Sail to the End of the World

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"Avast, all hands," I yelled, immediately taking action before reaching the top step of the deck. As soon as I reached the top, all stopped and glanced in my direction. "The Funeral of Innocence is on our stern," I spoke directly, walking to my usual position on the quarter deck, "This is the moment we have waited for, and yet the moment we have all dreaded. Dan Deranged will not go easy on us. He is not our friend. We must do what we can to avoid contact, unless necessary. Be prepared if I call you to the oars. We will try to outrun them, and if they approach too close we'll run a shot across the bow, though, I doubt Dan Deranged will take it seriously. He knows his fleet is larger than ours. When The Funeral of Innocence comes close to our side, we have to give her everything we've got," I paused, noticing the stagnant silence of the crew, acknowledging their fear. It was justifiable, but we needed to persist in any way we possibly could. "Be prepared to fight, men. Say your prayers and look to the heavens for strength. Savvy?" I encouraged, hoping they understood what and who we were up against.

"Aye aye," the crew shouted in unison, slightly relieving my worry.

"To your stations," I ordered, and turned to observe the black sails on the horizon. I leaned over the railing and pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to release the headache that was forming behind my eyes. The safety of my crew always came first. Regret for taking them on this journey filled my veins, yet the angelic face of Elenor flashed through my mind. The people I cared for, my crew, my friends, and Elenor were all put at risk by a careless decision I made long ago. "I vow to make this right," I muttered under my breath, solidifying my intention.

Footsteps sounded from behind me and I turned to face them, the sight of Elenor catching my eye unexpectedly. "Do you pray, Captain?" she asked, a small smile on her lips. Instantly forgetting my worry, she magnetized me to herself simply by the look in her eyes. Taking her up into my arms, I looked down at her reverently, her beauty pumping courage into my body.

"I always find my strength from the sea," I smiled at her, leaning forward to breathe her in. Her lips moved slowly and passionately against mine. Desperately trying to relish in the moment, I tried to ignore the fear that this might be the last time I held her in my arms. With her arms wrapped around my waist, I pulled away slowly to identify the position of The Funeral of Innocence, closer than before.

"What is your plan of action, Captain?" she asked, boldly, her question helping me remember my focus.

"We will try to outrun them, but they will soon catch up to us," I let out a sigh and looked back down at her for strength. "As soon as they get closer I will send men to the oars, but if they approach further, I will need to pull my men out to save their energy." She nodded, understanding the risk. "We will fire a warning shot, and if that does not work, we must fight," I explained. Her eyes spoke of wonder and admiration, making me worry that she did not fully grasp the danger we were in. I glided my hands up and down her arms affectionately, wanting her to understand the uncertainty. "I need you to stay in your quarters, love," I paused, not wanting the next words to escape my mouth, "with Sam. The back of the ship will be the safest." I searched her eyes, hoping to find a glimmer of awareness.

"Are you afraid?" she asked, causing my eyebrow to raise at the unexpected question. I pondered on it for a moment. I was not afraid of what was coming, only that I may not be able to protect her once it came.

"Only of failing you," I finally let out, and she smiled up at me, genuinely.

"I'll only go when I have to. I want to be close to you," she pleaded, and I ran my hands down her arms once more, letting out a breath I was holding in. I wanted to be close to her as well, yet my mind was still full with worry.

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