my ribs suddenly twinged, making me hold my breath. I braced my side with one hand and balanced myself on the railing with the other, trying to remain masked—the reality of possible death sunk into me, causing my eyes to unfocus as I pondered deeply. My past actions would always affect those around me. Just by being around me, Elenor could be at risk. Her father may not put her in any danger, but I knew he was also someone who lived by the book. I suddenly felt her eyes on me, so I blinked a few times, remaining stoic. Would the risk of returning together be worth it? Would my presence only bring more harm to her? Her small, warm hand brushed over my forearm, forcing me to look at her. Her eyes filled with sadness, giving me a look of concern.

"This is our last–" I started to let out, only to be suddenly choked by emotion. She squeezed my arm in comfort and studied my expression.

"I feel it too," she whispered, never breaking eye contact. I pulled her into me and let out a deep sigh, soaking in her embrace. Her warmth kept me steady, allowing me to process the words I wanted to say.

"We need to be careful," I started, "I'm a danger to you."

"Only in the eyes of society," she said sincerely, still holding on. "You're not what they think." My heart burned at her words, yet worry still clogged my veins. Any form of conspiracy with a pirate could end in a death sentence.

"I'm a guilty man. I've done my share of killing and misconduct. If worse turns to worse, you could be tried for conspiracy and treason along with me," I emphasized the concern.

"My father would never let that happen," she reassured. "I would never let that happen. I've been through too much not to make it back and remain safe." She gently pulled away, still holding my hips as she looked up at me. The reflection of stars shone in her eyes, a sudden confidence I had not seen in her before. It was magnetizing, causing me to stumble over thoughts in my head.

"I still believe," I said before clearing my throat and regaining focus, "We should remain undisclosed until the matter is settled." She stared at me blankly, wondering where I was going. "For your own safety, love. Until we know for sure how this will play out." She nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation.

"Then let us be. Let us freely exist for all eternity in this moment," she pleaded. "I'll never let my love for you dim," she said as she embraced me once more, rubbing my back gently with her fingers.

"All my love is yours," I whispered, holding her close. We held each other under the witness of the stars, keeping each other hopeful and full of peace. The waves gently lapped against The Sparrow of the Dawn, grounding me entirely. We remained quiet, soaking in each other's presence and memorizing each detail of the moment. I tried to etch the serenity in my mind, keeping each sight, sound, smell, and feeling close to my heart. I washed my mind with the reflection of her eyes, her confidence bleeding into me. Every jewel buried in the earth and in the sea could never match the shine or warmth of her. I never wanted to forget this moment. Every heartbreak and horror had led us to this time together.

In the quiet, I thought about the way I had changed, how her presence and this journey had affected me. I reflected on the times I was with my crew, yet always remained alone, full of hurt and fear. I wouldn't let anyone in as much as I had liked to believe I did. I was so much more intense then. I was lucky to have seen worlds on the open ocean that many could barely dream of, but my heart was beat to death and slowly dying. Now I'm calmer in my loving and barely need to struggle to regain a sense of peace. This girl, this girl in my arms, showed me what it was like to be free and found—all my wishing and wanting to be turned into bowing to the inevitable flow of life. A new chapter, a new refinement, a new vision grew. Fear became a thing of the past. My tranquility at her presence was evidence of that. Whatever happened next in our journey, whatever the outcome, I knew I could die in peace knowing she had found me.

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