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Jake's POV:

We couldn't pull away from each other, each moment spent away from one another being caught up with each kiss. My heart was spilling over with joy, sharing our moment of confessed love. Her lips were soft against my cracked ones, healing every wound I had endured to find her. Her hands roamed my body, burning my skin with every fingerprint. She combed her fingers up my neck and into my hair, tugging at the back of my scalp, driving me crazy. 

"I need you," she whispered between kisses as she dug her fingernails slightly into my shoulder, sending fire throughout my whole body. She needed me. Our minds were already connected as one, my body might as well already be hers. I pulled her gently onto my lap, giving her control. She smiled between kisses as I did so, her fingers pulling at my hair again. She pushed me back onto the bed and I melted into her touch, craving her.

"Mmm, AH," I moaned out in pain, my broken ribs betraying me. She pulled back, her eyes wide in shock. I laughed, slightly amused, but was then hit with another twinge of pain at the pressure, causing me to wince.

"Maybe we should slow down," she said quietly, gently removing herself from my lap. I gripped at her thigh as I looked longingly into her eyes, my mind wandering through ways I could still pleasure her without my ribs getting in the way. She looked at me intensely, as if reading my mind, her breathing starting to pick up rapidly. I crawled over to her, catching her lips once more, then traveling down her neck and sternum. I knelt on the floor by the edge of the bed and laid her back gently as she let out soft moans. I scrunched up her shirt as she grabbed at my hand, and I grazed down her stomach, all while fiddling with the buttons of her trousers and beginning to pull them down.


Three distinct knocks sounded at the door, causing her to jump and grip my hand tightly. I let my head fall on her thigh as I stopped, in defeat. "Bloody hell," I cursed in annoyance, slowly getting up from the floor. "Stay here, I'll get it," I said to her, leaning over to give her one last peck as she sat up. Once I turned away from her view, I winced again while holding my ribs, trying to recover. I opened the door a crack and peeked my head out, only to find Sam standing behind the door. I looked quickly behind me at Elenor sitting on the bed before slipping between the door and closing it behind me. "Sam, what the devil are you doing here?" I sneered in a whisper, frustrated that he had a knack for ruining the moment. He looked at me up and down, displeased that I had my shirt off.

"I need to see Elenor," he said, boldly.

"She's not ready for you yet, now keep it down," I forced him to whisper, glancing back at the door.

"I've known her all my life, Captain. I deserve to see her," he whispered back.

"She's not ready for you," I repeated myself, "She's been through quite a shock, Sam, these things take time. I haven't even told her you're alive just yet," I said as he stared at me in shock. "She practically broke when she saw that I was alive. I don't want her to go through that pain again," I explained.

"You wish me to be dead to her, for your own selfish gain," he spat, poking a finger at my chest angrily. I tried to control my temper as I took a deep breath, not wanting to cause a fight.

"Sam," I exhaled, "her trust is very little right now, these things take time. I'd know, I've been there before. I don't want things to be confusing to her."

"And how do you think she'd trust you after knowing you hid from her that I was alive?" He whispered angrily, his point valid. I sighed, unable to argue with him.

"Just let me talk to her first," I pleaded, earning a nod. I opened the door and slipped inside, Elenor still waiting on the bed patiently.

"I forgot being a Captain means you're a busy man," she smiled, joking at the interruption. I walked toward her and sat down seriously, picking up her hand and brushing my thumb over it nervously.

"Elenor I need to tell you something," I said, not wanting to look into her eyes, cautious with my words. She waited patiently for me to continue, squeezing my hand in support. "In Morocco I found Sam. He's on board," I said, and immediately she let out a sigh.

"Oh," she said in grief, yet slight relief, "now we can give him a proper burial," I looked up at her, her eyes full of sadness.

"No," I began as she looked at me intently, suddenly understanding the seriousness in my expression. Her body stiffened, eyes welling up in tears.

"He's alive?" She cried, unable to hold them back any longer, breaking down. "I need to see him. He's alive? Where is he? I need to see him," she spoke frantically, pushing me away. "Is he outside? Is that who you were talking to? Where is he?"

"He's on the other side of the door," I let out, not wanting to see her cry any longer.

"Oh," she sobbed, instantly running to the door and opening it. She stopped in shock as Sam stood there, holding his arms out to catch her. Her legs became weak and she fell into him, sobbing into his chest, clawing at his body. I watched as he rocked her, their reunion bittersweet. Slight jealousy burned within me, watching the same interaction between them that had occurred between us when I had found her. Was it any different? "I saw you killed," she sobbed, "I saw you." I wiped my nose with my thumb and index finger as I sat on the bed, trying to understand the weight of her emotions. She had seen him shot, near death. I couldn't imagine the emotions she was facing, with her beloved Sam holding her tight. I tried to shake the jealousy, concluding that she needed all the support she could get. I just wished it wasn't coming from Sam. I wrestled with the idea of him, trying to trust that Elenor wouldn't be too swayed by him.

"I'm here, El," he spoke softly, his own eyes tearing up.

"But how?" she asked, finally looking up at him.

"Captain Blacksmoke found me, washed up on shore. If it weren't for him, I would be dead by now," Sam spoke, brightly. She turned to me, still holding tightly onto Sam's body.

"Thank you," she breathed out, tears streaming down her cheeks. I nodded, forcing a smile. I briefly looked up at Sam, his expression disapproving, then back to Elenor. 

"Anything for you, love," I spoke, genuinely. She smiled at me, warmness in her eyes.

"I'm just glad we found you," Sam spoke up as he looked down at her and rubbed her shoulder, "There was a chance that we wouldn't have found you in time. The Barbarossa brothers," he paused, "well— come with me, I'll tell you all about it." He started pulling her down the hallway, instantly making me shoot up in a panic and face them.

"Hang on," I said loudly, stopping him in his tracks, "She's not on The Funeral of Innocence any longer. She can do as she pleases." Sam glared at me, his eyes burning into my skull. I looked down at Elenor, worry in my eyes. She smiled up at me softly, slowly pulling away from Sam's hand. She walked toward me and reached her arms up, pulling me into a deep kiss, not caring that Sam was standing right there. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her waist, drowning in the moment. Everything faded until she pulled away gently, her eyes smiling with understanding and gratitude.

"I'll be right back, we just need to catch up," she said, making me worry more at the thought of how we were 'catching up' too. "I'll be okay," she said softly, catching the worry in my eyes. 

"I trust you," I responded as I reluctantly let her go, hopeful that she would return soon. She smiled at me and squeezed my hand before turning away and following Sam through the hallway. I watched as they left, Sam throwing one last glare behind him as they walked up the stairs.

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